Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 1818

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #1818. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported October 6, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Dear Facebook team, I am writing to address the suspension of my Facebook account which occurred inadvertently due to a mistake by my friend. The notification displayed "Mohamed Shaqiq" and states that my account has been suspended for [redacted] days with the option to appeal, otherwise it will be permanently disabled. The suspension was initiated on 26 September [redacted]. My Facebook account holds great importance to me. I have submitted a request from my alternate account with all the necessary details. I kindly request you to review the information provided and reinstate my Facebook account. Account details: Username: Mohamed Shaqiq Email: [redacted] Country: Sri Lanka I believe there may have been a misunderstanding as I primarily use the account for personal purposes. Your assistance in resolving this matter and restoring access to my account would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-mrshaqiq on Friday, October 6, 2023 6:23 AM
I have a Facebook advertising account that I use to promote my dance store specializing in twerking and modern dance clothing. Recently, my account got blocked by Facebook for allegedly promoting adult content, despite our ads being in no way explicit. When I log in, I see a message stating that my advertising account has been permanently disabled, and this is the final decision. Can someone confirm if there is any way to appeal this or if this situation is truly irreversible?
Reported by GetHuman8650836 on Friday, October 6, 2023 7:00 AM
Hello, I am reaching out because I have a major issue with my Facebook account. Over a week ago, my email address, Instagram, and Facebook accounts were hacked, resulting in Facebook disabling my account. I have verified my identity, but my Facebook account remains blocked, and I don't understand why. I have done nothing wrong. I have had my account for several years without any issues. Facebook may have blocked my account due to a certain Instagram account, but I don't know the name of the account Facebook mentioned. My phone number is [redacted], and my email is [redacted]. My Instagram account is laeti-mat-kyl. I am attaching evidence of the hacking of my accounts. Please help me recover my Facebook account, as it is very important to me. I lost my mother-in-law in December [redacted], and I would like to retrieve her comments and other important interactions on my children's photos. Best regards, Laetitia Lacour
Reported by GetHuman-matkyl on Friday, October 6, 2023 9:40 AM
I am Reuben Piscopo. Unfortunately, my Facebook account was hacked today. The individual changed both my password and email address. My genuine email is [redacted], and my phone number is +[redacted]7. The link to my profile is www.facebook.com/buddhagrass. The hacker is currently using the email [redacted] I am deeply concerned about losing access to my photography portfolio and the numerous contacts within the field. Thank you. Reuben Piscopo.
Reported by GetHuman8650694 on Friday, October 6, 2023 9:47 AM
Dear Facebook team, I am a genuine user of this account, and my personal Facebook account was mistakenly disabled by your security team for allegedly violating community standards. I have provided all the necessary identification to prove my identity and request the reopening of my Facebook account. I hope you will review my appeal promptly and reinstate my account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8651138 on Friday, October 6, 2023 1:03 PM
Hello, I am experiencing issues with accessing my Facebook account under the name Holunlam Lam. It seems the account has been hacked as I am unable to log in. My login email associated with this account is [redacted], and my previous password was aA[redacted]9. I have tried to recover the account using the code sent via email but have been unsuccessful. I have other applications linked to this account for which I require access, and not being able to retrieve this account has resulted in a loss of communication. Please contact me via email at [redacted] for further assistance. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-holunlam on Friday, October 6, 2023 7:25 PM
My personal Facebook account was disabled unexpectedly. I have always adhered to Facebook's community guidelines by using my real name, pictures, and phone number. I did not engage in any illegal activities. It seems someone reported my account unjustly. I have important personal data stored there and now I'm unable to access it. I kindly request your assistance in recovering my account.
Reported by GetHuman-safdrriz on Saturday, October 7, 2023 7:17 AM
I'm facing an issue with my Facebook account being hacked. The hacker changed my password and email address to one from England. I'm also receiving emails on the modified email address. When I click "that wasn't me," I am prompted to log in with my password, but I receive a message stating the password has been changed. The account recovery process requires a verification code to be sent to the new email address, which I do not recognize and cannot access.
Reported by GetHuman-plunsche on Saturday, October 7, 2023 11:05 PM
I haven't logged into Facebook for quite a while and today I tried to contact my friends in New Zealand through it. However, when I entered my email and password, I was prompted to confirm my account using a phone code. The issue is that the phone number linked to my account is from several years ago when I lived in New Zealand and is no longer in use. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any other verification option available besides the phone. I would appreciate any advice on how I can regain access to my account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-meganxia on Sunday, October 8, 2023 2:45 PM
Hello Facebook Security team, I faced an issue logging into my account as I didn't receive the verification code for the second time. Despite changing my mobile phone, I still couldn't receive it before hitting the daily limit. This problem started recently, as I was receiving the code successfully before this. I'm unsure of the cause. Is there an alternative way for me to access my account? Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-dwenxi on Monday, October 9, 2023 3:44 AM
Hello, I am a genuine user of this account. Unfortunately, the security system mistakenly disabled my personal Facebook account because it was deemed to be against the Facebook Community Standards. I have provided all the necessary identification details to prove my identity and request the prompt reopening of my account. Kindly review my appeal and reactivate my Facebook account at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Name: মো :সজল মোস্তাক ইভান Email: [redacted] Date of Birth: 15th March [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-sajalmus on Monday, October 9, 2023 5:51 AM
Dear Facebook Team, I am a genuine user of the account that has been mistakenly disabled by your security system. My personal Facebook account was disabled due to a violation of the Facebook community standards. I have provided all the necessary identification to prove my identity and request the reopening of my account. I hope that my appeal will be reviewed promptly, and my Facebook account will be reinstated soon. Thank you for your assistance. Best regards, Said M. Email: [redacted] Country: Somalia Please contact me via email at: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8654479 on Monday, October 9, 2023 8:24 AM
Subject: Appeal for Facebook Account Dear Facebook Team, I am a genuine user of this account, and your security system mistakenly disabled my personal Facebook account. It was disabled due to a violation of Facebook community standards. I have provided all the necessary identification to prove my authenticity and request the reopening of my Facebook account. I kindly ask for your prompt assistance in reviewing my appeal and reinstating access to my account. Thank you for your attention, Facebook Team. Best regards, Said M. Email: [redacted] Phone: +[redacted]40 Country: Somalia
Reported by GetHuman8654479 on Monday, October 9, 2023 8:25 AM
Bonjour, je souhaiterais comprendre pourquoi mon compte Facebook a été désactivé. J'ai essayé plusieurs fois de vous envoyer une copie de mon passeport ou de mon permis de conduire pour confirmer mon identité et débloquer mon compte. Cependant, j'ai reçu un message indiquant que j'ai dépassé le nombre de tentatives autorisées pour envoyer mes documents. Comment puis-je vous contacter par email ou téléphone pour vous transmettre les documents prouvant que je suis bien le propriétaire de mon compte ? Merci.
Reported by GetHuman-mlm_de_s on Monday, October 9, 2023 9:20 AM
Dear Facebook Team, I am addressing the notice I received about potential policy violations regarding the originality of video content on my Facebook page. I want to clarify that all the videos on my page are original and have been created by me or my team. Therefore, I believe my page complies with Facebook's policies. I am aware of the seriousness of policy violations, and appreciate the chance to respond to this notice. I can provide evidence to confirm that the videos on my Facebook page are my original work and not taken from other creators without permission. I confirm that I have not used any copyrighted material or content created by others without permission in the videos on my page. All content posted is original and created by me or my team. I kindly request the closure of the originality content violation matter and the removal of the notice from my page. I value adherence to Facebook's policies and will continue to ensure compliance in the future. Thank you for addressing this issue, and please reach out if you need further information. Sincerely, Page link: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-kandhla on Monday, October 9, 2023 12:33 PM
Dear Facebook Team, I am reaching out about the disabled status of my Facebook account under the name Naina Singh. I have been a long-time user of Facebook, operating with my genuine identity and abiding by all the platform's guidelines. Regrettably, my account was mistakenly disabled by your security system. To resolve this matter swiftly, I have provided my Government-issued documents for your review. It is imperative to me that my personal account, crucial for my communication and connections, is reinstated promptly. Account Details: - Full Name: Naina Singh - Gmail: [redacted] - Date of Birth: 10-7-[redacted] - Login Number: [redacted]5 - Password: [redacted] - Device: OPPO A83 - Model: CPH [redacted] - Country: India I kindly request your assistance in reactivating my account at your earliest convenience. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your understanding. Warm regards, [Your Name]
Reported by GetHuman-heenacho on Monday, October 9, 2023 1:56 PM
Hello, I am a genuine user of this account. Your security system mistakenly disabled my personal Facebook account, stating it was against Facebook Community Standards. I have provided all necessary identification to reopen my account. I hope you review my appeal promptly and reinstate my Facebook account. Thank you. Name: M. S. M. Ivan Email: [redacted] Date of Birth: March 15, [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-sajalmus on Monday, October 9, 2023 11:40 PM
Appeal for Facebook Account Hello dear Facebook team, I am a genuine user of this account. Unfortunately, your security system mistakenly disabled my personal Facebook account citing violations of community standards. I have already provided all the necessary identification for the account reactivation. I kindly request you to review my appeal and reopen my Facebook account at the earliest opportunity. Thank you, Facebook team. Best regards, N.S. Country: India
Reported by GetHuman-heenacho on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 1:10 PM
Hello, Facebook Team. I am a genuine user of this account. Unfortunately, your security system mistakenly disabled my personal Facebook account citing a violation of the Community Standards. I have provided all the necessary identification and hope that you can review my appeal promptly to reopen my account. Thank you, Facebook Team. Full Name: Rahul B. Email: [redacted] Phone Number: [redacted] Country: Faridabad
Reported by GetHuman8656106 on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 2:16 PM
My account was compromised by someone who also hacked a friend. My name is Phil Williams from Kingston Upon Hull, United Kingdom. The email associated with the account is [redacted] In the distressing aftermath, I've unfortunately lost access to my prized Instagram account, phil.williams.[redacted], where my cherished photographs used to be. The perpetrator has tampered with the settings, redirecting all reset links to their giveaway@gmail address. This violation, compounded by depression, has left me feeling utterly helpless. I am reaching out for assistance in this unsettling situation.
Reported by GetHuman8656595 on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 8:07 PM

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