
East Coast TVs Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is East Coast TVs's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to East Coast TVs customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Are there any discounts or promotions available?

Yes, East Coast TVs offers various discounts and promotions to provide customers with cost-effective purchase options. We understand...
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Returns and Warranty

What should I do if I receive a damaged or defective product?

If you receive a damaged or defective product from East Coast TVs, please contact our customer service team as soon as possible. We...

Do you offer warranty for your products?

Yes, we offer warranties for all our products to ensure customer satisfaction and peace of mind. At East Coast TVs, we understand the...

What is your return policy?

Our return policy at East Coast TVs is designed to provide our customers with peace of mind and ultimate satisfaction. We offer a hassle-free...

Company Information

What is East Coast TVs?

East Coast TVs is a reputable online retailer specializing in the sale of consumer electronics and home entertainment products. We...


How long does shipping usually take?

At East Coast TVs, our shipping time typically depends on the location and the product ordered. Generally, we strive to process and...

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, East Coast TVs offers international shipping. We understand that customers from around the world may be interested in our products,...


What payment methods do you accept?

At East Coast TVs, we offer a variety of convenient payment methods to accommodate our customers. We accept all major credit cards,...

Order Management

Can I cancel or modify my order after it has been placed?

Once an order has been placed with East Coast TVs, cancellation or modification becomes more complex. We strive to accommodate our...

Product Information

Are the products brand new or refurbished?

All the products offered by East Coast TVs are brand new. We strive to provide our customers with the latest and highest quality electronics...

Do you offer installation services?

Yes, East Coast TVs offers installation services for all the products we sell. Our team of experienced technicians ensures a hassle-free...

Price and Promotions

Is there a price match guarantee?

Yes, East Coast TVs offers a price match guarantee. If you find a lower advertised price on the same brand and model TV within 30 days...

Are there any discounts or promotions available?

Yes, East Coast TVs offers various discounts and promotions to provide customers with cost-effective purchase options. We understand...

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