Foot Locker Customer Support on Facebook

Contacting Foot Locker customer service via Facebook or Messenger

Foot Locker on Facebook
  • Expect a response from Foot Locker within 3 hours.
  • Ranked #4 of 6 ways to contact Foot Locker by GetHuman visitors.
Most customers prefer talking to a Foot Locker customer service rep over the phone versus trying for a back and forth over Messenger.

Foot Locker Facebook-based Customer Help - Info & Stats

Address of Facebook page
Facebook page hours24 hours, 7 days
Ideal time to write10:15am
First response time3
Average turnaround time5
Rank (amongst all ways to contact)4
Legibility of messaging85%
Quality of help94%
Customer votes711
Information last updatedSat Apr 20 2024 10:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Foot Locker Customer Service via Facebook: The Breakdown

Foot Locker's Facebook Business Page is one way to contact customer service and see if they are on Messenger at the same time. We don't always recommend this as the best way to reach them, and you can see our other suggestions right here. If there's a better, faster way to speak to a customer service rep about your issue, we got it. One reason that so few customers prefer to speak with businesses over Facebook is that the conversation is more private than, say, a conversation with Foot Locker over Twitter. And generally, if a Facebook option is available and their customer service department actually operates it, they likely have a big enough customer support operation to also communiate over the phone, by email, or sometimes even by chat. And of course we at GetHuman build tools to make communicating any of these ways even easier and less time-consuming, so there's that too. So far we have not built any tools to accelerate or improve communication through Facebook, but we may soon. Particularly for companies that are on Facebook Messenger.

Contacting Foot Locker in General

There are 6 ways to speak with Foot Locker customer support. This is just one of them. And not likely to be the best one. In almost every case, you would want to call Foot Locker if possible, or use the GetHuman Phone to call them so you don't have to wait on hold. The best way to talk to customer care, according to other Foot Locker customers, is the 800-991-6815 option we show above. If you know of other ways to reach Foot Locker that we haven't talked about here already, please let our research team know. Or if you think that Foot Locker has a better Facebook page or Messenger handle, we want to know that too! And we of course would want to share that with other customers in our ongoing fight to make customer service easier and more transparent to all.

Contacting Foot Locker

Other Companies on Facebook

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