How Can I Update My Google Account?

You can choose to update information like your birthday or your gender if you created an account with the wrong details or if the details have changed over time. Here are some helpful tips you need to follow:

Jeff Whelpley is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Nov 18, 2019

You may have tried to log into your Google account or any application only to receive a message that "An update to your account is required" on sign in. This may happen when Google has made some modifications or there is a problem with your account. It may also happen when you have conflicting accounts. This means that you have two different accounts with the same email addresses, hosted on two different name storing databases. Here are some elements of your Google account that you may choose to update and steps on how to update them.

How to Update Your Name and Photo

  1. Open your Google Account. Google may require you to sign in at this step.
  2. In the top right, click on Settings.
  3. Go to "Personal Info" and under it select "Name" and then "Edit"
  4. Follow the steps that show up
  5. Upload your photo

You should note that Google only permits you to change your name a maximum of three times on a span on 90 days.

How to Update Your Personal Information

You can choose to update information like your birthday or your gender if you created an account with the wrong details or if the details have changed over time. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Sign into your Google Account
  2. Go to "Personal Info" and select the category whose details you want to change.

You need to remember that if your account is more than two weeks old, you can change your name up to three times only within a span on 90 days. Under Personal Information, if you delete your nickname you will not be able to create another one. After you add your birthday when initially creating a Google account, you won't be able to delete it. You can however change it and, or modify who can see it. The gender option on the other hand has fewer options. You can either choose to specify your gender, not specify it or choose a custom gender with which Google will use to refer to you.

How to Update Your Password

Here are the steps you need to follow when changing your password

  1. Open your Google Account
  2. Go to the "Security" section and select "Signing in to Google"
  3. Select the password option. Sign in again if Google prompts you
  4. Follow the given steps

If you wish to reset your password, you need to go into your Google account log in page. Click on the "Forgot Password" option at the bottom of the tab. Google will ask you some questions to confirm whether or not you are the owner of the account. Google will then send you an email with the steps you need to follow in order to get your new password.

How to Update Your Email Signature

  1. Sign into your Google Account
  2. Click on the cogwheel at the top right corner of the page
  3. Select Settings
  4. Scroll down to Signature
  5. Go ahead ad update your phone number and your Skype handle
  6. Go to the bottom of the tab and click on "Save Changes"

How to Update What Will Show up in Other People's Inboxes

  1. Go to your Google Account
  2. Click on the cogwheel at the top right corner of the page
  3. Click on "Settings"
  4. Go to "Accounts"
  5. Select the option for sending mail and click on "Edit info"
  6. Choose the first option and then edit as you see fit
  7. Click save at the bottom of the tab

For any assistance, you can always call the Google customer service, a toll-free service provided by Google.

These steps should help you update your Google account.

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Jeff truly believes that all customers deserve good service. He’s been building tools, inventing phone tree hacks and helping customers since before his days at GetHuman. He's also a Google GDE and involved in the Angular community.
How Can I Update My Google Account?

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Asked 5 years ago
Updated 5 years ago
Viewed 1,124,525 times
Update Account Information
Google account
Change account information
wrong information
Google account
Update Account Information

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