How Do I Cancel My Reservation?

If you want to cancel your reservation, we can help. First, use your login information and "Sign In" on the website. Next, hover over your full name on the website after you're logged in and click "Bookings". Both your past and future bookings will be listed on the following web page. Click "Manage my Reservation" next to the reservation you want to cancel. If it is refundable, click "Cancel My Reservation" on the next page. After you confirm, you're done. However, if your reservation is non-refundable, don't cancel it unless you don't care if you are refunded or not. Instead, you could try pleading your case with the hotel directly or with customer support. If you want to talk to customer support, we can help. Use our contact page to speak to a human directly at and get the help you need now.

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Apr 28, 2020

Did you make a reservation on that you're not quite happy with? Would you like to cancel it now? We understand, and we're here to help you. In this guide, we're going to show you how to do just that.

Before we start, be sure you have your login information. This includes the email address and password you used when you signed up for

1) First, head over to the website and click on "Sign In" at the top of the web page.

2) Enter your email address and password and make sure you're logged into

3) After you're logged in to, hover over your name on the top of the page, and look for the "Bookings" link. Click that link to proceed.

4) Now you will be on the web page that will display all of your past and future reservations. Here you can manage your reservations.

5) Look for the reservation that you want to cancel and click the "Manage My Reservation" link next to it.

6) On this page, look carefully for the "cancel my reservation" link. It can be a little difficult to find. But, you'll see it listed there. However, be careful when you get to this step! If your reservation is non-refundable, you can cancel your reservation, but that doesn't mean you will get a refund.

7) Look carefully at the refund policy for your reservation before you click the "cancel my reservation" link. If it's refundable, then simply click "cancel my reservation" and the "confirm" button, and you're done. You will receive a refund as specified on the page after you confirm your cancellation.

8) However, if your reservation is non-refundable and you want to attempt to cancel your reservation, you really only have two options. The first is to contact the hotel directly and plead your case. They don't have to refund you, technically, but they might do it if you have a reservation that's months in the future, or if you have special circumstances and they are feeling kind.

9) If the hotel doesn't respond, you can still try contacting to please your case. They likely won't be able to do anything if your reservation is non-refundable. However, it's worth a shot. Click here for information on how to get a "human" to help you at

10) If you weren't able to follow the instructions above for any reason, we also recommend that you use our contact page to talk to a human at for help with canceling your order. You can do that by clicking here:

cancel my reservation reservation cancel cancel reservation

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
How Do I Cancel My Reservation?

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