Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 1819

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #1819. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported October 10, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I have unfortunately been hacked. I mistakenly believed I had won a competition through a friend's compromised account. The hacker has taken control of my Instagram and Facebook accounts and altered the recovery email address, preventing me from resetting my password. This incident has greatly affected me, especially considering my existing mental health struggles. My email linked to the accounts is [redacted] I am Phil Williams, and my Instagram handle is phil.williams.[redacted]. My contact number is +[redacted]06.
Reported by GetHuman8656595 on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 8:19 PM
Verify Your Identity for Facebook In order to access your Facebook account, you must verify your identity as a security measure. Safeguard your account Two-factor authentication is essential to ensure the security of your account in case of any unauthorized login attempts. Whenever there is a login detected from a new device or browser, a login code or alternative verification method will be required to confirm your identity. Setting up two-factor authentication is mandatory to continue using Facebook securely.
Reported by GetHuman-rasayem on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 4:20 AM
I am having trouble logging into my Facebook account as it was hacked and the email associated with it was changed to [redacted] by the culprit. I need assistance in recovering my account as it is linked to my Instagram. Please, Facebook team, help me reclaim my account. Username: Ayushi Anand Chug Email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8657219 on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 10:41 AM
About six months ago, in March or April, my account was compromised and hacked. I am unsure how or why, as I am very cautious when it comes to downloading anything from the internet and I always avoid clicking on any links. During that time, when I tried to log into Facebook, I discovered that my account password had been changed and a two-factor authentication was set up. As a result, I am now permanently locked out unless I can have it disabled. There is another email linked to my account, which is very long, but I do not have access to it. The email that should be associated with my account is [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8658003 on Wednesday, October 11, 2023 10:43 PM
Hello Facebook Support, I am following up regarding previous emails sent in July with no response. Our team is facing an issue with an invoice received from META for a Facebook Ad that was abruptly cut off, and we are unable to view the charges. Here are the transaction details: - Transaction Date: Jun 21, [redacted] 20:14:41 SST - Transaction ID: 0J188145SB215535G - Invoice ID: [redacted][redacted] Additionally, we are unable to access our Facebook account ([redacted]) and our 4 Facebook pages. As the account manager for our company's Facebook presence, I am concerned about unauthorized access. Our team members have confirmed they only posted job listings on the pages, and we suspect no unusual activity. We are unsure if the hacker made any unauthorized posts on our behalf. Please assist as we are unable to manage our company pages effectively. User: Lee K. ([redacted][redacted]); [redacted] Ads Account ID: [redacted][redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8658272 on Thursday, October 12, 2023 6:52 AM
Good afternoon, My Instagram account is @this.jony.s. I do not believe I have violated any community guidelines and suspect my account was mistakenly deactivated. I kindly request assistance in forwarding the details of my account to the relevant Instagram department for resolution and unblocking. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Have a good day! Thank you!
Reported by GetHuman-sofiko on Thursday, October 12, 2023 8:20 AM
Hello Facebook Team, I am a genuine user of this account. I have been experiencing the issue of a review being requested for my Facebook account for quite some time. I have already provided all my identification, which should be sufficient to reactivate my account. However, I have not received any response from your team. I kindly request you to review my appeal and reactivate my Facebook account at your earliest convenience. Please help me recover my account 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 and give me one last chance. Thank you in advance. Facebook Account Details: Name: Sanskari Kushi
Reported by GetHuman-kishmaty on Thursday, October 12, 2023 10:47 AM
Hello, I am reaching out for assistance regarding my Facebook account that was hacked and disabled on Monday, October 9, [redacted]. Every link and form I try to fill out leads to a dead end. The email, name, and phone number associated with my account were changed by the hacker, making it impossible for me to follow the necessary steps to recover my account. Initially, every link redirects me to sign in or find the account using the email, phone number, or name, all of which were altered by the hacker. My name was changed to "Dior Meta Copyright Infringement," my email was modified, and my phone number was removed. Additionally, my friends were blocked, and all details in the account were tampered with before it was disabled. When I attempt to recover my account using my email, it indicates that my account is disabled. Trying to fill out the form only results in a message stating that the provided email, phone number, and name do not match any account, as everything was changed by the hacker prior to the account being disabled. This situation has caused me 72 hours of stress and panic, losing access to 15 years' worth of memories. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman8658630 on Thursday, October 12, 2023 2:18 PM
Dear Facebook Team, I am a genuine user of this account. I have been experiencing an ongoing issue with review requests on my Facebook account. I have already provided all my necessary identification to prove my authenticity, but unfortunately, I have not received any response from your team. I kindly ask for your assistance in reviewing my appeal and reopening my Facebook account at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance. Account Details: Name on Facebook: Sanskari Kushi
Reported by GetHuman-kishmaty on Thursday, October 12, 2023 3:39 PM
Hello Facebook Team, I am a genuine user of this account. I have been encountering a "review requested" issue on my Facebook account for a while. I have already submitted all the necessary identification to verify and reopen my account, but unfortunately, I have not received any response from your team. I kindly request you to review my appeal and reactivate my Facebook account promptly. I have been unable to log in to my account on my mobile, so I would appreciate it if you could assist with that. Thank you in advance. Account Details: Account Name: Sanskari Kushi
Reported by GetHuman-kishmaty on Thursday, October 12, 2023 3:42 PM
Someone has been using my Facebook account without my permission and posted copyrighted material, which has led to my account being under review and reported for copyright infringement. I need help because I did not post or share any intellectual properties. I have been using my Facebook for over a year now to message my family. I have already contacted the company that reported me and informed them it was not me but that my account was hacked and someone intentionally posted the material to get me reported. Please assist me in recovering my Facebook account.
Reported by GetHuman-lilunoqu on Thursday, October 12, 2023 4:44 PM
Hello Facebook Team, I am reaching out because my Facebook account has been locked since October 6, [redacted]. I am unable to confirm my identity and I kindly request your assistance to unlock it. In order to verify my identity, I can provide you with the following details. Please verify them and provide me with a code via email to unlock my account: Owner Name: R.V. Email: [redacted] Password: rahul@[redacted] Number: [redacted] This account is very important to me, and I would appreciate any alternative options you can offer to unlock it. Thank you, राधेश्याम विश्वकर्मा
Reported by GetHuman8658890 on Thursday, October 12, 2023 5:11 PM
I have the Facebook app on my iPhone, iPad, and computer. Recently, I can only log in on my iPhone; the computer is locked, and my iPad requires authentication. I'm not receiving the needed email or text with the authentication number, leaving me unsure of what to do. This is not only frustrating but also preventing me from playing Pokemon Go, as it was linked to my Facebook for recovery. Since I can't log in, I'm unable to play the game. Despite reaching out multiple times without a response, I still need assistance. The situation is incredibly frustrating, and I am struggling to deal with it. Please help me resolve this issue.
Reported by GetHuman-janatom on Thursday, October 12, 2023 10:46 PM
Dear Facebook Team, My Facebook account has been disabled for no apparent reason, and it is very important to me. I have submitted a request from my other account to have it reviewed. Please, could you look into this matter and enable my Facebook account. Your assistance in this regard would be greatly appreciated as I am currently unable to access my account. Account details: Username: Koo Kie Birthday: March 4, [redacted] Email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-aungthid on Friday, October 13, 2023 12:06 AM
Naresh, your account has been locked due to unusual activity. This could mean that someone has accessed your account without your knowledge. The account was locked on October 12, [redacted]. For your security, your profile will not be visible to others on Facebook, and you will not be able to use your account. [redacted] Naresh Kumawat [redacted] [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8659883 on Friday, October 13, 2023 2:50 PM
My personal Facebook account was recently compromised and deactivated without my authorization. On September 24, I foolishly clicked on a suspicious link sent through Facebook messenger from an unfamiliar sender. Subsequently, I received an email acknowledging that my Facebook email had been altered by an individual who logged in from the United States. Because I am located in Georgia, this change was clearly unauthorized. I promptly attempted to regain entry to my account and protect it, but I was unsuccessful in logging in. Despite trying to reset my password, the reset emails were being sent to the new unauthorized email associated with my account. It appears the hacker has assumed control of my account and has complete access, resulting in the deactivation of my Facebook account in a short span of time.
Reported by GetHuman-ilonapa on Friday, October 13, 2023 8:26 PM
Hello, I suspect someone is attempting to access my account ([redacted]) without my permission. This has occurred multiple times. I can confidently state that I did not initiate these requests since I am familiar with my password and have maintained this account since [redacted]. Could you please disclose the geographical location from which these unauthorized login attempts were made? I am aware that tracing this information is feasible (Google can also assist in tracking this). I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Thank you, Rajil
Reported by GetHuman-rajil_a on Friday, October 13, 2023 9:16 PM
Hello Facebook team, I am a genuine user of this account. Your security system mistakenly disabled my personal Facebook account citing a violation of community standards. I have submitted all the necessary identification to verify my account. I kindly request you to review my appeal and reactivate my Facebook account promptly. Thank you, Facebook team ❤️❤️ - S. Priyanka - Mobile: [redacted] - Country: New Delhi
Reported by GetHuman8660595 on Saturday, October 14, 2023 3:48 AM
Hello, I am Mahesh Dubli. I am having trouble accessing my Facebook account, [redacted], as it seems someone has hacked it. The hacker changed the email address linked to the account to an @hotmail one and also altered the password. I am unable to log in. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in recovering my account. You can locate my account with the username "maheshdubli". I remember my old password, the one before it was changed by the hacker. If you require any additional details, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8660658 on Saturday, October 14, 2023 5:24 AM
Hello Facebook team, I am writing to address the disabling of my Facebook account on October 14th. The reason for this action is unclear to me. I have been regularly sharing selling posts in private groups for an extended period. Recently, when I attempted to make a sell post, Facebook flagged it for an unspecified issue. Although I am confident there are no trademark violations, I was temporarily restricted for three days. Subsequently, after posting in the same group, my account was disabled. I believe there may have been a misunderstanding by Facebook in evaluating my post. I kindly request a review of my account and its restoration at your earliest convenience.
Reported by GetHuman-mdarifuj on Saturday, October 14, 2023 6:59 PM

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