ROBLOX Customer Service Issues

Archive 228

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about ROBLOX customer service, archive #228. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported May 10, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
My account was hacked. I encountered a hacker on the day I lost access. After the encounter, my games on Roblox started crashing, not due to bugs. I tried logging out and in to fix the lag, but my password wasn't recognized, even though it's the only one saved in my settings. Resetting didn't work as I didn't receive a code through email or phone number. I've reached out to support, but haven't had much success, as I need assistance from a real person, not bots. My priority is to regain access to my account.
Reported by GetHuman-bwrasse on बुधवार, १० मई २०२३, रात १:४४ बजे
I received a three-day ban for no apparent reason. They claimed I was using foul language, but I was not. I got banned from Football Fusion, and I am unsure why. I also received a permanent ban. I am frustrated because I believe I did nothing wrong. They even gave me [redacted] Robux. If necessary, they can remove them. I do not understand why I was banned from Football Fusion.
Reported by GetHuman8357614 on गुरूवार, ११ मई २०२३, सुबह ६:५६ बजे
My account has been hacked. I attempted to reach customer support without success. I have evidence to confirm my ownership, such as my ID and the original email used for the first payment. The hacker gained access through a malicious link and has been harassing me. Despite their attempts to force me to comply, I refused, and they claim to have deleted my account. I am unsure if there is a possibility of recovering it, and I am frustrated by the lack of response from customer service after several days.
Reported by GetHuman-mikhayah on गुरूवार, ११ मई २०२३, रात ८:४२ बजे
Changed my account with someone, they gave me the account with the name Kylegaming200828. I handed over my account plus real money for the exchange. After a few days, anomalies started happening where they were removing me and changing the email. Today, I tried to log in and couldn't. How do I know it was them? They can recover it whenever they want since it's their original email, but this was an exchange that they should have respected. Furthermore, why when I made the exchange, were they still asking me for money as if I owed them? The account they stole from me had almost 3k. This is completely unfair, and I hope you can contact me as soon as possible regarding this scam by them. You can't just simply do nothing about it.
Reported by GetHuman8359553 on शुक्रवार, १२ मई २०२३, रात १२:३० बजे
I recently had my Roblox account deleted unfairly because someone falsely reported me for inappropriate behavior. The offensive item mentioned my username, 24kG10CK1n_AsxianLux, but I have proof that the accusations are untrue. I am not involved in any inappropriate activities and just want my account reinstated. I enjoy playing Roblox and have invested a lot of time and effort into it. I would be extremely grateful for any assistance in resolving this issue.
Reported by GetHuman-alayahwi on शुक्रवार, १२ मई २०२३, रात ३:४७ बजे
Recently in Blox Fruits, I traded with a user named @Rip_Jay28. The trade involved me giving Venom, Blizzard, Magma, and Love fruits in exchange for a permanent spin and 2x mastery (the permanent fruit was added by him without me requesting it). After the first part of the trade, he was supposed to gift me the 2x mastery to complete the trade. Unfortunately, he left the game without fulfilling his promise. I would like this issue resolved by either returning my fruits or providing the 2x mastery. My Roblox username is @Jsezyy.
Reported by GetHuman-jsezymai on शुक्रवार, १२ मई २०२३, रात ९:१९ बजे
Good day. I encountered an issue when my child was playing Roblox on my phone and asked me to buy them some Robux. I initially bought 40 hryvnias worth, but then they proceeded to make purchases without my knowledge - 40 hryvnias, then 40, 40, 40, [redacted], [redacted].31, [redacted].87, and another [redacted].87 hryvnias. The purchases were made using the one-click buy feature without payment confirmation, and money was deducted without my consent. When I noticed, I contacted my bank, but only a portion of the funds were returned, and then they were deducted again. My child is 6 years old and was unaware of the consequences. How can I get my money back? I seek your assistance in resolving this matter as the amount involved is significant to us.
Reported by GetHuman-zareckay on शनिवार, १३ मई २०२३, दोपहर १:१५ बजे
I spent over $[redacted] on Robux. I've been using Roblox since [redacted] and played before. My account got deleted, and I don't think it's fair that Roblox kept my money. I appealed, but no response. I'm not sure if accounts can be undeleted, but if possible, please do so. I'm not asking for a full refund, just transfer the money to my other account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-irvinsus on शनिवार, १३ मई २०२३, शाम ५:४१ बजे
I am in need of urgent assistance with my roblox account. I am currently unable to log in due to the two-step verification process. I have misplaced the login credentials for the authentication app, rendering me unable to retrieve the verification code. Additionally, I am unable to generate a backup code as it requires further verification steps. I kindly request your help in disabling the two-step verification for my account. Account details: Username: maxWGF1120 or Max_GamerTv
Reported by GetHuman-carlimas on शनिवार, १३ मई २०२३, शाम ६:५५ बजे
I am reaching out on behalf of my son, Jeoshua Vera, as his account "xXPandaXx" was hacked less than 24 hours ago. We are unable to access the recovery email to regain control of the account. Kindly assist us in recovering the account and ensuring that the data in your database is accurate. We kindly request resetting the recovery email and phone number associated with the account. The phone number linked to the account is [redacted] and the email is [redacted] Your help in resolving this matter is greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-webchetu on शनिवार, १३ मई २०२३, रात ९:३३ बजे
A friend told me they wanted to give me a GFX, knowing that I have the Headless Horseman and Korblox Limiteds and I'm very wealthy in MM2, Adopt Me, and Bloxburg. They sent me a video which I can share the link to if needed. After I sent them the link (they had previously asked me to click on a link), my username changed, and my [redacted] robux disappeared. I quickly got logged out. I want to recover my account, especially my limiteds and my inventory in MM2, and if possible Adopt Me. Thank you for your understanding.
Reported by GetHuman-loreeval on सोमवार, १५ मई २०२३, शाम ६:५६ बजे
Hello, my in-game name is crossfire4112gt. My Roblox account was blocked, and the reason they gave was related to me using teleport hacks, which I did not do. I was just playing slap battles and testing the wormhole glove when someone falsely reported me for hacking. I want my account back as I did nothing wrong. I hope this misunderstanding can be resolved soon, as I was unfairly blocked for trying out a game feature. I never engage in hacking and simply want my account, crossfire4112gt, restored.
Reported by GetHuman8367448 on सोमवार, १५ मई २०२३, रात ११:३८ बजे
As I mentioned before, hi, I'm Crossfire4112gt, that's my name on my Roblox account. I was playing the game Slap Battles and testing the wormhole glove. After finishing, I exited the game and let my phone rest for a while. When I tried to play again, my Roblox account, Crossfire4112gt, was blocked. I got a notification saying I was expelled for using hacks. I'm unsure how long it will take to recover my account, but I'm disappointed that some people think I did something I didn't.
Reported by GetHuman8367449 on सोमवार, १५ मई २०२३, रात ११:४३ बजे
On May 14th at 4:56 pm, I encountered a persistent pop-up on my screen prompting me to enter my authenticator app code. Initially, I believed it was a bug in Roblox and attempted to resolve it by clearing my browsing data. To my dismay, I discovered that my account had been compromised, leading to the theft of valuable items such as the Void Star, Black Iron Horns, and Green Goofy Face. Despite not engaging in any suspicious activities or sharing my account information, my belongings were swiftly taken. This incident has been distressing as I dedicated significant effort to acquiring these possessions. I seek assistance in initiating a rollback process to recover my lost items. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman8367843 on मंगलवार, १६ मई २०२३, सुबह ६:०९ बजे
I am a 62-year-old senior citizen working on a project to help other seniors connect with their families through technology. With 27,[redacted] followers on TikTok, I share educational content and my experiences with new technologies like WEB3, ChatGPT, and AI. As a WEB3 educator with a Masters in Nonprofit, I am passionate about helping seniors engage with their children and grandchildren online. I am interested in discussing a potential partnership with Roblox to create content for my audience on how to use the platform to connect with loved ones.
Reported by GetHuman8370035 on बुधवार, १७ मई २०२३, रात १:५२ बजे
My daughter no longer has access to her account on Roblox. She no longer has an email or phone number attached to the account. Despite contacting Roblox previously, they have mentioned they cannot assist with ownership matters. I have invested a significant amount in purchases on her account under the username "hellokotto." After consulting with the Australian gaming ombudsman, it has been advised that if Roblox cannot restore access to the purchased content with valid proof of ownership, I am entitled to request a full refund. For potential dispute resolution, I kindly request a reference number from Roblox to provide to the Australian gaming ombudsman for further action. I have verifiable proof of ownership through PayPal and my personal bank card transactions for the account content. I am requesting a password reset or alternatively, a full refund if access cannot be restored.
Reported by GetHuman8370167 on बुधवार, १७ मई २०२३, सुबह ४:०९ बजे
Ich habe ein Problem mit dem Spiel Pls Donate in Roblox. Obwohl mir viele Leute Spenden geschickt haben, habe ich die Robux NIE erhalten. Mehr als 60% der Spenden sind nicht angekommen, was sehr frustrierend ist. Ich habe bereits dreimal an den Support geschrieben und immer wieder dieselbe Antwort erhalten. Es ist sehr ärgerlich, dass mir nicht die Robux gutgeschrieben werden, für die andere Spieler gespendet haben. Bitte helfen Sie mir so schnell wie möglich, da ich schon seit Monaten auf die fehlenden Robux warte. Viele Grüße, M.
Reported by GetHuman8371909 on बुधवार, १७ मई २०२३, रात ८:३६ बजे
My child's account has the nickname "Zhzhzhzhzhzh6" and the password "zhzhzhzhzh". The email on the account is unverified, and there is no phone number linked to it. When my child tried to log in from a different device, they couldn't pass the verification process. The system prompted a password change for security, but since the email is unverified, we didn't receive any notification. How can we change the password without email verification? Can you please verify my child's account (Zhzhzhzhzhzh6) to [redacted] so I can proceed with resetting the password? Alternatively, could you unlock the account using the old password (zhzhzhzhzh) so I can verify my email? Your assistance is much appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-autodm on गुरूवार, १८ मई २०२३, दोपहर १०:३६ बजे
On Tuesday while playing on Club ROBLOX, I received a fake toss message from my ex, his current wife, or someone in his family. This led to my account being locked. Despite my attempts to remove the message by resetting my computer, it persists, preventing me from playing. I feel continuously stalked, bullied, and harassed on the website, which is affecting not only me but also my 14-year-old son. I have reached out to ROBLOX for help, but it seems like my efforts have been thwarted. I am desperate for a solution to end this behavior and ensure the safety of my son and myself.
Reported by GetHuman8374239 on गुरूवार, १८ मई २०२३, रात ८:२५ बजे
My account was hacked during a recent data leak, even though I never entered personal information into any games. This is the second time my account has been involved in a data leak, but this is the first time it was actually hacked. Roblox, can you please help me get my account back? I have been a loyal player and supporter for a long time. Any assistance in recovering my account would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman8376918 on शनिवार, २० मई २०२३, रात १:०८ बजे

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