Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 1821

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #1821. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported October 20, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Last Sunday, on October 15, [redacted], I discovered that my Facebook account was hacked. The hacker changed my password, removed my phone number ([redacted]7), and replaced the email address ([redacted]) associated with the account. As a result, I am currently unable to regain access to my account. I have been trying to recover it by using my ID, but I have encountered issues with the broken link to upload the ID on Facebook. I would appreciate any assistance or feedback on how to resolve this matter. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8667392 on Friday, October 20, 2023 5:56 AM
Hello, My personal Facebook account has been permanently disabled, despite following all the community guidelines. I have already confirmed my identity with Facebook and have not engaged in any illegal activities or posts. I had personal data stored on my account, and it was disabled without any explanation by the security system due to a report from someone. I submitted my official documents to the Facebook team two days ago but have not received any response. I kindly request the reopening of my disabled account as soon as possible. Thank you, Rahul B. Email: [redacted] Profile link: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8656106 on Friday, October 20, 2023 10:46 AM
Hello, I use Facebook regularly, but my account was disabled and is now under review. I am attempting to verify my identity to unlock it, but I cannot find the option to do so. Please review my request and address my issue promptly. Thank you. Email: [redacted] Date of Birth on Facebook: 12/15/[redacted] Facebook Name: Tamim Amin Phone Number: +[redacted]6
Reported by GetHuman8667923 on Friday, October 20, 2023 4:58 PM
Hello, I use Facebook regularly, but my account was disabled and shows a "Review Requested" issue. I am having trouble finding the option to confirm my identity to unlock it. Please review my request and address my concern promptly. Thank you. My Facebook Account Details: Email: [redacted] Date of Birth: 12/15/[redacted] Name on Facebook: Tamim Amin Phone Number: +[redacted]6
Reported by GetHuman8667923 on Friday, October 20, 2023 5:14 PM
La tienda en Facebook fue desactivada y el shop cerrado debido a posibles infracciones de normas. Se desconoce exactamente cuáles reglas se incumplieron, ya que hay una restricción previa en Instagram por violar políticas de la comunidad. Recientemente se cambiaron los métodos de compra en la página, se agregó un data source y algunos elementos del catálogo presentaron problemas. Se solicitó una revisión, pero no se notificó que la tienda se había cerrado por no cumplir con las políticas de monetización. No se permite apelar la decisión.
Reported by GetHuman-faunadig on Friday, October 20, 2023 10:50 PM
Recientemente nos informaron sobre la necesidad de actualizar el método de pago en la tienda de Facebook. A pesar de haber realizado los cambios a tiempo, la plataforma resultó un tanto confusa. Logramos actualizar la información, incluso añadiendo una nueva fuente de datos y subiendo los archivos de la empresa. Lamentablemente, nuestra cuenta ha sido restringida y no hemos recibido una respuesta satisfactoria tras la revisión. No nos permiten otra revisión y desconocemos las normas o políticas que hemos infringido.
Reported by GetHuman-faunadig on Friday, October 20, 2023 10:50 PM
I recently acquired a new phone and am attempting to access my Facebook account. Unfortunately, I do not have access to the email linked to my account or remember my password. Despite trying all of my usual passwords, I have been unsuccessful in gaining entry. Additionally, I am unable to receive a one-time password due to utilizing the same phone for Two-step authentication. My aim is to reset my password using my phone.
Reported by GetHuman-emmazinn on Friday, October 20, 2023 11:09 PM
Hello Facebook community, I'm Yusuf F. from Malawi. I am seeking assistance with recovering my Facebook account under the name Yusuf A. Fatsani. Unfortunately, someone has tampered with my account by changing the password that I originally used. Initially, I accessed my account through my mobile number, [redacted], and utilized the same number for account recovery purposes. However, it seems that the individual who accessed my account has replaced my mobile number with their email address, which is not associated with my account. I kindly request your support in gaining access to my Facebook account, which I have had for an extended period of time. Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-fatsaniy on Saturday, October 21, 2023 6:39 AM
Hamid, I've submitted an appeal on 20 October [redacted]. Please await the outcome here. Currently, your Facebook account is not visible, and you're unable to utilize it. The next steps include a review, typically taking slightly over a day. If your account aligns with Community Standards, access will be reinstated. Otherwise, if it doesn't conform, it'll be permanently deactivated, and further appeals will not be an option.
Reported by GetHuman-raazclas on Saturday, October 21, 2023 9:17 AM
My Facebook account has been disabled, possibly due to intellectual property rights concerns. I take this seriously, always following guidelines. I rely on Facebook for communication and connections with friends and family and important services. I kindly ask for assistance in reinstating my account and guidance on addressing these concerns and recovering it. Thank you. When trying to address my disabled account on Facebook, I can't find the necessary guidance within the application. I need clear instructions on the steps to recover my account, essential for communication and connecting with loved ones and important services. I request the reinstatement of my account and seek guidance on how to proceed with resolving these concerns. Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-ratherwa on Saturday, October 21, 2023 3:37 PM
Hello Facebook support team, I was recently conversing with an individual who claimed that I had won a cash prize. She requested my password to send a verification of the winnings, after which I lost access to my account. It appears that my account has been hacked, and I am eager to regain control. The person responsible for this fraudulent activity should be banned from using Facebook. Unfortunately, I cannot recall the first name of the person, but her last name is Queen. Can you assist me in recovering my account with the username Dede Thomas? Your help is greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-dhammat on Saturday, October 21, 2023 6:22 PM
Could someone please help me restore my Instagram account @the.icu.rn that was disabled due to false reports? I am requesting the reactivation of my account or a refund for the advertisement payments I made. There seems to be an inconsistency in enforcing the Terms of Service, as I was charged for a service I did not receive. I am prepared to report this issue to the appropriate agencies if necessary to address the unfair treatment of my account. Requesting a refund for the payment made.
Reported by GetHuman7832327 on Sunday, October 22, 2023 7:33 AM
Hello, Yesterday, I received an email notifying me that someone altered the access information for my Facebook account. This is concerning as I did not initiate any changes. Despite my attempts to reach out through various support channels and requesting my account be blocked, I have not had any success. I am unsure how to secure my account without access. Can Facebook intervene and lock the account for me? How does the identification process work if the perpetrator changed the account details? It seems unreasonable to require them. Please respond to the email provided with confirmation once my account, under the name Lutz Schüttler, has been secured. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-lutz_sch on Sunday, October 22, 2023 10:53 AM
Hello Facebook Team, I am writing to report that my official Facebook account has been locked. Unfortunately, I am unable to request a review of my account through the typical process. I want to highlight that I have consistently adhered to Facebook's Community Guidelines and have not engaged in any illegal or inappropriate activities. I urgently request assistance in resolving this issue with my Facebook account being locked. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, Muhammad Nabeel Saim Proof of identity: National ID Card 81[redacted]-7 [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8669717 on Sunday, October 22, 2023 6:16 PM
Two days ago, my Facebook account got hacked. The hacker altered the email and password, locking me out. Despite following Facebook's account recovery steps, I'm continuously prompted to submit identity verification documents. Unfortunately, the documents I've provided thus far have not been sufficient, as I consistently receive the message: "We could not confirm this account belongs to you."
Reported by GetHuman8670118 on Sunday, October 22, 2023 11:58 PM
Subject: Request to Reactivate My Instagram Business Account @courir974 Dear Sir or Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am currently facing a major issue with my Instagram business account, "courir974," which was deactivated without notice or justification. This account, with over 20,[redacted] followers, is a vital part of my marketing and communication strategy, and its sudden deactivation has significantly disrupted our operations. Regrettably, I have not received any official communication from Instagram explaining the reasons for the deactivation of my account. Therefore, I would like to request your assistance in understanding the cause of this deactivation and reinstating my account as soon as possible. We have invested a considerable amount of time and effort in building an active and engaged community on this account, and the sudden loss of access has had a negative impact on our online presence. I kindly ask you to review this situation carefully and restore access to my "courir974" account promptly. I am willing to provide any additional information or documentation necessary to facilitate the reactivation process. Thank you in advance for your attention and understanding. I look forward to a quick and positive resolution of this issue and remain available for any further assistance. Best regards, [redacted] [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-courirf on Monday, October 23, 2023 5:06 AM
Someone has accessed my business Facebook page without permission and removed me as an admin. They ran an ad campaign that breached guidelines, resulting in Facebook blocking my private account, advertising account, and business page. Though I can see my page through Instagram's meta business suite, I am unable to start any reviews or claims.
Reported by GetHuman8670441 on Monday, October 23, 2023 10:24 AM
Someone unauthorized accessed my business Facebook page and removed me as an admin. They ran an advertising campaign that breached guidelines, leading to Facebook blocking my private account, advertising account, and business page. Even though my Instagram is linked to the account, I can only view the business page through a link on Instagram using the meta business suite. I'm unable to start a review or make a claim as my account is disabled.
Reported by GetHuman8670441 on Monday, October 23, 2023 10:25 AM
Hello Facebook Team, I urgently need your assistance. My Facebook account was disabled when I tried to fill out the form. An error message appeared saying, "Too much time has passed, we can't review..." I assure you I am a real user with a genuine name. I have not used any fake information. I am unable to contact Facebook through the feedback form. I kindly request you to please restore my disabled Facebook account. The email linked to my disabled account is provided below for review: Name: Mali Jayesh E-mail: [redacted] Date of Birth: 6/11/[redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8670492 on Monday, October 23, 2023 11:41 AM
Hi Facebook Team, I urgently need your assistance. My Facebook account was disabled, and when I tried to fill out the form for review, it said too much time has passed and we can't review. I am a real user and I don't have a fake name or anything else. I am unable to contact Facebook through this feedback form. I am requesting you to please restore my Facebook account. The email associated with my disabled Facebook account is provided below: Name: Mali Jayesh Email: [redacted] Date of Birth: 6/11/[redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8670492 on Monday, October 23, 2023 11:44 AM

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