
WhatsApp Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

How do I Contact WhatsApp Customer Service?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to WhatsApp customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

How Do I Change the Phone Number on My WhatsApp Account?

If you have WhatsApp and you also have a new phone number, you need to change your number on WhatsApp. That way, you can still have...

How Do I Delete a Sent Message Before Someone Reads It on WhatsApp?

In WhatsApp, you can delete a sent message before the recipient reads it. This can be handy to correct a mistake or remove an embarrassing...
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Recent WhatsApp Customer Questions

Как мне восстановить доступ Ватсапп на номере +79284230254 после ошибочой блокировки

Для восстановления доступа к WhatsApp после ошибочной блокировки вам необходимо следовать инструкциям, которые предоставит служба поддержки WhatsApp. Обычно это включает в себя проверку вашего номера телефона и возможные шаги по подтверждению вашей личности. Мы рекомендуем вам ознакомиться с самой актуальной информацией о восстановлении доступа на странице, которую вы сейчас просматриваете.
Asked Mar 1, 2025 12:13 PM

تم تهكير حسابي الواتس وانا استعمله لغايات شخصيه ارجو حل المشكله سريعا وتم حضر حسابي ايضن

عذرًا، لكن لا يمكننا المساعدة في استعادة الحسابات المخترقة أو الموقوفة. نوصي بزيارة الرابط المتوفر على هذه الصفحة للحصول على معلومات حول استعادة الحساب وحل المشاكل المتعلقة به.
Asked Feb 26, 2025 9:58 AM

تم سرقة حسابي الشخصي وتغيير رقم التعرييف الخاص به ولا استطيع التسجيل فيه مرة اخري وانا المالك الوحيد لهذا الخط ساعدوني من فضلكم وهذه هو رقمي وانا المالك له وباسمي عاصم يوسف عبد الفتاح ابو غرام 01145183550

نأسف لسماع أنك تواجه مشكلة في الوصول إلى حسابك. يُفضل اتباع التعليمات المتعلقة باستعادة الحساب على صفحة الدعم الخاصة بواتساب. هناك رابط للمعلومات المتعلقة بالاتصال بواتساب موجود هنا في هذه الصفحة، يمكنك الاطلاع عليه لمساعدتك في حل المشكلة.
Asked Feb 24, 2025 12:20 PM

У меня есть два аккаунта вотсап, если я в одном из аккаунтов нажму смену номера и введу номер другого действующего аккаунта ватсап, что произойдет с действующим аккаунтом номер которого я введу ?

Если вы измените номер на одном из аккаунтов WhatsApp и введете номер второго действующего аккаунта, то второй аккаунт будет отключен. То есть, все данные и настройки второго аккаунта перенесутся на первый аккаунт, а второй аккаунт будет закрыт. Будьте внимательны при смене номера, чтобы не потерять доступ к важной информации.
Asked Feb 24, 2025 10:36 AM

la version de mon appli watsapp indique qu'elle ttermine dans 3 jours, et je n'arrive pas à télécharger la nouvelle version

Pour continuer à utiliser WhatsApp, assurez-vous que votre appareil est compatible et que vous disposez d'une connexion Internet stable. Essayez de vérifier les mises à jour dans le magasin d'applications de votre appareil. Si la mise à jour ne s'affiche pas, essayez de redémarrer votre appareil ou de libérer de l'espace de stockage.
Asked Feb 19, 2025 11:26 AM

Help me with my WhatsApp customer service issue

Account Management

How Do I Change the Phone Number on My WhatsApp Account?

If you have WhatsApp and you also have a new phone number, you need to change your number on WhatsApp. That way, you can still have...

How Do I Delete a Sent Message Before Someone Reads It on WhatsApp?

In WhatsApp, you can delete a sent message before the recipient reads it. This can be handy to correct a mistake or remove an embarrassing...

How Do I Delete My WhatsApp Account?

You may have been an avid WhatsApp user, but now you've decided to delete your account. Whatever your reasons, the process to deleting...

How Do I Get a Refund from WhatsApp?

This article discusses the issue of getting a refund for charges made on calls and messages sent over WhatsApp. While the app is free...

How Can I Recover My Banned WhatsApp Account?

WhatsApp is a messaging platform that allows users to send personal and group messages and share news. Sending bulk or automated messages...

How Do I Appeal a WhatsApp Ban?

If you face a WhatsApp ban, determine whether it's temporary or permanent. If permanent, contact WhatsApp support and clearly explain...

What Do I Do If My WhatsApp Account Was Hacked?

WhatsApp is a popular platform for instant messaging, but it also raises the risk of unauthorized access and hacking. If your account...

How Do I Get My Old WhatsApp Account Back?

This guide provides steps to restore your old WhatsApp account by checking for backups, reinstalling the app, and re-registering your...

What Do I Do If My Account Is Locked on WhatsApp?

Users who violate WhatsApp's terms and conditions may be locked out or banned from using the app. This can be prevented by adhering...

Messaging Features

How Can I Send Videos Using WhatsApp?

You can send up to a three-minute video on WhatsApp. Record one directly in the app or use a pre-recorded video to share moments with...

What Do I Do If My Message Was Sent but Not Delivered on WhatsApp?

If you have a problem with WhatsApp not delivering some of the messages you send, you probably want to get the problem fixed as quickly...

How Do You Know If Someone Has Turned Your Read Receipts Off on WhatsApp?

When you send a message on WhatsApp, you want to make sure the person receives and reads it. While WhatsApp does have a method of knowing...

How Do I Know If Someone Muted Me on WhatsApp?

Whatsapp's muting option is a good way to keep the noise from incoming message notices silent during certain pre-set periods of time....

How Do I Find Out If Someone Has Blocked Me on WhatsApp?

There are many ways to find out whether someone has blocked you on Whatsapp. The best way to find out is to send your contact a message...

Privacy and Security

How Do I Report a Scam to WhatsApp?

Because of its worldwide popularity, WhatsApp has become fertile ground for scammers looking to obtain money illegally from users in...

How Do I Know If My WhatsApp Is Being Tracked?

Spyware on WhatsApp is becoming an increasing problem. If you are worried that your WhatsApp account is being spied on, there are some...

How Do I Block Contacts from Calling Me on WhatsApp?

Using WhatsApp is a great way to stay in touch with people. It's free, easy to use, and only requires an internet connection. However,...


Why Am I Getting Random WhatsApp Messages?

Using WhatsApp is convenient and helps you stay in touch with family and friends worldwide. It also leaves you vulnerable to receiving...

How Do I Know If WhatsApp Is Down?

When using WhatsApp you want to make sure it works every time you log into the app on your smartphone or tablet. While it is often...

Why Is WhatsApp Not Sending Messages to One Person?

When you are trying to send messages on WhatsApp, it's frustrating when the texts are not being sent. Whether it is a glitch in the...

Why Is My WhatsApp So Laggy?

If your WhatsApp is lagging, you probably want to get it back up to speed as quickly as you can. There are several things you can try...

What to Do If I'm Having Trouble with My WhatsApp App

WhatsApp has over two billion active users and billions of messages sent each day. If you're experiencing issues with the app, check...
We look to the WhatsApp issues that customers have reported to GetHuman to decide which questions are the most common and how much time to spend researching how to solve them.
WhatsApp issues reported to GetHuman
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