The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Hotmail customer service, archive #24. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported September 1, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Good afternoon, my Hotmail account has been hacked, and I can't restore it. I have all my information and documents there that I need. I need to unblock it. My name is Brigithr Paola Castillo Molano. That account was associated with a phone number I had to change because it didn't work in the country I am in. The email address is [redacted] Please reply to this email I am leaving here and to this phone number [redacted] in the United States. The account was created in Colombia. I kindly request your assistance. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8594044 on пятница, 1 сентября 2023 г., 0:12
I recently started receiving a single-use code multiple times a day since 21/8 without requesting it as I already know my password. Surprisingly, upon checking my email, there are no unfamiliar login IPs recorded. While I can access my email account and change the password, I'm concerned about the possibility of being hacked or my account being misused for unlawful activities. I am unsure if there are additional security measures I can take to prevent unauthorized access to my email account. Any advice on how to enhance the safety of my email would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8599697 on вторник, 5 сентября 2023 г., 1:59
Hello, I seem to have been blocked from accessing my Hotmail account under [redacted] I am unable to receive assistance using an alternative email like [redacted] It appears there is an issue with your system preventing me from accessing my [redacted] email. This oversight is frustrating, as it seems the functionality was not thoroughly tested. Please advise on how I can regain access to my email [redacted] I kindly request that you communicate with me via [redacted] to provide the necessary code for account recovery. I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. Thank you, Jiri.
Reported by GetHuman-gorgar on воскресенье, 10 сентября 2023 г., 14:15
I recently received a notification that someone attempted to access my Hotmail account from the email address [redacted] The email in question is not mine, and I suspect it is an attempt to hack into my [redacted] account. I would like to report and reject this unauthorized access. Additionally, the notification I received was in Spanish, which is not a language I understand. My account details remain unchanged, and I am concerned about this security breach.
Reported by GetHuman8623880 on воскресенье, 17 сентября 2023 г., 20:49
I'm having trouble accessing my hotmail account. The backup email linked to it is a yahoo account, and I'm being prompted to enter a verification code sent to my hotmail, but I can't access either. I tried to change the backup email, but the system isn't recognizing my answers. I've been using this email for over 16 years, and I can't remember all the information required in the form.
Reported by GetHuman8627046 on среда, 20 сентября 2023 г., 3:13
I'm having trouble accessing my email at [redacted] I no longer have access to the phone number linked to my account since I moved from Tanzania to Kenya after getting married.
Additionally, I can't remember the password for my Hotmail account.
I'm trying to log in from my new phone because my old phone's screen is broken. This issue is preventing me from accessing my Instagram and Facebook accounts as well.
I would appreciate any assistance you can provide.
Reported by GetHuman-kitabwal on четверг, 21 сентября 2023 г., 11:05
This was my first email and I can't remember the password. I have all the necessary information to recover it and prove that it belongs to me. However, when I try to use the Microsoft form, even though I answer all the system's questions, it says I can't obtain the password reset. This email has no economic value, but it contains messages from my childhood that I would like to recover.
Reported by GetHuman8630023 on пятница, 22 сентября 2023 г., 1:17
I am trying to update my phone number but have been unsuccessful. When attempting to sign in, I receive a notification stating that my security info change is pending. On 9/20/[redacted], I requested to replace my phone number ending in 25 with an alternate email address li***** The update is set to take place on 10/20/[redacted] after a 30-day waiting period. Even though the change is pending, I can still access my Microsoft account as usual during this time. If this request was not initiated by me, please let me know. Additionally, there is an option to cancel the security info change request if I prefer to retain my current details.
Reported by GetHuman8630137 on пятница, 22 сентября 2023 г., 4:00
I am experiencing difficulty changing my phone number. Recently, I encountered a hacker situation, which has been resolved. However, I am unable to access my inbox. Every time I attempt to sign in, I receive a message stating: "Your security info change is still pending. On 9/20/[redacted], you requested that your security info be replaced. Current security info Phone number ending in 25 New security info Alternate email: li***** Your security info will be replaced after 30 days, on 10/20/[redacted]. But don't worry, during the waiting period you can still sign in and use your Microsoft account normally. If you didn't request this, let us know. If you'd like to keep your current security info, you can cancel this request." I need to update my phone number and cancel this pending request.
Reported by GetHuman8630137 on пятница, 22 сентября 2023 г., 4:05
On January 10, [redacted], my Facebook account got hacked, and the hacker changed the email address for recovery to a Hotmail account. Despite reaching out to Facebook for help, they keep saying it's resolved when it's not. To regain access, I need to ask Outlook for assistance since the hacker is now using "[redacted]" as the recovery email. My hope is to recover my Facebook account with your support. Please help me with this urgent matter. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8633844 on понедельник, 25 сентября 2023 г., 5:03
I've been having trouble accessing my [redacted] account since returning from vacation on August 23, [redacted]. Despite multiple attempts, I am unable to proceed beyond viewing the list of sent emails and subject lines. I rely on this account to receive important medical information and appointment notifications, but I don't send emails frequently and can't recall their content without access to my sent folder. Could you kindly assist me in regaining access to my account?
Reported by GetHuman-oldgreyh on суббота, 30 сентября 2023 г., 5:25
I received this message from [redacted]:
Dear User: [redacted]
We inform you that your Microsoft account will be temporarily suspended due to not complying with the new system update and experiencing connection issues. You need to validate your information to avoid losing access to your account.
To reactivate your account, you should enter your current email and password on the verification and confirmation site
Thank you for using our services.
Can you confirm if this is fake?
Microsoft Corporation
Reported by GetHuman-claude_w on понедельник, 2 октября 2023 г., 4:01
Recibí este mensaje de [redacted]:
Actualización Microsoft [redacted]
Equipo Microsoft Trabaja por su Seguridad
Estimado(a) Usuario(a),
Le informamos que su cuenta Microsoft estará temporalmente suspendida debido a que no ha cumplido con la nueva actualización del sistema y ha presentado problemas de conexión. Debe validar su información para evitar perder el acceso a su cuenta. Para reactivarla, ingrese su correo electrónico y contraseña actuales en el sitio de verificación y confirmación:
Gracias por utilizar nuestros servicios.
Microsoft Corporation
¿Puede confirmar si es falso?
Reported by GetHuman-claude_w on понедельник, 2 октября 2023 г., 4:04
Hello, I have been unable to access my Hotmail account for months because they asked me security questions to verify my identity. I don't remember the answers as I haven't used my Hotmail in a while, only to sign up for things, not to send emails. They requested information like email subjects and recent emails sent, which I can't recall. I created my Hotmail account a long time ago, and now I can't open my professional accounts linked to this email. Please help.
Reported by GetHuman8648160 on среда, 4 октября 2023 г., 15:12
I've been logged into my Hotmail on my iPhone for a while, but it suddenly asked for my password and then locked my account when I tried to enter it. Now, to reset my password, it's asking to send a code to an old number from 5 years ago. I have submitted a form 6 times with all the correct information, but it's not enough. I'm at a loss for what else to do. I really need access to my emails. Can anyone assist me with this issue?
Reported by GetHuman8648748 on среда, 4 октября 2023 г., 20:47
Subject: Assistance Needed with Email Verification Issue
I hope this message reaches you well. I am reaching out for help regarding a verification matter concerning my email accounts.
My Hotmail account, [[redacted]], has been inactive for some time, and I now need to verify it to resume its use. However, the verification link was sent to my Yahoo email, [[redacted]], which is also experiencing a verification problem. Complicating matters further, my Yahoo email [[redacted]] is linked to my Hotmail address [[redacted]].
I am stuck in a challenging situation and unable to access either email account. Any guidance or assistance you can provide to resolve this promptly would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for addressing this matter quickly. I am looking forward to your support.
Best regards,
Reported by GetHuman8658256 on четверг, 12 октября 2023 г., 6:27
I am having trouble accessing my email account that I've had for over 12 years. My email is [redacted] After several attempts to troubleshoot, it seems like my account has been hacked as my security questions and phone number are no longer valid. I have been trying to fix this for three days with no success. It is crucial that I regain access to this email as it contains important messages from doctors, school, work, and insurance claims. Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-katirall on среда, 18 октября 2023 г., 1:58
Hello, I have forgotten the password for my email address. I have had this address for years and cannot recall the information I used to set it up. I received messages from you to confirm the email address, but as I cannot remember, I did not enter a code. Now the account is locked, and the codes I tried did not work. I need a solution as I have important information in this email. The email address I cannot access is [redacted] Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-sifogadh on среда, 18 октября 2023 г., 11:12
Please close my account immediately, as I keep receiving verification codes on my mobile phone from your department. I have changed the password for my email, [redacted], after receiving two messages via SMS. I have not used this email for many years and had forgotten about it. It seems someone has accessed or hacked into this email account because I received a third verification code yesterday. Please close my account promptly. Thank you for your assistance in resolving this matter quickly. Goodbye and thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman-tinzu on четверг, 19 октября 2023 г., 0:20
I am seeking assistance in recovering access to my Hotmail account, [redacted], where I had important emails sent from [redacted] I deleted the emails from my Gmail account, [redacted], over [redacted] days ago. I kindly request help in recovering these emails that were originally sent to my Hotmail account, [redacted] Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Muzaffar Hussain
Reported by GetHuman-mmuzaff on суббота, 28 октября 2023 г., 6:20