What Does the Uber Background Check Look At?

If you want to drive for Uber, you will need to pass a background check. It has two parts: a Motor Vehicle Report and a criminal background check. Major violations in either category or a pattern of minor violations will disqualify you from driving for Uber. The background check is done by Checkr. If you believe the report that Checkr generates is inaccurate, you can petition to correct it.

Becoming an Uber driver is fairly easy. After all, it's mostly just signing up for the service. As long as you meet the requirements and have a safe car, you will be hired — no competing with other applicants for the same position. However, if you want to become an Uber driver, you have to pass a background check. If you want to know what that background check involves, this article will tell you.

What Does the Uber Background Check Involve?

The exact nature of Uber's background check varies from state to state, depending on state laws. In general, though, there are two components.

The first is a Motor Vehicle Report. This makes sense, as you are applying for a driving position. The report will show how long you've been driving. Uber requires you to have three years of driving experience if you are age 24 or younger. You only need one year of experience if you are 25 or over. The report also looks at your history of driving violations. A history of minor driving violations, including no-fault accidents, or even just a single major violation will result in you failing the background check.

The second component of the background check is a criminal history check. Murder, other violent crimes, sex offenses, offenses related to terrorism, and many other felonies will all cause you to fail the background check. Pending charges in these categories will also result in a failure.

Uber does not run a credit check as part of the background check process.

Checking on the Status of Your Background Check

In general, your background check should be completed within three to five business days. However, unusual local regulations or difficulties getting access to state or county records can sometimes make the process take longer than this. The background check is performed by Checkr, a third-party provider. You can check on the status of your background check by visiting the Checkr Candidate Portal. Just fill out the fields with all the required information.

Failing Your Background Check

If you fail your background check, there's probably not a lot you can do. Uber will not generally reconsider its decisions regarding background checks. However, you can check your background on the Checkr Candidate Portal. If you believe the report is based on incomplete or inaccurate information, you can contact Checkr and ask it to redo its report. If it does so, it will send the updated report to Uber with a request for a re-evaluation.

Please note, though, that Checkr has nothing to do with the decision to reject your application. All it does it compile the report and send it to Uber. Uber is the one that decides what to do with the information in the report.

Contacting Uber

If you have any questions about Uber's background check, you can reach out to an Uber customer service agent for help. You can contact on the Uber help forum. There is no phone or other online contact option.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
What Does the Uber Background Check Look At?

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