What Do I Do If My Groupon Shipment Is Missing?

Missing shipments can be a frustrating experience for anyone. Groupon offers updates on its website to track your product shipment and when to expect the arrival of your product. If the delivery is past the window, contacting Groupon's live chat or email support is the quickest way to solve your shipment issue. Give a detailed email or live chat message to Groupon customer support, so they have all the information they need for a solution.

Jeff Whelpley is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Dec 16, 2020

As a buyer, a missing shipment can be a frustrating experience that can lead to wasted time looking for a solution. In this guide, you will learn how to solve the problem of a missing Groupon shipment and have the product delivered to its rightful owner.

Tracking a Package from Groupon

When you have bought a product from Groupon's extensive collection of exclusive deals, Groupon places a tracking number on your shipment to give you updates on the status of your item. You will get step-by-step updates such as the package reaching a certain step in your postal carrier's system. You will also receive a predicted date your item will be shipped to you.

To see updates of your Groupon shipment:

  1. Log into your Groupon account on their website
  2. In the upper-right corner of the homepage of the website, click the Help option that is located above My Stuff.
  3. You will be taken to the customer support page, and you will see all the items you have ordered using Groupon to date.
  4. Click the product you have not received, and you will see order details and a tracking number link that will be able to track your package from the website of your postal carrier.
  5. If you do not see your order on this page, contact Groupon to resolve this problem and see what the status is of this shipment.

Groupon Order has not Shipped

In some cases, there has been a delay in the shipment of your Groupon order for various reasons. Your product may still be processing things such as confirming payments, and the warehouse is preparing your order for delivery. But, if the stated delivery window has passed, it is time to contact Groupon for help. Groupon customer support offers a responsive live chat and email support feature that can quickly fix your problem.

Groupon Live Chat

When you click the live chat feature on Groupon's website, a live chat box will open quickly, and a customer service representative will promptly greet you, asking how they can help you. Respond with a detailed explanation of your order, such as the tracking number and the order details you received when making the purchase.

Groupon Email Support

If there are no live chat representatives available at the moment, your next best option is to reach out via email to customer support. The average response time is 24-hours, and they will give you any updates you need to know about your shipment.

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Jeff truly believes that all customers deserve good service. He’s been building tools, inventing phone tree hacks and helping customers since before his days at GetHuman. He's also a Google GDE and involved in the Angular community.
What Do I Do If My Groupon Shipment Is Missing?

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Asked 4 years ago
Updated 4 years ago
Viewed 496,437 times
My Groupon shipment is missing
How to fix a Groupon shipment issue

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