How do I detect if there is a service outage on DirecTV?

If your DirecTV is having issues, it may not be a problem with your device but it could be a service outage in your area. Here's how you can check for a service outage with DirecTV.

Christian Allen is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Jul 22, 2019

DirecTV is a satellite television service operated by AT&T. You do not need a satellite dish or cable box to enjoy this service. Furthermore, it features hundreds of exciting channels ranging from sports, movies, music channels, and local programming.

Your receiver is connected to the DirecTV network for it to work properly. Whenever your DirecTV is connected, it can automatically update information in your viewing guide, scan for the latest movies available for purchase and also keep track of all the latest changes made to the service.

You can easily connect your DirecTV to a network via a wireless internet connection or an active phone line. Unfortunately, DirecTV is not 100% perfect, and just like any other online streaming service, it experiences outages.

Although they are quite rare, it is always good to know how to check for a DirecTV outage. Follow this guide to know how to detect if there is a service outage on DirecTV.

Step 1:

The first thing you need to do while trying to detect whether there is a service outage is to hit the "menu" button on your remote control to check the internet connection status. The menu button is strategically located in the center of your remote just above the red, yellow, blue, and green buttons.

Step 2:

Once you hit the 'menu" button, be sure to select "Help and settings" option then "setup" to check your connection status. Now select the "network" option and then go ahead and choose the "test connection" option to receive an internet connection status update. DirecTV will take some time to communicate with the network, and if your receiver is not connected, you will receive an error message saying that there is a problem with your connection.

Step 3:

If you receive the connection error message, it means that there is no service outage, but it is your connection that has a problem. However, if everything is okay and you still cannot enjoy your favorite TV programs, then there may be a service outage. Contact DirecTV right away to speak to a customer service representative who will confirm whether there is a service outage.

How Can You Fix Connection Issues to Enjoy Error-Free Streaming

Most problems with DirecTV result from a weak network signal. If you are experiencing a slow connection, try these simple troubleshooting tips to fix the issue and enjoy fast streaming.

Restart your home network to see if you will correct the error. Unplug your streaming device or shut down your mobile device. Unplug your router from the power source and wait for at least one minute before you reconnect it. Turn on your router first before turning on your mobile device and finally plug in your streaming device and start to enjoy error-free streaming.

If the problem persists, then you may need to move your router to another location of your home where the signal is strong. You can identify the perfect spot by moving it around to see where the signal is perfect.

You should also keep your Wi-Fi equipment off the floor to get a better signal. Avoid positioning your router or modem near speakers, telephone equipment, or stereos. This helps to prevent signal interruption due to electromagnetic interference.

If nothing seems to work, consider restoring your internet service provider's default settings. This might be the best option if you have been using custom connection settings.

If you have a virtual private network, make sure that you disable it and connect your streaming device to your home internet. If you are using custom DNS settings, reset your device to default settings and also proceed to restore the default DNS settings and everything will be okay.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
How do I detect if there is a service outage on DirecTV?

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