
Care.com Customer FAQ

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What is Care.com's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Care.com customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

How Do I Update the Information on My Care.com Account?

Care.com is among the top caretaker search services headquartered in the US. It provides a wide range of information about care seekers...

How Do I Cancel My Care.com Account?

A complete guide on how to quickly cancel your Care.com account.
Ask any question you have about Care.com customer service, get an answer now.

Recent Care.com Customer Questions

I have repeatedly trying to get in touch with your company I am trying to reinstate my membership I paid for it. But I still can't get access to my account I would like to speak to someone directly

We're sorry to hear you're having trouble. To reinstate your membership, you'll need to log into your account on the Care.com website. If you're having difficulty accessing your account, try resetting your password using your registered email address. If you're still facing issues, the quickest way to reach Care.com's support team is through the contact link on the page you're currently on. They will be able to assist and guide you to resolve the issue most effectively. We hope this issue is resolved promptly for you.
Asked Jun 11, 2024 1:53 PM

Hello! I made a profile on caregiver app but clients cant find my profile on care.com. whats is happening?

It could be that your profile is still under review. Care.com reviews all caregiver profiles before they appear in searches to ensure safety and quality. It can take a few days for your profile to be reviewed and approved. If you've waited and still can't be found, make sure all sections of your profile are complete, including your background check. Profiles without these completed may not show up in searches. If everything is in order and you're still having issues, it's possible there might be a technical problem, manual checks by Care.com, or a demographic issue like fewer people searching for caregivers in your area.
Asked Jun 5, 2024 3:56 AM

1. I am unable to submit my availability on the "reoccuring availability page. I type everything in, hit "submit" but nothing happens and it never submits.

We're sorry to hear you're having trouble submitting your availability. There could be a few reasons for this issue. First, make sure that all the required fields are filled out before you hit "submit". If all fields are filled and it's still not working, try clearing your browser's cache and cookies. This often solves most issues. If you're using a mobile device, try using a computer instead, or vice versa. If the problem persists, it could be related to a temporary site issue or maintenance. Make sure to try again in a few hours.
Asked Apr 22, 2024 6:53 PM

1. People cannot submit reviews on my profile. After they write review and submit, it disappears. Care.com person never receives review.

We're sorry to hear about this inconvenience. There might be a technical issue that requires addressing. The person writing the review should make sure they've verified their email address with Care.com, as unverified accounts may have issues submitting reviews. Also, compliance with Care.com’s review guidelines is essential, as reviews that don't follow these guidelines may not post properly. If these conditions are met and there's still an issue, the reviewer should try clearing their browser cache or try a different web browser or device. If none of these steps work, please bear with us while the technical team resolves the issue.
Asked Apr 22, 2024 6:49 PM

Care. Com app does not work. Did all.the suggested fixes still does not work

We're sorry to hear that you're having issues with the Care.com app. Make sure you're using the latest version of the app as updates often include bug fixes. If updating doesn't work, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling the app on your device. If you're still experiencing problems, it might be a temporary server issue. We'd recommend waiting for a while and trying again. If the issue persists, it might be related to your device settings or network connection. Double check your internet connectivity and device compatibility, too. Please note that the Care.com Customer Care team is also available to assist with any ongoing technical issues.
Asked Mar 30, 2024 12:50 PM

Help me with my Care.com customer service issue

Report and Refund

How Do I Report Someone to Care.com?

If you are not happy with a caregiver that you found through Care.com, there are a few steps that you can take to report them. You...

How do I get a refund from canceling my subscription with Care.com

If you cancelled your account with Care.com, depending on what day of the month you cancelled, you may be entitled to a refund. Here's...

Account Management

How Do I Update the Information on My Care.com Account?

Care.com is among the top caretaker search services headquartered in the US. It provides a wide range of information about care seekers...

How Do I Cancel My Care.com Account?

A complete guide on how to quickly cancel your Care.com account.

How Do I Close and Delete My Care.com Account?

If you are done with Care.com, we can help you cancel your account. We researched and tested the best ways possible and laid them all...

Application Process

How Do I View My Care.com Application After I Submit It?

Care.com is a company that matches families in need of care services with qualified caregivers who provide services safely and securely....

Safety Measures

What safety precautions does Care.com take to ensure the well-being of caregivers and care recipients?

At Care.com, we prioritize the well-being and safety of both caregivers and care recipients. To ensure this, we have implemented several...

Background Checks

What types of background checks does Care.com perform on caregivers?

Care.com conducts comprehensive background checks on caregivers to ensure the safety of our members. Our screening process includes...

Payment Methods

What payment methods are accepted on Care.com?

Care.com accepts various payment methods to make it convenient for users. The platform supports major credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard,...

Age Requirement

Is there a minimum age requirement to use Care.com?

Yes, there is a minimum age requirement to use Care.com. Users must be at least 18 years old to create an account and access the services...


Are there any fees associated with using Care.com?

Yes, there are fees associated with using Care.com. Care.com offers a basic membership which is free, allowing you to create a profile,...

Job Listing Information

What information should I include in my job listing to attract suitable caregivers?

To attract suitable caregivers, it is essential to include comprehensive and accurate information in your job listing on Care.com....

Qualifications Search

Can I search for caregivers who have specific qualifications or certifications on Care.com?

Yes, you can search for caregivers with specific qualifications or certifications on Care.com. Care.com offers advanced search filters,...
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