Square Customer Service Issues

Archive 27

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Square customer service, archive #27. It includes a selection of 17 issue(s) reported June 19, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I recently discovered charges on my Cash App account from Square that I did not authorize. Despite canceling in February, I have been consistently charged $11.99 since March, except for the initial $1 charge. I am confused as I have no account with Square and have not utilized any services from them. The charges are labeled as "Google," but I've received an email linking them to Square. I urgently need this matter resolved, as my budget does not accommodate these unexpected expenses. I am requesting to cancel, unsubscribe, and disconnect any services associated with these charges. Additionally, I am seeking a refund for the payments made, as I have not actively used Square's services.
Reported by GetHuman-sumsh on الإثنين ١٩ يونيو ٢٠٢٣ ١٨:٠٠
My account got deactivated without any explanation right after a credit card sale of $11,[redacted]. The 10% reserve was held as a fee, and the receipt showed that $11,[redacted] was transferred to my linked account. It's been two weeks, and I haven't seen the money transferred or available anywhere. This is causing a lot of inconvenience for me and my business. I need the remaining balance to be deposited into my linked account promptly.
Reported by GetHuman8444833 on الإثنين ١٩ يونيو ٢٠٢٣ ٢٣:١١
I used my Square card reader to process a sale, and the payment from the customer cleared in their account, which I confirmed with them. However, the funds did not transfer to my bank account. The $[redacted] seems to have vanished from my Square account. Despite my efforts to contact customer support, I have not received any explanations or assistance in locating the missing funds. This situation has significantly impacted my business. I request an immediate transfer of the owed $[redacted] to my linked account.
Reported by GetHuman8453106 on الجمعة ٢٣ يونيو ٢٠٢٣ ١٢:٥٤
I've been trying to reach out all day via phone and text, but I haven't had any luck getting the assistance I need with my checking account. The account is prompting me to open a new checking account and get a new card, yet I already have one; I just can't access it on the Square app. It's frustrating that despite my efforts, I keep receiving automated emails prompting me to rate the service without actually resolving my issue. This lack of help is disappointing, and the request to share how I fixed the problem feels like a joke.
Reported by GetHuman8459862 on الإثنين ٢٦ يونيو ٢٠٢٣ ٢٢:٥٣
I have not received the money you said was deposited since Monday. On Monday, I got a notice saying my password had expired and that I needed to reset it. The system wanted to send the passcode to an old number I haven't used in years. I changed it to my current phone number, which I'm not sure how you have. I tried to reset it online, but it seems the text messages are going to the old number, so I can't receive them. I only have access to my iPhone and need to reset it that way. I usually get my payments the next day, so this delay is confusing. I can't reach a real person for help, and I'm frustrated because I need the money to pay my rent by the first. If this issue can't be resolved, I may have to consider using another company.
Reported by GetHuman-gitanala on الخميس ٢٩ يونيو ٢٠٢٣ ١٧:٥٥
I recently got a new phone, and I previously used the Square app on my old phone where I had my account and bank information. Now, trying to log into the app on my new phone, I'm being notified that I don't have access to the point of sales app in my area, despite having an existing account. This app is essential for my small business. I've attempted to reset my password, but so far, it has not resolved the issue. This situation is becoming frustrating, especially as customers prefer to use cards over cash.
Reported by GetHuman8488167 on السبت ٨ يوليو ٢٠٢٣ ١٢:٢٤
I haven't used my Square reader in a while. Recently, after a large sale, I was prompted to change my password and relink my bank account. Despite doing this, I'm unable to transfer my money. I've tried contacting customer support but have been hung up on. I urgently need someone to call me back as I really need my money transferred. Phone number: [redacted]–[redacted]–[redacted]. My name is Kimberly Hughes from At Ease Therapeutic Massage LLC.
Reported by GetHuman8518023 on الجمعة ٢١ يوليو ٢٠٢٣ ١٩:٣٦
We are currently having trouble accessing our account that was set up for us. It appears that the information may have been modified, possibly even the email address. Transactions have occurred without our knowledge, impacting our 30-year-old business with a customer base of over [redacted]. We are in urgent need of assistance to resolve this issue. The company in question is Paul Fox Equipment Service. The email possibly used could be either [redacted] or [redacted] The specifics are unclear currently.
Reported by GetHuman8546819 on السبت ٥ أغسطس ٢٠٢٣ ١٥:١٩
My funds are being held because my account was deactivated without notice. It's been two weeks since the payment was taken, and I still don't have a release date for my money. The payment was unauthorized and processed by Square before the work was completed. Even though my account was deactivated without a clear explanation, fees were deducted, and my money is stuck. I've reached out to American Express to help me resolve this matter and provided them with all the documentation and receipts.
Reported by GetHuman8577040 on الإثنين ٢١ أغسطس ٢٠٢٣ ٢١:٥٣
Hello Square. I recently discovered unauthorized charges on my account from your company. Two charges were for -$[redacted].00 each, and another attempt was made on Sunday which successfully took all my funds. I rely on SSI as I am a 62-year-old woman with disabilities. The scammers made me purchase Bitcoin stocks, a concept I am unfamiliar with. Could I sell these Bitcoins for legitimate money? I hope you can assist me in recovering my funds. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Have a great day.
Reported by GetHuman8600099 on الثلاثاء ٥ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٣ ١١:٢٨
I am in a situation where someone fraudulently created a Square account in my name without my authorization. The IRS claims I owe them thousands of dollars. I need to identify the business and account where the money is going to compare it with my statements. It's disheartening to realize there are individuals who would harm others like this. As a single mother striving for financial stability, this scam has put me in a difficult position. I urge Square to address this matter promptly. I will continue trying to reach out to them via phone. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8609453 on الجمعة ٨ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٣ ٠١:١٩
Due to technical difficulties yesterday, I was unexpectedly logged out of my account. Unfortunately, I am now unable to access my account due to forgetting my password. Despite attempting to reset my password through the necessary steps, I have not received an email from Square to facilitate this process. Subsequently, when I reached out via phone for assistance, I was prompted to provide a customer code, which I do not possess. As a business owner reliant on my Square account, it is imperative that I regain access promptly. The absence of the password reset email has left me perplexed and unable to utilize my account. Your support in resolving this matter expediently would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman8611866 on السبت ٩ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٣ ١٥:٤٥
One of your Square team members merged all my accounts without helping me regain access to my account. Now, I am unable to log in or determine which account is properly set up for me. My name is Tamisha Williams, and my business is Tamisha Babysitting Service or Tamisha Elderly Care. He did not inform me which email he used, but I believe it was [redacted] I would like to switch everything to [redacted] as I can access this email. Additionally, I have changed my phone number from [redacted] to [redacted] as I no longer have access to the previous number, [redacted], which my Square info was linked to. Can you please access my account and update everything so I can regain access?
Reported by GetHuman8613713 on الإثنين ١١ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٣ ٠٠:٥٣
I spoke with a representative last Friday regarding the release of my suspended payments. They assured me that they would escalate the issue and have someone reach out within one or two business days to address the problem. However, I have not received any follow-up yet, and I am becoming increasingly worried. The funds are essential to me, especially since I utilize Square for processing credit card payments in a taxi business that I work for. I split the fares with the owner as part of my job. Your prompt assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, R. Huseltine
Reported by GetHuman8616623 on الثلاثاء ١٢ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٣ ١٨:١٣
I recently opened an account with Square and was eager to start using it for my new business. I transferred $[redacted] from my personal checking account to my Square business account to kickstart things. Surprisingly, within 3 hours, I received an email saying my account was closed with no explanation. I've been trying to get my $[redacted] back for the past 2 months, reaching out to Square multiple times for help with no success. They promised to escalate the matter and have a supervisor call me back within 3 days, but that has never happened. Every day, I check my account, but nothing changes except the pending transfer date. It's frustrating to feel like I've been robbed. I've followed all the verification steps, but my money seems to be stuck in limbo. It's disheartening how quickly my account was closed without any reason given. I hope someone can assist me with this situation.
Reported by GetHuman-kreditmy on الأربعاء ١٣ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٣ ١٢:١٩
Today, unexpectedly, when I connected the charger to my iPhone, a different unfamiliar screen appeared. Being 70 years old and not tech-savvy, I couldn't access my usual screen that has been there for years. I typically use my phone every Friday at my Rotary Club meeting without any issues. When I connect the charger, a sales screen pops up. I usually input the amount, confirm, swipe the credit card, and it's done smoothly. This problem is new to me, and I require assistance from a live customer service representative.
Reported by GetHuman8631243 on الجمعة ٢٢ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٣ ٢٠:٢٩
I previously had an account with you under Alaska Nature Designs, but most recently had an account under Alaska Dredging. In September of [redacted], I received a payment of $[redacted] from my first client for the business. It's now October of [redacted], and I still cannot transfer my money to my bank account. This is very unprofessional and unacceptable for a company like you to withhold money for this long. I would greatly appreciate some help retrieving my funds. Email me at [redacted] Call me at [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman8669162 on السبت ٢١ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٣ ١٩:٠٨

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