How Do I Recover My Account Access to ViaGoGo?

In a nutshell: Viagogo is a multinational ticket exchange and resale brand. If an account is locked, the cause should be identified to take appropriate steps for recovery. To reset the password, visit the company's website, click on "Sign In," and then "Forgot Your Password." Enter the email address and a password reset link will be sent. Create a new password and confirm it. If this doesn't work, contact Viagogo customer support.

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Nov 29, 2023


Viagogo is a multinational ticket exchange and resale brand with many events and secure transactions. The platform is generally safe for commerce, but the safety features of your account may sometimes cause you problems. For instance, if you’re attempting to log into your account but enter the wrong password more than five times, your access gets blocked. If your Viagogo account is locked for any reason, you can regain access through these steps.

Assess the Situation

It’s essential to figure out why you’ve lost access to your Viagogo account before taking action. Sometimes, accounts get locked due to technical issues that may be resolved automatically. Identifying the cause allows you to take appropriate steps to recover your account.

Visit the Company’s Website

After determining the cause of your lock-out, browse the company’s website. Once the homepage loads, click “Sign In” at the top right.

How Do I Recover My Account Access to ViaGoGo? (Step 2)

Click “Forgot Password”

Clicking the “Sign In” button opens the login page, where you must enter your email address and password. Click the “Forgot Your Password” option to proceed.

How Do I Recover My Account Access to ViaGoGo? (Step 3)

Enter Your Email Address

The platform loads a new section where you must provide your account’s email address, which will be used to send you a password reset link. If you’ve forgotten the email address that you used for your account, click the “I Don’t Know the Email I Registered With” option. This will open up a section for providing your details. Enter your name, an active email address, primary phone number, and the event you’re interested in. Choose whether you’d like to make payments using PayPal or a credit or debit card. If you know your email address, type it in the space provided and click “Proceed With Password Reset.” The platform informs you that an email has been sent to your mail address with instructions to reset your password.

How Do I Recover My Account Access to ViaGoGo? (Step 4)

Reset Your Password

Proceed to your mail inbox and look for the email sent by Viagogo. Check the spam folder if you don’t find it in your inbox. Once you see it, open it and click the link provided in the email. The link takes you to a new web page where you can create a new password. Create a unique password comprising letters and numbers to ensure your account remains secure. Confirm your new password by entering it in the “Confirm Password” section. After the website confirms that they match, finalize the process by clicking the “Reset Password” button.

The platform then sends you a confirmation message informing you that your password has been reset. Log into your Viagogo account using your email address and new password.

Contact Viagogo Support

If resetting your password doesn’t help you regain access to your account, you can contact Viagogo customer support for further assistance. Visit the Viagogo website and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click the “Contact Us” button to access the customer support channels offered by Viagogo. You can chat with a customer support representative and share your queries with the live chat option. You can also make a phone call during Viagogo’s business hours.

How Do I Recover My Account Access to ViaGoGo? (Step 6)


Viagogo offers a user-friendly platform where you can quickly access self-service options whenever needed. When resetting your password, create a password that’s easy to remember but can’t be guessed by anyone else. The next time your Viagogo account is locked, don’t panic; follow the simple steps to regain access.

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
How Do I Recover My Account Access to ViaGoGo?

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Asked 5 years ago
Updated 8 months ago
Viewed 3,393,364 times
recover Viagogo account
reset Viagogo password
account access
lost password
account recovery
Account Access
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