How Do I Let FedEx Know About a Missing Delivery?

FedEx have an incredible package delivery track record. If you have a missing FedEx delivery, you should check if the package was left on your premise or with a neighbor. If you were not available the courier will leave a message. You can organize for a redelivery or contact customer support about a missing FedEx delivery.

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Oct 25, 2019

FedEx has a stellar record of punctuality and package delivery. You will rarely hear of a package delivery issue regarding FedEx which is why they are one of the most successful shipping companies in the world. FedEx's delivery track record is legendary but there are still cases of missing, incomplete and damaged deliveries from time to time.

You should report a missing delivery issue to FedEx as soon as possible. You should report the problem within three days of FedEx missing their stipulated delivery date. If the delivery issue concerns overnight delivery you should contact them the very next day.

If you are not present to accept a FedEx delivery, the courier will leave an attempted delivery notice. You can then use the notice to ask for another delivery using the FedEx delivery tool on their website. You will need to enter your tracking number, email address and phone number to use the tool. You will then schedule another delivery for a time when you will be available to receive the delivery.

To report a missing delivery problem with FedEx, you will have to contact their customer service department. You should have your package order number and personal information ready to receive assistance quickly. You can contact them through any of the following methods:


Calling the FedEx customer support team is by comparison the best way to report a delivery problem. A phone call is quick and the FedEx customer service number. When reporting a missing delivery problem, ensure you speak clearly and courteously to get as much help as possible. The phone number is always open so you can contact them whenever you please. A live customer care agent will resolve the problem but you may have to wait a while to receive your missing delivery. You can get FedEx's customer service number from GetHuman.


You can also send the customer service department team at FedEx an email. An email has the benefit of giving a customer more space to describe the delivery problem than any other method. You can write a lengthy message that conclusively presents your problem. However, try to be as concise as you possibly can. When you write FedEx an email expect a reply at any time. Use simple language with correct grammar and spelling to successfully deliver your message. You can find the FedEx customer service email at GetHuman.

Live chat

A live chat is like a written phone call. You will get instant feedback from a live customer care agent at FedEx. However, you may have to wait a while to get a reply from a live agent. You can retrieve the link to live chat with FedEx Agents from GetHuman and find out when the lie chat is open.

Help desk

You can also report a delivery problem to FedEx using their online help desk. You should use this avenue of communication for issues that are not urgent since it takes a long time for FedEx to fix a problem presented to them in this manner. You can obtain the FedEx online help desk address from GetHuman.

Social media

The method of last resort should be social media. FedEx has a page on every social media platform. You can contact them via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Plus and Instagram among others. To report a problem with a delivery you should send them a direct message on any of their social media platforms. It is not advisable to send them a tweet or write a post on their Facebook page as many customers do this already and it will be a long time before your problem is addressed. A direct message is faster and more personalized. Log on to your favorite platform and report your delivery problem to FedEx.

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
How Do I Let FedEx Know About a Missing Delivery?

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Asked 5 years ago
Updated 5 years ago
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missing FedEx delivery
let FedEx know about missing delivery
Missing Delivery
contact customer support
Missing Delivery
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