How Do I Update My Email on My Twitter Account?

With the information below, you should update your Twitter email address successfully with little to no problem. You need to be aware of the difference in changing your Twitter email address on their website and through the mobile application. Also, make sure you use a valid email address when changing your email because an existing email is associated with each account and can only be changed once per account.

How Do I Update My Email on My Twitter Account?

Twitter is a great way to connect with friends, family, and followers. It is also a great platform to share your thoughts with the world. How do you go about it if you want to keep your account updated with your latest email address?

You can update your Twitter email address on the Twitter mobile application or online on their website. The browser version of Twitter appears different from the condensed mobile application, but you will find the settings quite similar. This article will outline how to update Twitter email using the web client and mobile application.

Update My Twitter Email from Twitter Website

You can update your Twitter email directly from the company's site. Follow these steps to add your current email to your Twitter account:

  1. Go to the Twitter website and log in using your email, username, phone number, and account password.
  2. Click on the More icon to access the Account settings page, then click on settings and privacy.
  3. In settings and privacy, click on Your Account. You will see information on your account on the right.
  4. Click on Account Information, key in your account password, and click confirm. Click Email. You will see your current email. To change it, click on the update email address, where you will be prompted to verify your password.
  5. Upon verifying your password successfully, you will be prompted to enter your new email address in the provided field. Type your new email and click on next.
  6. Twitter will send a verification code to your new email that you will be required to enter in the prompt on Twitter. Log in to your email, copy and paste the code on the prompt and click save. However, keep in mind that an email address is only associated with one Twitter account.

Do you still have questions on how to update your Twitter email from the website? Contact customer service for assistance.

Update My Twitter Email Address from the Mobile Application

Do you have the Twitter app on your smartphone? Here's how to update your Twitter email from the convenience of your mobile device:

  1. On the top menu, you will see either your profile icon or a navigation menu. Tap on either and select Settings and Privacy.
  2. In settings and privacy, tap on Your Account.
  3. On Your Account, tap on Account information, you will see the username, email, phone, country, and other details relating to your Twitter account.
  4. Tap on email, where you will be asked to verify your password. Type the password and click Next.
  5. You will see a change email prompt. Key in your new email and choose whether to allow people with your email to connect with you. Twitter will send a code to your new email.
  6. Log into your new email and copy the code. Paste it into the Twitter prompt and click Verify. You have changed your Twitter email address.

Contact customer service with any questions you may have on the process above.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
How Do I Update My Email on My Twitter Account?

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