How Do I Schedule an Installation Appointment with Optimum?

If you have settled on Optimum as your internet service provider and already settled on the internet plan that suits you, you only have one step to go, the installation. You can contact Optimum through the phone to have the date and time set. Confirm your address then pick the most convenient date and time. Once you have made the payment, Optimum will assign you an installation team. You can also install the equipment on your own.

Installations can sometimes take a little bit of your time. Once you are settled on Optimum as your internet service provider, the only thing left to do is the installation, and you will be all set. Getting an installation appointment is easy. All you need is to follow these steps.

Step 1: Contact Optimum

Once you have finished paying for the desired package, log onto the Optimum webpage. Get in touch with Optimum by clicking on the contact at the top of your screen. On the other side of the call is an Optimum representative. You will be in the hands of specialists who will ask you to confirm your address. Note that all the information you offer will remain confidential, and Optimum will only use it for installation and repairs only.

Step 2: Choose the Installation Address

Give the address of the location for installation. The address represents the exact location of your home or office where the installation equipment and the team will arrive. If you are moving to a new location, do not give your current location, or else the equipment and the installation team will show up at your old address.

Step 3: Select a Date and Time for Installation

Choose a day when you can be present for the installation. It's not mandatory that you be available during the installation, but your presence offers some logistical and security advantages. Select a day about two weeks off that coincides with the expiration of your current internet plan to avoid an internet service lapse.

Step 4: Confirm the Installation Request and Your Details

If you plan to do self-installation, make sure you have selected a convenient location for the shipment of the equipment. Make sure you are present to receive the equipment. Confirm the address to avoid confusion and shipping to the wrong place. If you are planning to move and the current occupants of your future house have not moved out yet, mention this to the Optimum representative. The representative will make arrangements with the current occupants.

Step 5: Pay for Installation

Last but not least, pay for the installation. Unless you plan to perform the installation yourself, you will need to pay for the services. The Optimum installation fee is around $80. The payment covers outsourced services since optimum does not conduct the installation. The payment will be the final step in scheduling the installation. Once it's done, Optimum will go ahead and assign you an installation team.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
How Do I Schedule an Installation Appointment with Optimum?

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Asked 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
Viewed 809,865 times
Schedule an installation appointment with Optimum
Get in touch with Optimum
Confirm the Installation request

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