
Overstock.com Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Overstock.com's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Overstock.com customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Is it possible to track an order without an account?

Yes, it is possible to track an order without having an account on Overstock.com. After placing an order as a guest, you will receive...

Is it possible to track an order without an account?

Yes, it is possible to track an order without having an account on Overstock.com. After placing an order as a guest, you will receive...
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Order Management

How Do I Track My Overstock.com Order?

This GetHuman Guide explains how to track an Overstock.com order as an account holder and as a guest. While Overstock cannot display...

How Do I Exchange My Overstock.com Order?

Overstock.com is dedicated to providing quality merchandise to help homeowners in realizing their interior design preferences. Part...

How Do I Cancel an Order on Overstock?

This article describes how to cancel an order that you placed with Overstock. The special difficulties involved with canceling an Overstock...

Can I change the shipping address for my order?

Yes, you can change the shipping address for your order on Overstock.com. If you need to update the delivery address after placing...

Returns and Refunds

What is Overstock.com's return policy?

Overstock.com's return policy allows customers to return most items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. However, there are...

How long does it take to receive a refund from Overstock.com?

The timeline for receiving a refund from Overstock.com typically depends on the payment method and the return process. If you are returning...


Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, we offer international shipping to most countries. At Overstock.com, we understand that our customers are from various parts of...

Payment Methods

What payment methods does Overstock.com accept?

Overstock.com accepts various payment methods to provide a seamless shopping experience for customers. We accept major credit cards...

Customer Loyalty Program

What is the Overstock.com Club O loyalty program?

The Overstock.com Club O loyalty program is a membership program designed to reward our valued customers with exclusive benefits and...

Order Placement

Can I place an order over the phone?

Yes, you can place an order over the phone at Overstock.com. Our customer service representatives are available to assist you with...

Order Tracking

Is it possible to track an order without an account?

Yes, it is possible to track an order without having an account on Overstock.com. After placing an order as a guest, you will receive...

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