How do I speak to someone at for a question about my booking?

Travel can be stressful and sometimes you may have simple questions about your booking but don't know where to go or whom to ask. Here's how to inquire about a booking you have with

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Jul 9, 2019 is a great service that gives hotel shoppers access to tons of information about hotels in any given area. Shoppers can go online, peruse hotel listings in the area of their choice, and learn as much as possible about a particular hotel. You can also book directly from the site. However, hotel shoppers may book a hotel reservation on and need to make changes. Fortunately, there are a few different ways that a shopper can do this.

Customer Service

There are several different ways to contact If you have questions or need to make changes to your reservation, the easiest way to contact is through their customer service number. You can simply call customer service, give a reference or booking number, and make as many changes to your reservation as needed. You can also ask any questions you may have.


If you don't want to phone customer service, you can always contact online. Simply log in and go to your "visit my bookings page." You can access help online using this method. You can also use the help center to look for any FAQ you may have.

Property Details

You can also make complaints or ask questions by navigating to "compose a new message" and selecting "property details." Using this method will allow you to make general inquiries as well as complaints. You can describe your problem or question in detail and a team member will call you back.

Email Support and Social Media

You can also access customer service through email. This option is available 24/7. You will receive a response as well as answers via email. This option will provide customer service using a completely phone-free option. This option may allow people with questions to receive answers quicker than the other phone-based options. Most people receive a response in twenty-four hours and the typical response time is in the early afternoon. If you have a Twitter account you can get help through the Twitter page. Simply contact them on Twitter and you will get a response. makes it easy to get the help you need and ask as many questions as possible. This company provides a variety of different ways to reach out. Depending on your preferences and your time constraints, you can choose the best contact method to suit your specific situation and preferences.

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
How do I speak to someone at for a question about my booking?

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Asked 5 years ago
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