
Facebook Customer FAQ

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How Do I Remove Zoosk from My Facebook?

Deleting or deactivating your Zoosk account is a quick and easy process, and it can be reversed if you decide you want to use the site...

How Do I Change My Payment Method for My Ads Account on Facebook?

As you can see, there are several reasons why you may want to change your payment method for your ads account on Facebook. By following...
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Recent Facebook Customer Questions

MY personal account is disabled

If your personal account is disabled, Facebook will have sent you a message with the reasoning. Common reasons include not following the Facebook Community Standards or not having a real name on your profile. To continue, appeal the decision to Facebook. To do this, find an email you received from Facebook about the disabling of your account and follow the given instructions. Please make sure that all requested identification documents are clearly visible and correctly represent you. Be patient, as this process may take several weeks.
Asked Jun 10, 2024 12:54 AM

My personal Facebook account has been disabled please recover my account

We're sorry to hear about your disabled account! However, we do not have the ability to reinstate Facebook accounts. The option to do so lies solely with Facebook. They usually disable accounts that violate their Community Standards or Terms of Service. To attempt recovery, appeal the decision on Facebook’s "My Personal Account Was Disabled" page. You'll need to fill out a form and wait for their decision. Please ensure you provide accurate detail for a better chance at recovery.
Asked Jun 7, 2024 6:30 AM

My personal Facebook account has been disabled

We're sorry to hear that your personal Facebook account has been disabled. This usually happens because your account or your activity on it doesn't follow Facebook's Terms of Use or Community Standards. You can submit an appeal for its review. To do this, go to the "My Facebook account was disabled" page on the Facebook Help Center. You'll need to provide a valid ID to confirm your identity. After you submit your appeal, be patient as the review process can take some time. If your appeal is successful, your account will be re-enabled. Please ensure to follow Facebook's guidelines in the future to prevent this from happening again.
Asked Jun 7, 2024 6:28 AM

How would I know the update or status of my account once they're done reviewing it?

When Facebook is done reviewing your account, you will receive a notification. If your account was suspended, Facebook might also send you an email with details about your account's status. Please make sure to check the email associated with your Facebook account regularly. If you're still able to access your account, check your Support Inbox under the "Settings and Privacy" section for updates. It's important to keep in mind that review time varies and may take several days or more.
Asked Jun 2, 2024 4:51 AM

My Facebook account was hacked many years ago and the email to recover the password was changed.

We're sorry to hear you're having trouble with your account. If your Facebook account was hacked and the email for recovery has been changed, you can still regain control. Visit the "My Account Is Compromised" page and follow the instructions provided. You'll typically need to enter an old password you remember, or verify your identity through some other means that the system suggests. If the hacker has changed your password and email, you may need to go through additional verification such as identifying photos of friends. It might be a bit difficult but it's one of the ways Facebook ensures your account's security. Please follow the Facebook-provided steps diligently to regain control of your account.
Asked Jun 1, 2024 8:40 AM

Help me with my Facebook customer service issue

Account Management

How Do I Remove Zoosk from My Facebook?

Deleting or deactivating your Zoosk account is a quick and easy process, and it can be reversed if you decide you want to use the site...

How Do I Change My Payment Method for My Ads Account on Facebook?

As you can see, there are several reasons why you may want to change your payment method for your ads account on Facebook. By following...

How Do I Submit My Identification to Facebook to Get My Account Back?

There are several reasons why Facebook may suspend your account. If Facebook suspends your account, you may provide the needed documentation...

How Do I Report My Child's Picture Been Used Without Permission to Facebook?

This article outlines the steps parents can take to report the unauthorized use of your child's photo on Facebook. The article lays...

How Do I Get My Suspended Facebook Ads Account Back?

There are usually only two reasons why your Facebook Ads account was suspended: a violation of the company's advertising policies or...

How Do I Remove My Facebook Account from Showing Up in Search Results?

There are many reasons why you might want to prevent your Facebook profile from showing up in search results. Fortunately, removing...

How Do I Enhance My Security Settings on Facebook?

This article outlines how to enhance your security settings on Facebook. The article discusses some of the built-in features Facebook...

Page Management

How Do I Memorialize a Facebook Page?

You may want to memorialize a Facebook page to allow friends and family to post memories and messages, keep the profile online or prevent...

How Do I Report a Facebook Group?

This article outlines what can get a group banned from the Facebook platform via a report from a user. It briefly discusses Facebook...

How Do I Remove a Review from My Business Page on Facebook?

This article discusses the steps to take to remove a review from your Facebook business page. Two options are discussed. The first...

How Do I Block Messaging on My Facebook Business Page?

This article discusses the steps needed to take to block messaging on a Facebook business page. It shares the specific steps needed...

How Do I Delete a Facebook Business Page?

This article discusses how to permanently delete a Facebook business page. It shares the different steps to take to ensure a Facebook...

How Do I Remove Fake Reviews from My Facebook Business Page?

You cannot remove a fake review immediately as it needs to be reported to Facebook to be reviewed. Once you have reported the review...

Advertisement Issues

How Do I Reactivate My Facebook Advertising Account?

If Facebook suspends your advertising account, you can contact customer service to explain the situation and ask for help reactivating...

How Do I Report an Underage Facebook Profile?

It is vital to report any profile or account that you believe violates Facebook's terms of service. By doing so, you're helping to...

How Do I Report a Scam to Facebook?

Facebook scams come in all shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common - they're designed to steal your personal information...

How Do I Delete a Facebook Ad?

This article discusses the steps to take to delete an ad on Facebook. This step-by-step process is shared starting with logging into...

How Do I Stop an Ad Boost Campaign on Facebook?

This article discusses the steps needed to stop an ad boost campaign on Facebook. It takes the reader through the process, step by...

Privacy Settings

How Do Edit My Privacy Settings to Hide My Facebook Account?

This article outlines two methods to hide your account on Facebook. The article discusses deactivation and deletion, both of which...

How Do I Know When Someone Last Logged into My Facebook?

In just a few clicks, you can see a list of every time your Facebook account has been logged into, along with the date and time, the...

How Do I Make My Facebook Profile Info Private?

This article contains information on how to set your privacy settings on your Facebook profile. The article touches on general privacy...

Photo and Data Management

How Do I Delete an Entire Album from My Facebook?

It's a good idea to review your Facebook profile now and then. Sometimes you might come across photos you don't want on your profile...

How Do I Download a Copy of My Facebook Data?

This article discusses how to download a copy of your Facebook data. The specific steps are shared to enable Facebook users to download...

Data and Account Recovery

How Do I Recover Deleted Photos on Facebook?

This article discusses ways to recover deleted photos from Facebook. It shares optional methods of doing this as well as specific steps...

How Do I Retrieve a Hidden or Deleted Facebook Post?

You can retrieve hidden or deleted posts on Facebook in a few simple steps. If you used the "Manage Activity" feature to delete a post,...

Account Access

How Do I Add or Remove a Credit Card from My Facebook Account?

This article discusses the steps needed to add or remove a credit card from a Facebook account. It also shares that credit cards are...

How Do I Verify My Facebook Business Page?

This article discusses the necessary steps to take to have a Facebook business page verified. It also mentions the criteria needed...

How Do I Access a Deceased User's Facebook Account?

In the unfortunate event of a Facebook user's death, the company will memorialize the deceased user's page as a place for friends and...

Suspicious Activity

How Do I Block Someone on Facebook?

Sometimes, online interactions can be bothersome. If you have problems with one of your social contacts on Facebook, you need to learn...

How do I recover a hacked Facebook account?

If your Facebook account gets hacked, there are several steps you can take to recover it and prevent future hacks. First, try recovering...

How do I recover a disabled Facebook account?

If you are unable to log on to your Facebook account, it may be because your account has been deactivated. To regain access, you need...

How do I report someone that is impersonating me on Facebook?

It's frustrating but it can happen. Sometimes someone creates an account that pretends to be you. Well here's the best way to stop...

Technical Issues

Why Won't My Facebook Business Page Load?

Billions of people around the world use Facebook including personal and business pages. Sometimes, your business page might not load...

How Do I Report a Problem with Facebook Messenger?

Facebook offers several support options if you have an issue with your Facebook Messenger account. It appreciates customer feedback...

Search and Discovery

How Do I Search for Friends in Other States on Facebook?

This article talks about the difficulty of finding a particular friend's page on Facebook. It describes how to search for that friend...

Company Page Access

The Admin of My Facebook Business Account Left and Did Not Give Me the Password How Do I Get Access to My Company Page?

If you have lost access to your Facebook Business Account because your admin left without giving you the password, first see if you...

How Do I Unlink My Facebook Business Page and My Personal Account?

This article explains how you can unlink your personal account from your Facebook business page. If you have a Facebook business page,...

Security Concerns

How do I change or reset my Facebook password?

Security is super important these days, especially when it comes to protecting your Facebook account. Here's how you can change or...

How do I recover my Facebook account if I can't receive the security code?

This text provides a step-by-step guide on how to recover a Facebook account when users are unable to receive the security code. It...

Contacting Facebook Support

How do I report that something isn't working on Facebook?

With so many different features, it's not uncommon to log into Facebook and realize that something isn't working. Don't worry, we've...

How do you contact Facebook if you have a problem?

There are all kinds of problems that come up with your Facebook account. We've researched a bunch of common problems and resolved then...
FAQ Table of Contents

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