Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 850

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #850. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported September 18, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I am currently locked out of my account because I no longer have access to my Google Authenticator. I replaced my phone while the Authenticator was active, and the old phone was wiped when I traded it in. I last accessed my account on Friday, September 6th. I have tried the usual recovery methods without success. I am seeking assistance from a live person to explain my situation and provide the necessary proof to lift the 2FA or receive the recovery code via email to resolve this issue myself.
Reported by GetHuman-gykmi on Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 15:37
On Sunday, September 8th, the Instagram app on my phone started glitching. After seeing others complain about similar issues on Twitter, I assumed it was a widespread problem. However, the following Monday, I realized I had been unexpectedly logged out of all my accounts. When attempting to log back in, I received an error message stating "No users found." Even my friends noticed I had unfollowed them. It seems like my account has mysteriously disappeared, as searching my username yields no results. Despite filling out Instagram's Deactivated Account form twice, I have not received any response from them. The help center only leads me in circles back to the same form. I've come across old articles mentioning Instagram outages resulting in deleted accounts, with users eventually recovering their accounts. Unfortunately, I have not been as fortunate yet. General Info: Username: @thomas_barker_ Old username: @tcbowa (changed in [redacted]) Business Accounts: @theiasc, @rollinfromtheheart, @csef, @goskateboardingday, @skateboardinghalloffame, @rosaswim
Reported by GetHuman-tcbowa on Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 16:58
Dear Sir, I need assistance as my Facebook account got disabled today between 8:30 pm to 8:45 pm IST. The reason provided was a violation of Facebook's terms and policies which I have never done knowingly on Facebook or in real life. I suspect my account was hacked as my Gmail indicated someone accessed my account from Indonesia, while I am based in India and have never traveled outside the country. This morning, I clicked on a tempting game link on Facebook. It prompted for game details and a Facebook sign-in. Although nothing seemed to happen, hours later, my account was disabled. (Please note, I wasn't active on Facebook then, only playing the game that is linked to it.) Kindly investigate this issue and reactivate my Facebook account as many of my essential activities are connected to it. Sincerely, Achyut (Facebook: Soumil Kumar) Email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-soumilan on Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 17:11
I am unsure if I am in the right place, but this seems like the best option to address my issue. I am attempting to access one of my secondary accounts to make some changes, but it got locked during the password reset process. I was presented with two options to unlock it: provide a picture of my ID or ask 3 out of 5 listed friends for assistance. Unfortunately, this account does not contain any personal information or photos of me, rendering the ID submission useless. Additionally, I am unfamiliar with 3 of the 5 friends suggested to contact for help, and 2 of them happen to be alternate accounts linked to me. The locked account is under the name "Ihopeyouchoke Godieinahole," reflecting my teenage angst. The related accounts are Carolynn S. and Aidan D., the latter being another secondary account with forgotten login details. Is there an alternate method available to unlock the account without involving unknown individuals or providing an ID photo that won't be relevant in this situation?
Reported by GetHuman3610841 on Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 17:42
I am trying to access my old Facebook account that I haven't used in a while. I created the account around 2[redacted] with a phone number from Venezuela. After moving to the United States, I no longer have access to that number. When I attempt to log in, Facebook prompts me to verify my identity either through a code sent to my old phone number (which I cannot use) or through a previously used device, which I no longer have. Unfortunately, there are no other options provided, and I am unsure of what steps to take next. I would appreciate any assistance you can provide. My name is A.J. Páez Caracciolo, the phone number on the account is +[redacted]58, and the email associated with the account is [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-ajpc on Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 17:53
I am having trouble accessing my Facebook account. Facebook keeps sending login and recovery codes to my landline phone, which I cannot access. The codes sent by email are not working for me to log in. I do not have a mobile phone, only an old cell phone for calls and voicemail. I need Facebook to accept the codes sent to my email for me to access my account. Can someone help me with this issue?
Reported by GetHuman3611264 on Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 18:48
Hello, I am Dung Vu Hoang, and I organized a fundraiser on my Facebook account for the iLazaro charity in Houston to support children's education. The fundraiser started on May 15, [redacted], and in total, it raised $6,[redacted]. However, the charity has only received $[redacted] from Networkforgood on August 15, [redacted], and $[redacted] on September 13, [redacted] out of the total donated funds. There is still $6,[redacted] remaining from the donations that the charity has not received. I am reaching out for help to ensure that iLazaro charity receives the full donated amount promptly as it has been over three months since the fundraiser concluded. This is crucial as the children are relying on these funds for their ongoing education. Please get in touch with me at your earliest convenience to address this matter. Thank you, DV
Reported by GetHuman-dvhoang on Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 18:57
I am working on enhancing my Facebook Page as a Musician under the name "suspenceful." However, the username "suspenceful" is currently being used by a personal account belonging to Spencer S Salcedo. After reviewing the username policy, I noticed that usernames should not impersonate others. While I believe that Mr. Salcedo did not intend to impersonate me, the username does not match his real name, and the account has been inactive since January [redacted]. Consistency in naming is crucial for my business, and I believe using this username would not harm Mr. Salcedo's inactive account. I simply aim to develop my brand on the platform. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Spencer R Moran
Reported by GetHuman3611326 on Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 18:59
I am writing to request assistance regarding my Instagram account under the username walkershreve that was mistakenly disabled due to someone impersonating me. Despite my efforts to appeal, submitting my profile information and a photo of my state ID, I have not received any response from Instagram. The imposter, with the username walker_shreve69, only had one post with a poorly written bio, while my legitimate account had 58 posts. I kindly ask for a review of this situation as my account holds significant importance to me. Your help in resolving this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman3611456 on Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 19:18
I recently updated my email address from [redacted] to [redacted] However, since then, I've been having trouble logging into my account on Facebook. Despite following all the steps required for identification, including clicking on my recent posts, friends' faces, and entering codes, I keep getting redirected to an identification loop. I even attempted to change my password, but the issue persists. I even tried logging in on a different computer with no success. I have even submitted my driver's license photo to verify my identity. It's been frustrating, and I would appreciate any assistance in resolving this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-jereisch on Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 19:24
I am looking for information regarding a listing I posted on Facebook yesterday with the ID number [redacted][redacted]. The item was a compound bow with accessories. After being notified that the post was rejected due to guidelines on ads related to firearms, animals, and illegal items, I made adjustments to remove any gun references and resubmitted it, but it was rejected again. I am unclear why it was rejected as it doesn't violate the guidelines mentioned. I am eager to follow the rules and would appreciate clarity on the rejection reasons to ensure compliance. I hope to have this post approved if possible or to understand the specific grounds for rejection when it doesn't infringe on the listed guidelines.
Reported by GetHuman-kmaur on Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 19:40
I'm unable to access my Facebook account. I followed the instructions for changing my password using trusted contact codes. Despite changing my password successfully, I am unable to confirm the change because Facebook sent the confirmation link to an old Hotmail account I no longer have access to. I have attempted to use different email addresses, even creating new ones, to receive this confirmation email without success. I have checked all folders, including spam and junk, but the email containing the link never arrives. This seems to be a common issue online, where these emails are not received. I am quite distressed as my Facebook holds many years of memories that I intended to share with my children. Any assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated. Best regards, Victoria Email associated with my Facebook account: [redacted] (No longer accessible)
Reported by GetHuman-villasin on Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 21:16
My Facebook account got hacked, and the hacker changed my password. I tried to reset it, but I can't access the email or phone number linked to the account. The email is [redacted], and the phone number is [redacted]. After reporting the hack, my account got disabled. I sent my ID for identity verification, but they need to email me at [redacted] to continue. I can't access this email and am stuck without help. My business page, Keeton Media, and Instagram are linked to this account, leaving me unable to access them. I'm reaching out for help, any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Contact me at [redacted] or [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman3612195 on Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 22:00
Hello Facebook Recovery Team, I am writing with deep concern about an incident this morning while trying to access my FB app. I was prompted to click on a recovery email to reset my password, unaware that it wasn't my correct recovery email or contact number. Unfortunately, my FB ID has been hacked, my recovery contact information changed, and replaced with the hacker's email address. After mistakenly clicking "CONTINUE" for confirmation via email, I fear the hacker may have obtained the recovery pin. In short, my account has been compromised. I kindly request the FB team to assist me in regaining access to my account. I am willing to provide my email, password, or answer security questions for authentication purposes to verify my ownership of the account. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you and Kind Regards, Nishad
Reported by GetHuman-yousif_n on Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 22:11
Hello, I have been unable to access my account under the name of Faye Parker as I am facing issues resetting the password linked to the email address on file, [redacted], due to security restrictions. I also have another Facebook account named FiFi Parker which is associated with my Faye Parker account. I am requesting access to my Faye Parker account and plan to update the email address to a more current one. Providing additional context for security verification, my Faye Parker account was established in [redacted], and I reside in Leicester, England, with a birthdate of 07-06-[redacted]. I am willing to offer more details if needed, such as the names of individuals connected to this account. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Reported by GetHuman-faye_par on Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 22:51
I am receiving a message indicating my account has been locked. The options to unlock it suggest logging in from a recognized computer, which I am currently using without success, or having friends receive codes from Facebook to assist in unlocking it. However, I primarily communicate with these friends through Facebook, creating difficulty in following this step. As a faculty member at Birmingham University, I recently published a book on the Apache Wars in the USA. I frequently use my work computer to engage with various Facebook groups related to American Wild West subjects. Despite having accessed Facebook from my work computer before, I am puzzled as to why my account has been locked. This situation is hindering my efforts to promote my work and increase sales, a process I successfully conducted with my previous books on Facebook. I urge for a prompt resolution to this frustrating matter as it impacts my professional engagement.
Reported by GetHuman-wattrn on Mittwoch, 18. September 2019 23:27
I have reported a convicted sexual offender, child molester, and vulnerable adult molester who is using a false name on Facebook. I provided his full legal name, a link to his profile, and a link to his entry on the state of South Carolina sexual offenders page, as requested by Facebook. Despite their promise to close the account once verified, he is still on Facebook after * days. As a victim of his sexual assault, I urge Facebook to uphold their policy and support victims over sexual predators by promptly shutting down his account.
Reported by GetHuman-mooresan on Donnerstag, 19. September 2019 00:24
I am a digital artist who earns a living from my artwork. Lately, an Instagram user by the name of @my_little_pony_nightmare has been posting my work and the work of other artists without giving credit. I've already reported the pieces that belong to me and Instagram removed them. However, within minutes, they posted more of my art and other artists' work in a large batch. I reported this as well, and it was taken down. Unfortunately, this hasn't resolved the issue. I'm feeling helpless as I can't find a solution. I am seeking the removal of this account but do not have a way to reach Instagram. I want to prevent this user from stealing art. I speak not just for myself but on behalf of all artists impacted by this individual. The violation of my art is deeply disturbing, and I cannot tolerate this behavior. I am at a loss and need assistance to address this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-ahowerto on Donnerstag, 19. September 2019 01:28
I am unable to access my Facebook account. Over the past few days, Facebook keeps logging me out with a message stating "log in has expired" and then logs me out. I have been prompted to change my password multiple times, leading to me forgetting the current password. The account is linked to an old email that I cannot access, preventing me from using the forgot password feature. I have been using this Facebook account for nearly a decade, storing countless pictures, videos, and memories. Regaining access to my account and resetting the password has become a priority. Your assistance in helping me retrieve my account and secure it with a memorable password would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman3613237 on Donnerstag, 19. September 2019 01:40
Hello GetHuman team, I have previously mentioned several times the ongoing issue with my company's Facebook page "Xinyi Trading." Our live videos are causing viewers to get kicked out or experience hanging problems with endless loading, leading to a significant decline in viewership. Restarting only resolves the issue about half of the time. I would appreciate a more in-depth understanding of the underlying problems causing this issue. Despite reaching out to other companies about their Facebook pages, no one seems to be experiencing similar difficulties. New viewers are unable to load the videos, while existing viewers are getting kicked out or facing hanging problems. Could you please provide insights into the possible reasons behind this issue? Thank you. You can reach me at [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman3461376 on Donnerstag, 19. September 2019 02:37

Help me with my Facebook issue

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