How Do I Get a Customer Code from Square?

Square is a company that helps businesses to run and grow by providing them with tools that process the transactions and make running the business easier. A customer code helps you to get faster responses from the customer support team when you have an issue because they do not have to manually look for your details. To get your customer code, you can follow the guidelines that are given in this article.

Christian Allen is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Aug 11, 2020

Square provides easy and accessible tools that help to empower businesses to run and grow their businesses. Square combines merchant services and mobile payments to make one service that the business people can easily use. The Square point of sale (POS) is used together with a small device that you can install in your Smartphone or tablet called Square reader. The Square reader accesses the payments from credit and debit cards.

Your customers can pay for your services or provide tips with your mobile phone or tablet. The Square app will allow you to process the customer payments from credit cards or cash, to give discounts, and even to give refunds. Other services that you can enjoy from Square include accessing your sales data and inventory in real-time, customizing your products, and getting email receipts.

When you make sales using the Square app, you can expect to get the money in your bank within two business days. Square will charge you 2.6% of your sales and an additional 10 cents for every transaction that is processed through tapping or swiping the credit or debit cards. If you manually key in the sales, Square will charge you 3.5% on the sales price and an additional 15% for every sale.

Square provides many more services like advance loans that do not have strict repayment schedules and payroll services that are currently available in 38 states in the US. The square stand allows you to convert your iPad into a point of sale tool completely. The customers can also book online appointments.

Square has a customer code that confirms that you have an account with them. When you have a customer code, you avoid unnecessary delays because the customer code helps the support team to access your information automatically without having to manually look for it. Given below are the guidelines that you can follow to get a customer code.

How to Get a Customer Code from Square

If you want to get a customer code for Square, you can follow the guidelines given below or get help from Square Customer support. Here is how you go about getting a Square customer code;

1. Have your username and password.

2. Use your password and username to login to your square account.

3. Open the "contact us page".

4. In the search section, enter the issue that you need help with and select it

5. When you select your specific issue, Square will be able to solve it faster and to connect you with a suitable support team that can address the issue.

6. Square will provide you with answers to the issue that you need to be addressed.

7. Review the answer that you receive.

8. If the answers do not provide an answer to the issue that you have, ask for more help.

9. Click on "I Still Need Help".

10. To view your customer code, click on "call support".

11. The call support is available from Monday to Friday from 6 am to 6 pm and the customer support. specialists may be available at different times during the day.

12. When you get in touch with the customer support, they will email your unique customer code and phone number and therefore you should keep checking your inbox.

13. If the call support is closed, you can get help by sending an email to Square. You can expect a response to your email within 7 days.

14. You can also send a direct message to Square through Facebook or Twitter and expect feedback within a week.

15. You can also search for a response on the community site where most questions have already been answered.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.

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How to get a customer code from Square
getting a Square customer code

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