Square Customer Service Issues

Archive 26

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Square customer service, archive #26. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported April 13, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I am experiencing an ongoing issue with Square that has not been resolved within the guaranteed timeframe. I am seeking information on how to file a formal complaint with the corporate office responsible for addressing such matters. I believe accountability is necessary for the consistent misinformation provided to me. Kindly provide the formal complaint process so I can communicate my concerns effectively. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-rjhuddy on गुरूवार, १३ अप्रैल २०२३, दोपहर १:२५ बजे
Blue Sky Cleaning, represented by Joseph Yanni and Samantha Yanni, has made efforts to resolve the dispute with Square Inc. regarding the release of unlawfully held funds. Despite sending two written notices requesting the funds' release to Block Inc., specifically to the attention of Square Arbitration Provision, no response has been received from Square. A final demand letter was sent on February 10, [redacted], giving Square 60 days to address the matter before legal action is pursued. Blue Sky Cleaning can be reached at [redacted] Avenue B, St. Augustine, Florida, [redacted] or contacted at [redacted] or [redacted] The funds being held amount to $1,[redacted].17, with additional damages to the business totaling $1,[redacted].05, making the total due $2,[redacted].22. This communication serves as a formal notice of the ongoing dispute.
Reported by GetHuman8156331 on रविवार, १६ अप्रैल २०२३, रात ८:४२ बजे
I recently included a new line item for sales tax. When I navigate to the Square Appointments calendar and attempt to process a customer checkout from there, I notice that the total amount due shown at the top of the screen does not include the new tax. Previously, the total displayed correctly with the old tax rate. However, after adding an additional local tax, the total is not reflecting the new tax amount on the initial screen. Strangely, I can see the correct total with the additional tax only when I click on "Review and Check Out" and proceed to the next screen. How can I ensure that the first screen reflects the accurate total with the new tax included?
Reported by GetHuman8312847 on गुरूवार, २० अप्रैल २०२३, रात २:०४ बजे
I am experiencing difficulty processing debit and touchless payments with my Square terminal. While I can manually enter credit card information, the reader is not recognizing any pending charges even though the lights indicate a full charge. Surprisingly, the debit payment option is missing from my payment methods list. I have been managing with this issue for the past two years, but I truly hope to resolve it before my upcoming artisan show on May 28th. I have attempted troubleshooting by uninstalling and reinstalling the app, updating my phone, and seeking advice from local computer experts, who suspect a faulty terminal. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman8318135 on शनिवार, २२ अप्रैल २०२३, दोपहर ४:०४ बजे
Hello, I am Ireneusz (Erik) Sroka, the owner of Bowenwork Healthcare. I require assistance in accessing my account and have been attempting to contact Square for a while. As I am currently traveling, I have temporarily deactivated my phone number and am unable to receive verification codes. It is vital that I access my account promptly for tax purposes. I am hopeful that a representative will reach out to me soon. You can contact me via email at [redacted]. Alternatively, you can use my current phone number: [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]. If needed, you can also try sending a verification code to my international texting app at [redacted]. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8323725 on मंगलवार, २५ अप्रैल २०२३, दोपहर १:५४ बजे
I reached out to Customer Support through their online channels, but they directed me to call their helpline. After multiple attempts, they informed me that my small business does not meet Square's criteria for support, leading to the disabling of my account. Consequently, the newsletter emails that I've already paid for cannot be sent out. I am in urgent need of resolving this issue promptly and reinstating my account since no clarification has been given thus far.
Reported by GetHuman8331703 on शुक्रवार, २८ अप्रैल २०२३, रात १०:१० बजे
I flew from Miami International Airport (MIA) to John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) on April 2nd to attend my daughter-in-law's U.S. Citizenship Interview and Ceremony. Upon exiting the American Airlines terminal, a man holding an UBER sign approached me offering a ride. I accepted, thinking it was an Uber service. During the ride to my hotel, Marriott Downtown, the driver, claiming to be an Uber driver, gave me an entertaining tour of the city. However, I later discovered he overcharged me $[redacted].51 through SquareUp.com. When I returned to Miami, my legitimate Uber ride to JFK cost only $[redacted].95. The fraudulent driver's name is Carlos Barrezueta, residing in Washington Heights. I have reported the incident to JFK airport authorities; this impersonation occurred near the official taxi stands. I urge caution as this person is misusing his Square Up account posing as an Uber driver. Sincerely, Connie Bischoff.
Reported by GetHuman-wingsmia on शनिवार, २९ अप्रैल २०२३, दोपहर ३:२३ बजे
I recently received an email from Square stating that a charge was made to my credit card, showing the last four digits, under another Square customer's NYC business name. I contacted the business, who confirmed they received the payment but were unaware of the email. This is concerning as I have used Square for years without any issues. I would like to speak with a Square Customer Representative to address this error. Thank you, Barbara Pisick PMHCNS-BC
Reported by GetHuman8335298 on सोमवार, १ मई २०२३, रात २:०५ बजे
Square deactivated my account right after I received $9,[redacted] from a customer. They informed me that it would take 90 days to return my money. When the 90 days passed, they extended it for another 90 days because the customer disputed the charges. This happened in August of [redacted]. I have not received my money back yet. I have tried everything, but all I receive from them is that they cannot help except to escalate the case to the support team. They mentioned that the team would contact me via email, but I never hear from them. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-histruct on मंगलवार, २ मई २०२३, रात १०:५६ बजे
I experienced difficulty logging into Square after a period of inactivity. Despite changing my password multiple times, I was still unable to access my account. Square requested access to my camera and a government ID for verification, which I am uncomfortable providing, especially since my ID was recently stolen. I plan to call their customer service tomorrow. I value the service Square provides for my business and hope to resolve this issue with their assistance. Thank you, Susan G. [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8340381 on बुधवार, ३ मई २०२३, रात ३:३३ बजे
My account got disabled for not providing enough information promptly. I didn’t know about this requirement when I made my account and initiated a payment from my credit card to transfer funds to my bank. After reading an email notification from them, it seems my Square Dashboard is still accessible for viewing, but I can't process new transactions using Square. The current funds in my account will be held for 90 days and will be released two business days after August 4, [redacted]. As my bank transfer was canceled and the funds weren't deposited, I wonder if I can request a full refund to my credit card. I need to have the refund back to the card before July 1st, as the card will expire then.
Reported by GetHuman8356132 on बुधवार, १० मई २०२३, दोपहर ३:२९ बजे
I had an art show last Saturday and processed five transactions through my Square account, which I recently updated after not using it for years. The transactions went smoothly, with customers signing and receiving their receipts. I received an email confirming a deposit of $[redacted].87, but I realized my LLC account is closed due to Covid-19. After contacting Wells Fargo, they confirmed they did not receive the deposit and explained that with my LLC closed, it would be sent back to Square. I am unsure how to verify and update my Square settings to ensure future payments go to my checking account.
Reported by GetHuman8366174 on सोमवार, १५ मई २०२३, दोपहर ३:२० बजे
I noticed that there was a duplicate charge on a customer's card between 12:20 and 12:30 PM on Saturday, May 20th. I would like to issue a refund for one of the charges to the customer. Unfortunately, when I contacted customer service, they required me to provide a customer support number to speak with someone. After trying to obtain a customer support number, I was redirected back to customer service. I find this process quite frustrating. I simply need to have a conversation with a representative to facilitate the refund for one of the charges.
Reported by GetHuman-dracoele on रविवार, २१ मई २०२३, दोपहर २:२३ बजे
On May 18th and 19th, my account was charged multiple times by an unknown recipient, gosq.com, without my authorization. I am the sole account holder and did not make these payments. I am requesting a full refund to the card ending in [redacted]. I am willing to provide screenshots of the transactions at your convenience. Prompt resolution is crucial as the funds were intended for other payments now incurring late fees that I need to address. The charges were made from the account ending in [redacted]. My name is Crystal S.
Reported by GetHuman8382248 on सोमवार, २२ मई २०२३, रात १०:४३ बजे
I have some inquiries regarding the NFC contactless reader: 1. Will the NFC contactless reader operate in an offline mode similar to the mag stripe reader? 2. If I have a customer with a card containing only a mag stripe, is it possible to utilize both the mag stripe reader and the NFC contactless reader simultaneously? If this is not feasible, will I need to switch between the two readers? 3. Is the NFC reader connected via Bluetooth? 4. Can the NFC reader function with iPads as well (since I do not have an iPhone)?
Reported by GetHuman-idahocoo on गुरूवार, २५ मई २०२३, शाम ६:३४ बजे
Recently, while on a trip in Las Vegas on Friday, April 7, [redacted], my spouse and I experienced fraudulent behavior involving coercion. As we strolled down Fremont Street, two individuals dressed as "showgirls" approached us and insisted we take pictures with them, placing boas on us without discussing any fees. After a brief photo session, they demanded payment, which led to a confrontational situation when we tried to leave. Feeling pressured, we reluctantly allowed them to charge our Visa cards using Square readers, resulting in two charges per showgirl. Despite my efforts to seek assistance from authorities and the Fremont Street Experience, there has been no resolution. I possess the e-Receipts and transaction details and am exploring options for dispute. Thank you for any help or guidance.
Reported by GetHuman8393547 on रविवार, २८ मई २०२३, रात १:५१ बजे
This morning, I had to verify my account and change my password. Now, when I attempt to sign in, I am being prompted for a verification code that Square claims was sent to my phone. Despite waiting for 15 minutes, I have not received the code necessary to access my account. I urgently need access to my account in order to receive payments. This issue began after your recent upgrade. I was notified that I was verified, so I am confused as to why I am not receiving the verification code now. My contact number is [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman-nugersn on सोमवार, ५ जून २०२३, दोपहर ४:४१ बजे
I recently completed a job for a condenser and coil, charging the customer $7,[redacted]. The payment was processed through Square, but unfortunately, I am encountering difficulties receiving the funds on my end. While I have successfully received payments using Square in the past, this time I am unable to transfer the money to my bank account. Although I have provided the requested additional information, the funds are still not showing up in my account. I need to distribute the payment to my team promptly. If anyone has any insights or advice on how to resolve this situation, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-azelaya on सोमवार, १२ जून २०२३, सुबह ४:१७ बजे
I have an issue with a team member’s Square payment from the 6/10 Farmers Market not being credited to my business account. The payment was for $[redacted] in gross sales. It seems the payment is not linked to my business account, and I'm unable to access my team member's account with her password to link it. This has happened before, resulting in financial losses. I have not received any prompt from customer service and have been unable to reach them by phone. Please contact me to resolve this matter. Erin H. from Rock’n Raw Edibles
Reported by GetHuman-tighehen on सोमवार, १२ जून २०२३, दोपहर ४:३७ बजे
Hello, I am Edward Thomas from Premier Boat Care Services. I am experiencing an issue with a disputed payment on my Square account. The customer reversed the transaction, and while some funds were returned to him, the remaining balance is being held by Square. I am struggling to reach someone at Square to resolve this matter. Please contact me at [redacted] as the number listed on the website is not functional. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-eddiepbc on मंगलवार, १३ जून २०२३, दोपहर ३:१० बजे

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