How do I contact Agoda about a problem with a payment?

Payment problems are a pain to resolve. You want your hard earned cash and often times companies make it hard to get back. Not to worry, we'll show you how.

Jeff Whelpley is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Jul 1, 2019

Agoda is a booking agency that provides you with some of the best deals for hotels. It has lots of discounts and secret deals. The site is popular but you may run into a few problems including problems with payment.

If you have a problem with payment on Agoda, you can always contact the support team for help. After you send them your credit card information, you should receive a confirmation of the same. Agoda typically sends you an email of confirmation 30 minutes after receiving your credit card. If you do not receive the confirmation, you should try reaching them. The easiest way of reaching Agoda is through their email account. They will look into your problem and give you a refund.

Agoda has a pre-paid option. It allows you to pay on a specified date or at the hotel. Your credit will be charged on that date and there may be no option for a refund.

Agoda Payment Methods

Agoda accepts payments in a variety of ways. Universal Payment Card/Virtual Credit Card is one of the most popular payment options. Once a booking is made, the hotel will receive a virtual credit card number, expiry date, and CVV-code. Direct deposit/ bank transfer and PayPal are other popular payment methods. If you use PayPal, you won't incur any fees for the first year. The use of PayPal is only supported by certain currencies. Your payment may not be approved if you use unsupported methods.

How to Request a Refund

If Agoda does not send you an acknowledgment email after receiving your payment, you may request for a refund. You may contact them via telephone, website, or through their email. The refund process is simple but you may incur a penalty charge from the hotel. Penalty charges apply when you choose to shorten your stay, especially during high seasons.

If you do not receive a confirmation email, it may be difficult to determine the cancellation due date. It is usually 14 days before you arrive at the hotel. You should, therefore, wise to report your problem and request a refund as soon as you can.

Failed Attempts to Book with Agoda

Being unable to make your bookings on Agoda can be frustrating. Agoda will send you a message to notify you that your payment failed. They will ask you to try a different payment method. Try a different payment method and the problem should be solved. If it persists, reach out to Agoda and ask them for help.

If your payment does not go through, canceling your payment may be a mistake. Like all companies, Agoda now requires a third layer of protection. If you are unable to complete your payments, it may be because your cards do not provide you with the extra layer of protection. Contact your visa company and request that they help you enact the protocol 'verified by visa.' If you are using Mastercard, contact the company and ask them to enact 'security code.'

Ensure that you notify your bank before making a payment on Agoda. They may not approve the transaction if you don't notify them ahead of time.

Ways of Contacting Agoda

Agoda has 24/7 customer support so you can contact them whenever you want. The best way to have your problem solved is by speaking to an agent. The agents are always respectful and helpful. Some of the problems that they may help you address include; problems with your payment, finding a suitable payment method, and refunds for your booking. Agoda has three phone numbers but you may also contact them through their website or email address.

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Jeff truly believes that all customers deserve good service. He’s been building tools, inventing phone tree hacks and helping customers since before his days at GetHuman. He's also a Google GDE and involved in the Angular community.
How do I contact Agoda about a problem with a payment?

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Agoda Payment Problem
Problem With a Payment
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