ROBLOX Customer Service Issues

Archive 238

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about ROBLOX customer service, archive #238. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported August 15, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello, I have a Roblox account under the username kittycat251302. When attempting to log in, I encountered an issue as it kept saying my password was incorrect. Despite knowing my password, I repeatedly tried to log in without success. I tried accessing it on my Chromebook and an iPad Mini, but had no luck. The main problem is that I do not have an email linked to the account, which is causing additional difficulties. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8564677 on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 2:47 AM
I recently joined the group "Catalog Avatar Creator" and while there, a member named Bacon shared a link promising "Join this game now!!! it gives you free 58k Robux." Intrigued, I joined the game and found it quite simple. Unfortunately, upon completion, it prompted me to enter my username and password. With hopes of receiving the Robux, I obliged. Later, upon checking my account, I found no Robux added. Continuing my day with another game, Murder Mystery 2, I was suddenly kicked out with a message stating, "another account entered the experience." To my dismay, I was logged out, and it seems a hacker gained access to my account, changing my password.
Reported by GetHuman8564954 on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 7:55 AM
I've had this account since I was 8, always played on it and spent so much money on Robux. One day, I somehow changed the password and forgot it. The email I set up for it is a school email, but I can't receive emails on it. I hadn't added a phone number either, so I'm unable to reset the password that way. It's been a year since I last played on my account, and I really want to regain access to it.
Reported by GetHuman8565725 on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 5:00 PM
My account was hacked by two different individuals. One stole all my Robux (2.6k), and the other took all my valuable Adopt Me pets. I put a lot of effort into collecting those pets, like my Bat Dragon and Neon Owl, and now they are gone. I noticed one hacker was from the Philippines and the other from Indonesia. Luckily, they didn't change my email address, but I'm devastated by the loss. Can someone assist me with this situation?
Reported by GetHuman8567017 on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 10:16 AM
Due to a security breach where my cookies were stolen, my account was compromised, and someone obtained my phone number. I was preoccupied studying for an exam and didn't notice until 6 p.m. that my account had been accessed. It seems the perpetrator posted inappropriate content, leading to my account's deletion. I have lodged a complaint, but I'm not optimistic. As a smaller streamer, I feel undervalued and fear the Roblox administrator may not thoroughly review appeals from regular players like me. It appears my account is now lost.
Reported by GetHuman8567008 on Thursday, August 17, 2023 9:34 AM
While my brother and sister were playing Roblox, I decided to join them. I entered the game Brookhaven, but it seemed to lag at first, kicking me out. Despite this, I persevered as I tried to obtain one of the hill houses in the game. After being kicked out again, I attempted to return to the hill house but encountered difficulties. Confused, I then tried to access one of the star cars I owned, only to face more issues, ultimately resulting in being logged out of both Brookhaven and my account. Fortunately, I managed to log back in, but unfortunately, I realized I had lost over $50 that I had invested in Brookhaven.
Reported by GetHuman-mhalicek on Thursday, August 17, 2023 7:41 PM
A few years ago, my Roblox account was hacked, and I received poor customer service. I reached out to Roblox support and my ticket was escalated to the account restoration team, who instructed me to wait 1-10 business days. After almost three weeks, I opened a new ticket referencing the old one and requested an update. I was informed that the items had already been restored. Although I had regained access to my account during this waiting period, I refrained from logging in to avoid alerting the hackers. Upon checking, I discovered my items had been returned and subsequently stolen again within two days. This indicated a failure on the part of the account restoration team and customer service to secure my account and items post-restoration. Despite my efforts to communicate the issue in subsequent tickets over the past three years, I have received repetitive bot responses denying further assistance. This incident has been distressing as I have been a dedicated Roblox player for a decade, and losing my cherished items due to a security lapse has been heartbreaking.
Reported by GetHuman8570176 on Thursday, August 17, 2023 9:19 PM
Hello, I encountered a hacking issue with my account while playing a game, and I require assistance in recovering my password. I have previously reported this twice. Initially, you requested a payment screenshot to verify my ownership, which I did not provide. What steps should I take now? This account holds significant value for me, and I would appreciate your help. I do have two screenshots from the account's home page. Could I share them with you for verification, or can the password reset process be simplified? Thank you for your support.
Reported by GetHuman8570489 on Friday, August 18, 2023 1:26 AM
I created the Roblox account "Xxsunsetgirl321" for a child, but took it over as they didn't use it and it had Robux. Unfortunately, the account's age was set to 2 years old, and after spending all the saved Robux, I realized the mistake. Contacting Roblox via phone didn't yield results, but after sending an email, I received a response. Disappointingly, Roblox informed me that they couldn't adjust the age of accounts under 13 due to their terms of service. It left me feeling frustrated, as I am responsible for this account on behalf of the child.
Reported by GetHuman8564577 on Friday, August 18, 2023 5:57 AM
I tried out Roblox by creating an account for my younger sibling. After liking the platform, I didn't make my own account. Unfortunately, my sibling stopped using Roblox, and I discovered their account was mistakenly set to be 2 years old. Wanting to keep the Robux on the account, I couldn't change the age myself. Contacting Roblox support, I phoned with no response, but received an email explaining they couldn't alter the age due to policy. Frustrated by this, I shared more details but they didn't reply. It seems I may have to sacrifice the $[redacted] spent to create a new account. A suggestion for Roblox would be to introduce a feature for under-13 users to update their age with parental permission, including a verification process. Alternatively, improving customer service by responding promptly to emails and assisting with age changes could prevent such issues in the future.
Reported by GetHuman8570740 on Friday, August 18, 2023 6:14 AM
I have been submitting support forms to Roblox regarding being locked out of my account because I forgot to verify my email and phone number. Despite providing an online album URL with screenshots dating back to [redacted], showing my activity on the account, I continue to receive the automated response instructing me to verify ownership. I am unable to provide a billing address. I am hoping for a personalized response rather than another automated one. I urgently require assistance with my account that I created on 15/4/[redacted].
Reported by GetHuman8571118 on Friday, August 18, 2023 12:21 PM
I returned from vacation today. Upon logging into my Roblox account, I was surprised to find out that it had been banned for a day due to alleged fraud. This puzzled me as I was on vacation and only checked in last night to see what my friends were doing. Additionally, I received an email stating that someone from Milan accessed my account, which is concerning since I never shared my login details. I am worried about my Robux and any potential damage done to my account. I am seeking assistance to unblock my account, track the unauthorized login, and assess any harm caused. Thank you for your support.
Reported by GetHuman8571124 on Friday, August 18, 2023 12:24 PM
My account on Roblox was recently banned for a comment containing the word "fat." However, the situation was not entirely my fault. When my friend, with the username quanngheo79, made a rude comment about me being "short and fat," I responded defensively. If quanngheo79 hadn't provoked me, I wouldn't have made that comment. I'm requesting for my account to be unbanned and for Roblox to address the behavior of the user quanngheo79. I promise to be more careful in the future. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-anviluck on Saturday, August 19, 2023 8:34 AM
Several years ago, I created my initial Roblox account. After being away for a couple of years and investing over $[redacted] on that account, I chose to take a break. I departed without linking an email or phone number to it. I urgently need access to my password as I remember my username. Could anyone advise me on how to recover my password without any linked information? I understand it may seem silly, but I intended to pass on this account to my sister, and I am reluctant to start anew due to the money and effort invested in this account. Any assistance would be greatly valued. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8573656 on Saturday, August 19, 2023 8:12 PM
Bonjour, je m'appelle Miriam_59. Aujourd'hui, je souhaite exprimer mon désaccord concernant la suspension de mon compte pendant 3 jours. Ce que j'ai dit et fait était en réaction à du harcèlement, et je regrette mes actions. Je demande à ce que ma situation soit réévaluée. De plus, je constate qu'un autre utilisateur, @Lele2011, devrait également être suspendu pour un mois selon moi. Il est essentiel de traiter ces cas de manière équitable pour éviter tout préjudice moral, harcèlement et racisme. Merci de prendre les mesures nécessaires et de respecter mes droits. Bonne journée.
Reported by GetHuman8574593 on Sunday, August 20, 2023 2:28 PM
My account was recently deleted because I accidentally used inappropriate language while playing a game on voice chat. I understand the rules now and didn't realize the consequences at the time. I had invested over $[redacted] into this game, and I'm eager to have my account reinstated. I'm hoping for assistance in resolving this matter.
Reported by GetHuman8574916 on Sunday, August 20, 2023 6:33 PM
Hello, I recently contacted you regarding a password reset request. I am unable to access the email linked to my Roblox account or the phone number associated with it. I haven't used this account in years and trying to guess the password has been unsuccessful. I was hoping for assistance in resetting my password and perhaps receiving a one-time login code to regain access to the account. Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-schifffj on Monday, August 21, 2023 8:17 PM
My daughter's account was hacked this afternoon, resulting in an unauthorized purchase of over 30,[redacted] Robux. The username for the account is theylovefaee. I have the account details and a screenshot of the unauthorized activities. I've tried calling the customer service number at [redacted], and I've left a message. My contact number is [redacted]. Please assist in investigating the unauthorized activities and restoring the lost Robux. Thank you. Sincerely, Michelle Z.
Reported by GetHuman8579124 on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 1:11 AM
I am seeking assistance with regaining access to my Roblox account. I originally used my school email, which prevented me from receiving verification emails. Eventually, I lost access to the school email entirely. After changing the email to my personal one, I faced challenges proving it was me altering the account. As a result, I was expelled from the account and now lack access. I am hopeful for support in reclaiming access to my account.
Reported by GetHuman8579128 on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 1:31 AM
Hello, I want to bring up that the 1-day ban I received was unjustly calculated. I made a mistake by using a word that's not allowed in the game due to some children spamming the ban button. My response was due to another player continuously interfering with my gameplay and disrupting the experience. It's frustrating that such behavior goes unchecked while I get penalized for reacting. I assure you that this was unintentional on my part. I hope this situation can be addressed fairly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-kevinsbh on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 1:48 AM

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