Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 1820

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #1820. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported October 15, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello Facebook Team, I am writing to seek assistance with recovering access to my Facebook account after losing my password, old phone number, and old phone device. Despite providing my government-issued details, I am facing an error message stating, "we don't recognize your device" when attempting to recover my account on my new phone. Below are the details for your reference: Facebook ID link: Sawti Balmik Rishi Maravi Old Number: [redacted] Old Passwords: RAPMN963O6267 Old Phone Details: Phone Name: LG G6 IMEI Number: [redacted] SIM Company: Jio Lost Number Owner Name: [redacted] New Phone Details: Phone Name: Galaxy on 8 Model Name: SM-J710FB IP Address: 27.62.[redacted].17 IMEI Number: [redacted] I kindly request your support in regaining access to my account on my new device. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8661601 on Sunday, October 15, 2023 4:15 AM
Dear Facebook team, my Facebook account has been disabled without any reason. My Facebook account is very important to me. I have sent a request from my other account. Please review it and enable my Facebook account. I will be very thankful for this kindness. I cannot log in to my Facebook account. Please, reopen it. Account details: Username: Koo Kie Birthday: March 4, [redacted] Email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-aungthid on Sunday, October 15, 2023 1:57 PM
Hello, Facebook Support Team, Three years ago, I updated my Facebook account password, but now I cannot log in using either the new or old password. I have attempted the "forgot password" option, but I am not receiving the OTP to reset it. I have important data on that account that I need to access. I believe I have attached a screenshot of my account for your reference. The username is "Yash Dhanware" with a profile picture of Thor. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman8662049 on Sunday, October 15, 2023 4:57 PM
My personal account is currently locked due to a "requested review" issue. I have submitted a screenshot of the page for reference. I have not contacted your team regarding this matter. I am willing to provide any necessary information to verify my identity per your security protocols. This account holds sentimental value for me as I have been using it for a long time. Unfortunately, I have lost contact with friends and acquaintances that I cherished on Facebook due to this issue. I kindly request to have the opportunity to submit my account for review to resolve this matter. Login email: [redacted] Contact email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8662267 on Monday, October 16, 2023 2:24 AM
My personal account is currently locked due to a "requested review" issue. I have submitted a screenshot of the page displaying this message. I have not previously contacted your team regarding this matter. I am willing to answer any security questions to verify my identity for my account, as it holds significant personal value to me and I have been using it for an extended period. Losing access has resulted in losing connections with friends and individuals I held in high regard on Facebook. I kindly request the opportunity to initiate a review of my account. For login and contact purposes, my email is [redacted] Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman8662267 on Monday, October 16, 2023 2:24 AM
I am from Belgium, and I suspect someone in Vietnam changed the password and email on my account. Following the instructions from Facebook to recover my account, I received a 6-digit recovery code but repeatedly encountered an error message when I tried to enter it. I also submitted my ID as part of the recovery process and received an email prompting me to change my password, but the code provided led me back to the same error page. After numerous failed attempts, Facebook has restricted my access for a period of time. I am at a loss on how to regain control of my account.
Reported by GetHuman-urbanpea on Monday, October 16, 2023 6:59 AM
Dear Facebook Team, I am reaching out to address an ongoing issue with my Facebook account showing a "review requested" status. Despite submitting the required identity verification documents, I have not received a response from your team. I kindly ask for a review of my appeal and a prompt resolution to reopen my account. Your assistance is highly appreciated. Account Details: - Email: [redacted] - Date of Birth: June 24, [redacted] - Name: Mohammad Owais - Phone Number: [redacted]3 I anticipate your prompt action in resolving this matter and restoring access to my Facebook account. I have attached my National ID and other necessary documents for your review. Thank you for your attention to this issue. Sincerely, Mohammad Owais
Reported by GetHuman8662514 on Monday, October 16, 2023 1:57 PM
Hello, Over the weekend of October 14th, I unfortunately experienced fraudulent charges on three of my bank cards linked to Facebook and Metaplatforms via Paypal. Despite resolving the financial issues, my Facebook account was disabled due to being connected to an Instagram account ((Buitucquyen91557mq4v8692il)) that I have no association with. The scammer also unlinked my legitimate Instagram accounts from my Facebook, which in turn disabled my FB Business page, Haselden Woodcraft and Rustic Art. This situation has left me feeling like a victim of fraud, as I have dedicated years to building my following on these platforms. I kindly ask for a thorough review of my accounts to verify their legitimacy and to remove the malicious Instagram account from my profile. For further communication, please contact me at [redacted] My FB account is registered under [redacted], where I can also be reached to verify my identity. Despite following the help page instructions, I am unable to request a review on the login page as it directs me to contact Instagram, which is unrelated to the fraudulent activity. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Matt Haselden
Reported by GetHuman8663126 on Monday, October 16, 2023 8:25 PM
I believe my Facebook account has been hacked. The username is Tyler Shade with a black and white photo. Someone has gained unauthorized access to my account, deleted my email and phone, and replaced them with their own. My original email was [redacted], but it has been changed to [redacted] This person has been harassing my friends and family and even attempted to extort $[redacted] from me to regain control of my account. I discovered this individual through a friend's page.
Reported by GetHuman-shadetyl on Monday, October 16, 2023 11:03 PM
Es wurde eine Gruppe im Messenger erstellt, in der unangemessene Bilder von mir ohne meine Erlaubnis geteilt wurden, offensichtlich um mir zu schaden und mich zu erpressen. Die Person verweigert, die Bilder zu entfernen, da ich blockiert bin. Wie kann ich die Gruppe auf Facebook löschen lassen, damit sie für alle Mitglieder nicht mehr zugänglich ist?
Reported by GetHuman8663322 on Monday, October 16, 2023 11:41 PM
Hello, my name is Markus Jäger. A few days ago, a woman named Sabrina Herman contacted me on messenger. She expressed interest in getting to know me and quickly escalated by suggesting a video chat, to which I agreed. During the video chat, she appeared naked on a bed and asked me to expose myself on camera, which regrettably I did. She abruptly ended the video chat and then informed me through messenger that she had recorded the video without my consent and threatened to share it on all social media platforms unless I sent her money. Shortly after, she created a group and added some friends from my Facebook list, threatening to upload the video and images if I didn't pay up, which she did. Unfortunately, since she blocked me on Facebook, I can't ask her to remove the video and images from the group. Therefore, I kindly request to remove the group created by Sabrina Herman from my messenger list for all group members. Thank you in advance.
Reported by GetHuman8663322 on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 12:32 AM
Hello, I am a genuine user of this account. Unfortunately, your security system mistakenly disabled my personal Facebook account, citing a violation of Facebook Community Standards. I have provided all necessary identification to prove my identity and request that my account be reopened promptly. Thank you for reviewing my appeal and assisting me in resolving this matter promptly. Account Details: Name: Al Hasin Sahad Email: [redacted] Phone Number: [redacted]5 Date of Birth: 28.01.[redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-alhasins on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 5:10 AM
Dear Sir/Madam, My Facebook ID and Facebook Group got suspended due to mistakes made by my staff, and now I have lost access to my account. I have been trying to resolve this issue for several months without success. I apologize for any inconvenience caused and would like to ensure that this does not happen again in the future. I kindly request for the activation of my Facebook ID and Facebook Group. The details of my Facebook ID are: Email: [redacted] Name: Arasu Thiru Arasu Phone: +[redacted]88 Password: Arthi@[redacted] I would appreciate it if you could assist me with this matter promptly. Thank you, Thiruppathy Vettrivel +[redacted]57 Email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8663508 on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 8:13 AM
I have a friend on Facebook named Pouline Jerald who told me about a group called JAPALI promotion. She said she tried it and made money. She gave me their number, which is [redacted], and I tried registering with them. They asked for [redacted] Ksh, which I sent. Then they asked for [redacted] Ksh for KRA, which I also sent. After that, they requested [redacted] Ksh, but I told them I didn't have more money. Later, I received a WhatsApp message saying my Facebook account had been changed. Then someone called me and asked me to read a message, but I didn't suspect anything. When I checked, my Facebook account was gone. I tried to recover it but failed. Please help me retrieve my account as soon as you can.
Reported by GetHuman8663648 on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 10:41 AM
Two days ago, I received an email from Facebook informing me that my password was changed from Vietnam, which I did not do since I reside in Belgium. I followed the steps of the Facebook recovery process, obtained the 6-digit code, but unfortunately, every time I tried to enter it, I received an error message saying it was the wrong code. Even after submitting a copy of my ID, when I received the "last step to retrieving your account" email and clicked on it, it still prompted me with the wrong code message. I attempted several times, and now I am locked out due to exceeding the attempts allowed in a certain period. It has been two days, and I am still unable to retry their recovery method. I have reached out to multiple email addresses but have not received any responses.
Reported by GetHuman-urbanpea on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 12:51 PM
Dear Facebook team, I kindly request your assistance in resolving the issue with my disabled account review request. If you believe there was an error in disabling my account, I would appreciate it if you could review the decision. I understand that warnings may not always be issued prior to account disablement. Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Facebook team.
Reported by GetHuman-newspind on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 2:01 PM
Hello, I am encountering an issue with the monetization policy on my Facebook page despite not having uploaded any original content videos. The review request option is also not visible on my page. Kindly review my page to address this matter promptly. Your assistance in enabling the review request option and resolving the monetization problem would be greatly appreciated. I am feeling very anxious about this situation and kindly request your help in restoring monetization. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman8666159 on Thursday, October 19, 2023 3:41 AM
Hello dear Facebook team, my personal Facebook account is not opening. Please help me. By adding your number here, Facebook can assist you in logging in, protecting the community, accurately counting users, and providing access to Facebook and optional programs, not for suggesting friends or displaying ads. Only you will see this number on your profile. If used elsewhere on Facebook Company Products, it may be used for suggesting friends or displaying ads. Please log out from Kiran Ch and download your information. Kindly correct the mistake and help me access my Facebook account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8664911 on Thursday, October 19, 2023 4:17 AM
Hello, dear Facebook team. My personal Facebook account is not opening. Please assist me. By adding my number here, Facebook can use it to help me log in, protect the community, accurately count users, and provide access to Facebook and opt-in programs. This number will only be visible to me on my profile. If the number added here is used in other Facebook Company Products, it may be used for different purposes like suggesting friends or showing ads. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman8664911 on Thursday, October 19, 2023 4:18 AM
Hello Facebook Team, I am a genuine user of this account. Unfortunately, your security system mistakenly disabled my personal Facebook account citing a violation of the Community Standards. I have provided all the necessary identification documents to prove my identity and request the reopening of my account. I hope my appeal is reviewed promptly, and my Facebook account is reinstated soon. Thank you, Name: শূন্য হৃদয় (Sunno Hridoy)
Reported by GetHuman8666333 on Thursday, October 19, 2023 9:26 AM

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