How Do I Verify My Email with ROBLOX?

Roblox is an online gaming platform and verifying your email is important for access to your account. You can verify your email for a wide variety of reasons. Verifying your email is a simple and straightforward process that you can do yourself online through your account. Contact Roblox customer service for any issues verifying your email.

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Dec 9, 2022

Roblox is an online gaming platform that allows members opportunities to play video games created by other members of the platform. Users can play multiple games across multiple genres if they are members of the site.

In order to be a member of Roblox, you need to sign up. The membership details you will typically use to log on to your account are your email address and account password.

Therefore, your email is a very important element of using the Roblox platform. There are several reasons why you may want to verify your account email.

The first is for account verification and security purposes. If someone gets a hold of your email and changes your password, then they may effectively prevent you from accessing your account.

The second reason you may want to verify your email is if you had lost access to the email and got it back. You may then want to verify that you can still use the email to access your Roblox account.

You can also verify your email if you change it to a new one. Verifying your email is confirmation that the change has in fact taken place.

Verifying your email makes it easy to recover your password when you forget it. It is also applies in case your account is hacked. You can then recover your account and lock out the malevolent party if you are still in control your email address.

Moreover, there are signature Roblox perks to enjoy from verifying your email address. You will either get the Verified, Bonafide or Plaidafield hat when you do so. These are different Roblox account statuses that can only be conferred to an account with a verified email.

Verifying Your Email

Now that you know the importance of verifying a Roblox account email address, you should know how to do it. The process of verifying your email with Roblox is as follows:

1. Launch your preferred web browser or the Roblox mobile app.

2. Open the Roblox website.

3. Input the required details and log in to your account. If you cannot log on to your account, you should recover your password and then log in.

4. Once in your Roblox account, proceed to 'Account settings.' The process is different for the desktop version and the mobile app. For the desktop browser, you should click the gear icon located at the top right corner of the website. For the mobile app, you should click the three-dot icon for 'More' options.

5. Click the 'Account Information' tab.

6. Click the 'Verify Email' button.

7. Open another tab and open your email address. Leave the app and go to your email address if you are using your phone or tablet.

8. Check the verification email in your inbox. If you do not see it, check the spam folder. You can add their email to your email address book/contact list and try finding the message again.

9. Once you find the email, diligently follow the instructions outlined in the email by Roblox customer support.

If you follow the above steps, you should have a verified Roblox email address and you can enjoy the advantages outlined above.

You should also think about adding a two-step verification process to your account to prevent issues with your email in the future. The feature can be found in the 'Security' settings tab.

You can also always contact Roblox customer service for assistance. Calling them is the most effective way to reach them. However, an email will receive a swift response or they may respond with a call.

Visit GetHuman to get Roblox's customer service contact information.

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
How Do I Verify My Email with ROBLOX?

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Verify your email with Roblox
verifying your email with Roblox
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