In a nutshell: When ordering from Walmart, it's important to know that items may be shipped from different warehouses and arrive separately with different tracking numbers. If there are missing items, it is recommended to check the order details first to see if the items were split into multiple packages. You can track your order by logging into your account or clicking the shipping confirmation email. You can also check your email receipt to see if the item purchased was substituted or out of stock. If the entire order is missing, check the delivery confirmation photo and the address in your account. If you are missing items after receiving the order, you can contact Walmart through their chat support for assistance and potentially request a refund.
Walmart items may be shipped from different warehouse locations, which means they may arrive separately. Each package will also have a different tracking number. If there are missing items, it's best to check the orders first before contacting Walmart. Find out if the orders were split into multiple packages and when you should receive each one of them. Read this guide if there are missing items on your order; we'll cover all the steps you need to take to recover those missing items. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact Customer Support.
Do each of the steps below:
Track your order by logging in to your account. Use the email address associated to your order. You can also track the order by clicking the shipping confirmation email.
Choose Account once logged in.
Scroll down to find your order and click Track Shipment.
The process is the same when logged in to the app. Select Account, Purchase History and Track Shipment.
You can also check the receipt sent to your email to see if the item purchased was substituted or out of stock.
Do this step if the entire order is missing. You can check the delivery confirmation photo by tracking the Shipment under your Account. If you don't recognize the doorway in the image, check the address in Google Maps to see if the pin is correct. If not, tap Chat With Us to talk to Walmart's customer service representative.
You may want to also check with your neighbors or household members because they may have received your package. Check the address in your account and make sure there are no numerical mistakes or spelling errors. In some cases, the carrier may also mark the items as delivered before they even arrive.
Contact Walmart by tapping Chat With Us when the orders have been received but you're still missing some items. You need to also get in touch with Walmart if you were charged for items you haven't received. You may also request for a refund if the items have been delivered and you haven't received the package or if you were charged for the items that haven't arrived yet.
Before getting in touch with Walmart, check the order details first. Did you see any specific delivery instructions on the order or does the item require a signature? You may also want to check if the items were delivered to your home address or the business address. If it's the business address, check for the specific hours of operation. If the items are still missing, the last step would be to contact Walmart Customer Support for assistance.
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