When it comes to paying your bills every month, using the automatic payment option offered by many companies is possibly the most efficient way of keeping your finances in order. Autopayment, in a few words, is the permission you give a company with which you have a recurring monthly bill, to take the funds out of your bank account without you having to go through the payment process yourself. Choosing this option will give you some peace of mind while helping you avoid late fees since payment basically takes care of itself as long as you have enough funds to cover the bill. It also saves you from having to remember the due dates on all your bills every month, a nice relief when you live a hectic lifestyle.
With all of this in mind, you are probably wondering whether your MasterCard credit card offers this option and if so, how to set it up. The short answer to that question is a resounding yes. Mastercard does offer autopayment to its clients, and it's not too hard to set up, so let's take a look.
Setting up the autopayment option for your MasterCard credit card is easy. Simply log into your account and click on the payment tab. Once you are redirected to the payment section of your account, you can select the option to make automatic payments. You are given three payment options, as follows:
If you are leery about setting up autopayment for your MasterCard credit card online, you can give them a call and a representative will be more than happy to help you with the process.
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