ROBLOX Customer Service Issues

Archive 230

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about ROBLOX customer service, archive #230. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 1, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I am currently experiencing pain and have been awaiting assistance for five days. After receiving emails with articles and a message from Blair promising to get back to me yesterday, I am still in need of urgent help. I have invested $[redacted] into Roblox across my various accounts, particularly my old account Napaghhhh, which seems to have been let down. I kindly request for someone to promptly email me my password as I am desperately in need of access.
Reported by GetHuman8396509 on jueves, 1 de junio de 2023 1:14
My Roblox account was recently terminated. I believe the issue arose because my brother, upset by a toxic player, took improper actions. I assure you that I had no involvement in the account theft. This termination occurred during my soccer training, leaving me completely unaware. The news was disheartening for me. I kindly request the reinstatement of my account. I am willing to enhance security measures by altering my password and ensuring to log out during my activities. Your understanding and assistance in resolving this matter are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8383743 on jueves, 1 de junio de 2023 18:27
I didn't disconnect my Roblox account and now I can't log in. It says it's impossible to find my account "Melimennalavi13" and I really want it back. I hope you can help, and if not, please contact me via the email I provided, [redacted] Thank you, Roblox, for your support. Here is my email for further communication. If needed, here is also my phone number: [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman-melimenn on jueves, 1 de junio de 2023 18:32
Dear Roblox team, I have been struggling to recover my account for about 6-7 months now. One day, I went to play as usual but couldn't log in, despite using the correct password. I noticed that my account stayed logged in on Xbox, where I had some Robux that I can't access. I am reaching out to request your assistance in recovering my account as soon as possible so I can access my skins and Robux. This issue has been ongoing for far too long, and I would appreciate a prompt resolution. If possible, I kindly ask for your urgent attention to this matter to alleviate my frustration. I have included my account details for your reference: Username: miguelnoobtopro. Password: jsbsndndb. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8404011 on jueves, 1 de junio de 2023 20:31
Hello, my name is Joycelyn Malone. For the past three days, I have been receiving a one-day ban without any valid reason, and I am increasingly concerned about this situation. I have been abiding by all the community guidelines and have not been engaging in any inappropriate behavior. Surprisingly, I was banned just for standing with my microphone off in Keystone on Roblox. I have not used any vulgar language either. I request to be unbanned promptly as I have not violated any rules. Thank you- Joycelyn Malone
Reported by GetHuman-joyelynm on sábado, 3 de junio de 2023 1:53
Dear Roblox team, I am reaching out to inform you about an unfortunate incident where a friend from my list accessed my account and transferred all my pets in Adopt Me and my Robux to their account. They promised to give me 10,[redacted] Robux in return for my pets, but they ended up taking control of my entire account. Thankfully, I have regained access to my account, but my Adopt Me pets are missing. My Roblox username is Fortnite19325. I kindly request your assistance in retrieving my pets. Thank you. Regards.
Reported by GetHuman8409647 on domingo, 4 de junio de 2023 11:55
I am here to share that I had a great experience with resolving an issue using Edison Mail. Previously, I had trouble receiving important emails until I discovered this app. When a hacker accessed my account and changed my password, I was unable to verify my identity through email or phone. However, after reaching out to Edison Mail for help, they promptly assisted me in regaining access and securing my account. I was relieved and grateful for their support. This app ensures that I receive all my important emails and offers helpful assistance whenever needed. I highly recommend giving Edison Mail a try. Just request access to change your password, and they will guide you through the process of securing your account. Thank you, Edison Mail, for being a lifesaver in managing my emails effectively.
Reported by GetHuman8396341 on domingo, 4 de junio de 2023 17:45
I've been falsely accused of making inappropriate comments that I didn't make, involving sexist and derogatory remarks. It is unjust to ban me for simply mentioning the letter "f" and being targeted with offensive language and stereotypes.
Reported by GetHuman-bellaayl on lunes, 5 de junio de 2023 0:47
Initially, he was targeting another woman and then he started harassing me, telling me to make him a sandwich and go back to the kitchen. I ended up using 'w' in chat to celebrate his win while talking to my best friend on the phone, but she couldn't hear me. I typed "how's your day" but it auto-corrected to "gay," which was very offensive. I would never use such language and have a girlfriend who is upset. It's our month, and we deserve respect. It's unfair that I got banned over a misunderstanding involving the letter 'f', while others making sexist comments go unpunished. Are you suggesting that all the progress in women's rights is wasted over this confusion?
Reported by GetHuman-bellaayl on lunes, 5 de junio de 2023 0:57
I've been unable to access my Roblox account since June 2, [redacted]. Typically, I leave Roblox open to play my game at night, but that night it was closed. When attempting to log in, I encountered an error message stating, "Something went wrong. Please try again later." It's been 3 days now, and despite resetting my password, the issue persists. I fear my account may have been blocked. Could you investigate this matter? My User ID is Ggd1973.
Reported by GetHuman8410785 on lunes, 5 de junio de 2023 2:19
Hello, I am a player of the game HORROR MANSION. I had the highest score in the world of 2 million Points. However, I have been banned from the game unjustly. I want to emphasize that I have never used any scripts, mods, or hacks. I have been a dedicated player for two years, always playing honestly. Unfortunately, the admin MULTICOR banned me without any valid reason and it deeply upsets me. I want to be able to play again with my friends whom I cherish. I have invested a significant amount of time and money in this game. Please help me in overturning this unjust ban from my favorite game, HORROR MANSION. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8412848 on lunes, 5 de junio de 2023 20:44
Hello, I currently reside in Germany and have been attempting to access my account without success. A friend used her account on my old phone, but upon transferring everything to my new phone and trying to log in, I encountered a problem. The password saved in my notes is not working, and despite changing it multiple times using the one-time code, Roblox is still not allowing me to log in. I am unsure if my account has been banned, as I believe I have not engaged in any inappropriate activities. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, especially because I have invested a significant amount of Robux into adoptables.
Reported by GetHuman-emma_kli on martes, 6 de junio de 2023 9:32
Yesterday, while playing the online fighting game "brawl 2" on Roblox, I encountered individuals who insulted me for no reason. After defending myself, my account was banned without clear justification. This morning, attempting to log in revealed a one-day ban. I only stood up for myself and am unsure why this action led to a ban. I kindly request an appeal for my account under the username 24vixxbes on Roblox. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-aerionsm on martes, 6 de junio de 2023 11:58
Hello, I am Deborah. I am contacting you because my grandson, known as "kizziekam" on Roblox, had his account removed by the platform. I am upset by this decision as there is no truth to the hacking accusations against him. The situation arose when a girl falsely reported him. I was with him while we were playing and can confirm he is a regular player. Initially banned, he was later let back in. I used my credit card to pay for his membership, only for his account to be deleted again. I discussed this with my daughter-in-law who is also bewildered by these events. I seek to have my grandson's account reinstated promptly. His user ID "kizziekam" was how I connected with him in the game. This ordeal has been upsetting for my grandson, who lost everything. We are looking for your assistance in resolving this matter. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8414177 on martes, 6 de junio de 2023 12:51
I was banned from voice chat unfairly while hanging out with friends in the game. I mentioned I was five years old, and others discussed things I didn't grasp. Unfortunately, I got reported and suspended from voice chat for the fifth time. I previously faced a one-day ban on Roblox. I am requesting to have my voice chat privileges reinstated.
Reported by GetHuman8415473 on martes, 6 de junio de 2023 20:43
Hello, my name is Lina Rades. I am facing an issue with my account login. Even though I know my password, it keeps showing as incorrect. I attempted to have a verification code sent to my phone number, but I did not receive the email with the code. I suspect someone changed my phone number on the account, which is why I am not getting the emails. I haven't verified my email yet, so I am unsure what to do next. I believe my account might have been hacked. I would appreciate it if you could resolve this and grant me access to my account. You can reach me at [redacted] Please notify me once the issue is fixed. Thank you for your assistance. Lina Rades x x x
Reported by GetHuman-linarade on miércoles, 7 de junio de 2023 17:31
My son's account stopped working after we added credit. Roblox refuses to reinstate the account and claims there's no email or purchase history on it. Despite providing purchase information like the invoice from Apple Pay to prove ownership, they rudely dismissed my attempts to get help. Even after multiple follow-ups, they are still refusing to assist. It's frustrating dealing with a company that hides behind their policies and avoids resolving issues like this. Warning to others, be cautious when engaging with them.
Reported by GetHuman-mcdapste on jueves, 8 de junio de 2023 10:10
My account got terminated allegedly for "uploading discriminatory content", which I didn't do. My brother, on the other hand, did engage in that behavior and was also banned. The similarity in our IP addresses because we reside in the same household may have misled the Roblox moderation team to link my account to my brother's. Consequently, my 9-year-old account was terminated for actions I didn't commit. The evidence linking me to the alleged offense is weak compared to the proof against my brother.
Reported by GetHuman8419594 on jueves, 8 de junio de 2023 14:44
I need help with an unjust ban I received on Roblox after an incident involving a YouTuber named Trxpz. I requested a screenshot from him and the next day found out I was banned. I have a few questions: Why was I banned in the first place? Is there any evidence against me? It seems like there may have been a mistake in the moderation process. I am innocent and plan to appeal this ban. What will happen if my account is not reinstated? I am considering legal action against Roblox and possibly getting the platform shut down.
Reported by GetHuman-miloerik on jueves, 8 de junio de 2023 18:16
My account was compromised, and the hacker changed my Gmail and activated 2-step verification, preventing my access. I created a new, more secure Gmail account to use. Once the email linked to my account is changed to [redacted] from the current hannahgracequeen, I would like assistance with this change, as I've been attempting it for months without success. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman8423666 on sábado, 10 de junio de 2023 6:22

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