How Do I Cancel My Agoda Booking?

You can cancel your Agoda booking on their website or by contacting the customer service team. You may get a refund if your booking is eligible. If you have any problems, contact the customer service team for help. You may contact them on the phone, email, or the help desk.

Jeff Whelpley is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Jul 9, 2020

If you change your mind about your Agoda booking, there are a few ways to cancel it. However, some bookings are not eligible for cancelation. Reading the terms and conditions of your booking will help you determine if you can cancel it. Print the booking out and use it as proof when you cancel. Follow these steps to cancel your Agoda booking:

1. Open the Agoda website and sign in to your account

2. Click on the option 'Manage Booking.'

3. Find the booking you wish to cancel and cancel it

4. You will receive an email to confirm your cancelation

Alternatively, you may find the option 'Manage My Booking' in your email and cancel it.

Canceling on the Phone

Some bookings may be non-refundable, and others may require you to pay a cancellation fee. If so, the terms will be stated in your booking. Contact the customer service team, and they will help you. When contacting the customer service team for cancellation, there are a few things to keep in mind. They include:

1. Have your booking details ready as you will need to provide them along with the last four digits of your Credit Card

2. Have a valid reason for cancellation

3. Provide any other information that your agent may need

4. Where possible, you will receive your refund through Agoda. The payment may be reversed in your credit card.

Canceling Through Email

Another simple way to cancel your Agoda booking is by contacting them through email. Your email should be brief but clear about the nature of your problem. They will help you cancel your booking and give you directions to get a refund.

Through the Website

You can send an email through Agoda's website and cancel your booking.

1. Get your booking details ready

2. On their website, choose 'Accommodation Booking' and then 'Other.'

3. Click 'Show more options'

4. Click 'Email Us'

5. Enter your details and give a compelling reason for your cancelation

6. The customer service team will get back to you with a response as soon as possible.

Getting a Refund When they Offered a Gift Card

If you want a refund but you only received a gift card, you may sell your reservation to someone else and get your refund that way. All you need to do is change your name on the reservation. It does not cost a thing, and you can get most of your money back.

Contacting the Support Team

The best way to contact the Agoda customer service team if you need help is on the phone. It is the fastest support option and the only way to speak directly with an agent. The support agents will listen to your concerns and point you to the best solution for your problem.

If you don't need to speak with an agent, consider seeking email support. Send the customer service agents an email expressing your desire to cancel your booking. If you are eligible for a refund, they will help you get it.

The Agoda help desk has lots of suggestions and answers that may be helpful as well. It covers some of the most common problems that you may experience. Consider going through it before contacting the support agents directly.

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Jeff truly believes that all customers deserve good service. He’s been building tools, inventing phone tree hacks and helping customers since before his days at GetHuman. He's also a Google GDE and involved in the Angular community.
How Do I Cancel My Agoda Booking?

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Asked 4 years ago
Updated 4 years ago
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Cancel your Agoda booking
contact the Agoda customer service team
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