Blizzard Customer Service Issues

Archive 8

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Blizzard customer service, archive #8. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported April 29, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I recently needed to update the email associated with my account. Unfortunately, while trying to do so, I made a mistake and combined parts of my old and new email addresses. As a result, my registered email is now nonexistent. I've attempted to contact support through live chat but faced difficulty with text verification due to issues with my registered phone number. Could you please reset my email to my previous one ([redacted]), update it to the correct email ([redacted]), or send the verification code to my intended email for me to update it myself? My Battletag: Titan5z245#[redacted] Incorrectly registered email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman2832239 on Monday, April 29, 2019 7:39 PM
Hello, I purchased Overwatch on launch day after playing the beta and created a Blizzard account using my parents' email because I was too young to have my own. The issue is that I mistakenly used [redacted] instead of [redacted], which is the correct email domain for Norway. When attempting to reset my password after forgetting it, I realize I cannot access my account due to the incorrect email. I have already created a new account but would prefer to regain access to my original account to maintain my payment information. If possible, I would appreciate help in recovering my account. For verification purposes, you can reach me at [redacted] or my usual email [redacted] Apologies for any language errors. Thank you. Johannes
Reported by GetHuman2837721 on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 4:57 PM
To whom it may concern, I am a law student at UCAM (Universidade Cândido Mendes) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I am conducting quantitative research on how companies resolve conflicts between businesses to consumers and consumers to consumers. I am reaching out to request information on the number of conflicts your moderators have resolved, the subjects of dispute, and the conflict resolution rate. Additionally, I am interested in learning about the methods, criteria, and primary concerns of your moderators when addressing these issues. Lastly, I would like to know the qualities and professional experiences expected from your team of moderators and how they are selected and trained. This research is being conducted with my mentor, Professor Daniel Ferreira, who is the Vice-President of Academic Affairs at the Brazilian Center of Arbitration and Mediation (CBMA) and the Chief Editor of the Brazilian Journal of Alternative Dispute Resolution (RBADR). Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman2846724 on Wednesday, May 1, 2019 11:22 PM
Hello Blizzard, I hope you're having a good day. I'm reaching out not because of any issues, but because I have enjoyed your games for many years. I had a best friend who used to play World of Warcraft, and he was skilled at it. About a decade ago, he played a night elf warrior named Rubberboot on the Terranas server. Sadly, he passed away. I'm hoping to find any videos of him playing, even though his sister may have taken ownership of his character by now. It would mean a lot to me to see his character in action again, as a way to remember him. Thank you for listening, it would be incredibly special to me.
Reported by GetHuman2848641 on Thursday, May 2, 2019 9:19 AM
I purchased 24 Overwatch loot boxes but have not received them. I contacted Microsoft, and they confirmed everything is fine on their end. They provided me with a reference number: [redacted]. I am eager to receive the loot boxes promptly. Please help me clarify this issue and provide a solution. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon to resolve this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-zhadrian on Friday, May 3, 2019 7:58 PM
Hello, I have been a long-time player of World of Warcraft and unfortunately, my account was suspended for using a BOT. This was due to listening to a friend's advice on using a fishing bot, which I regret deeply. I understand the mistake I made and assure you that I will not repeat it. I am requesting for the suspension to be overturned as this is my first offense and a 6-month suspension feels like a very harsh penalty. If the suspension is not lifted, I may lose interest in returning to the game after this period. I recently came back to the game to play with a friend who has since stopped playing, but I have been enjoying my time back and would like to continue. Please reconsider my account suspension. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-storerbr on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 8:16 PM
I have a suggestion for the Overwatch team. Currently, we have quick play and competitive modes, but I find quick play games too short and competitive intimidating due to toxic players as a gold rank player. I propose a new game mode that combines the best aspects of both, eliminating toxic behavior and creating a longer, more enjoyable gaming experience. This could attract more players and provide a fun alternative to the existing modes, ultimately improving the overall player experience.
Reported by GetHuman-aidanhmc on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 10:59 PM
I need help changing my email since I lost access to my previous email [redacted] I used to play as a Horde player in World of Warcraft a few years ago, and now I have everything I need to start playing again. I want to switch my email to [redacted] since I no longer use the old one and can't access it. My name is Jose A. Quezada, and my main characters were Kemozabe, an Undead Monk Windwalker, and Buxter, a Demonology Warlock. My new phone number is [redacted]. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-sexy_boy on Thursday, May 9, 2019 1:57 PM
My account was hacked. I recently contacted the EU support and now I need assistance from the KR support. I require an English speaker to be present on the call, as I was in Korea when the account was created. Although I entered my name in Hangul, it doesn't translate correctly using Google Translate. My email at [redacted] and my password were compromised. The EU customer support representative mentioned that once I connect with an English speaker, they will provide me with a new email and password so I can update my account information.
Reported by GetHuman2893892 on Thursday, May 9, 2019 4:59 PM
I am currently experiencing issues with my PlayStation 4 while playing Overwatch. At times, I am unable to connect to the PlayStation Network when logging into the game. Additionally, there are instances where I cannot connect to the game server. During a ranked match, I find myself stuck on the main menu page while the game continues without me, resulting in a loss of [redacted] points in my rank. I suspect that there have been reports against me due to this issue. I have attempted various solutions such as restarting the router and PlayStation, as well as changing the DNS, but none of them have resolved the problem. I have exhausted all the online suggestions without success. I am seeking a reliable solution to fix these connectivity issues and recover the lost [redacted] rank points. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-dodonab on Friday, May 10, 2019 7:24 PM
I experienced a frustrating situation with Overwatch. Despite not connecting to a game, I lost 50 SR after playing for hours. This is unacceptable as I value playing with my friends. Losing SR without even entering a match is disheartening, especially as I dedicated hundreds of hours to this game. The current system penalizes dedicated players unfairly. I kindly request the reinstatement of my 50 SR on my Xbox Live account under the name Toxic Mathias. If this issue persists, I may have to reconsider playing Overwatch due to the stress and frustration it causes. It is crucial to rectify this flaw in the system promptly. Thank you for addressing this, Jeff.
Reported by GetHuman2903229 on Saturday, May 11, 2019 4:39 AM
I had trouble connecting to the Overwatch Asia server and couldn't remember my password. When trying to recover it, I also couldn't recall the answer to the secret question. The customer support required my phone number, but the text verification wouldn't go through despite repeated attempts. The alternative of using a government ID isn't feasible. I'm feeling frustrated and unsure of what steps to take next. It would be great if there was an option to reset the password via email. I believe others would benefit from this feature as well. I couldn't locate Blizzard's customer service email, and didn't seem reliable. I hope to receive assistance soon. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman2921919 on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 5:34 PM
I believe there is an issue with players leaving competitive matches in Overwatch that needs to be addressed. In a recent match, my team left, leaving me to play alone. I have a suggestion on how this could be resolved. If a player leaves the game, a message could appear on the screen asking someone from the opposing team to return to the spawn room to sit out. After 30 seconds, if no one volunteers, a player could be chosen randomly to sit out. This way, the game remains balanced, and both teams have a fair chance of winning. Alternatively, matches could be ended when players leave, maintaining our ranks. It's frustrating when someone leaves and guarantees their team's loss. These improvements could help make Overwatch even more enjoyable by addressing these issues.
Reported by GetHuman2922225 on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 6:20 PM
Hello Blizzard Support, I am reaching out to inform you that my account has been compromised, and I am unable to log in due to changes in my password and email address. Additionally, my phone number has been removed from the account. I have attached screenshots of the emails I received regarding these changes. Please note that my emails are being forwarded to my '[redacted]' mailbox instead of '[redacted]'. I kindly request the reinstatement of my account. I can verify any associated payments and confirm ownership of Black Ops 4 on the account. Although I believe I may have other games associated with the account, I cannot recall them currently. Since I am unable to utilize the online support options due to the altered email address, I am seeking assistance through this email. My government ID is under the name Jaye Grant, and the account in question is registered under the name jj sutton, which is an alternate name I use unofficially. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Best regards, Jaye
Reported by GetHuman-jj_sutto on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 10:29 AM
Hello, I watched the all-star event both today and yesterday, but I haven't received any tokens. I also didn't get any tokens last weekend and on other days, despite watching every OWL match since the skins were announced. I believe I should have earned around [redacted] tokens by now, but due to missing out on about 50% of the token drops, I only have 84 tokens. I'm disappointed about this as I dedicated my time to earn enough tokens for a skin, and now I'm more than [redacted] tokens short. Could you please refund me the missing tokens so I can at least buy one skin? I'm also unsure about why this issue is happening and how to prevent it in the future. I've tried watching via Twitch connected to and directly on the Overwatch League website while logged in, but the problem persists with both methods. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you for your support. -Nad321779
Reported by GetHuman2938223 on Friday, May 17, 2019 10:22 AM
I am experiencing an issue with Overwatch. Every time I hit play on the launcher, it briefly shows that it's playing and then reverts back to play, preventing me from accessing the game. I have attempted various troubleshooting steps, including a full reinstallation of the Windows operating system, with no success. I am eager to participate in the upcoming event but am unable to do so reliably. Occasionally, I manage to join a competitive match, but the game crashes in the middle, returning me to the launcher with the same play bug. This has resulted in a competitive ban that I would like reversed. Despite following all the suggested steps on Blizzard support, the problem persists. Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
Reported by GetHuman-jnraethe on Saturday, May 18, 2019 1:14 PM
A few months ago, I was banned from the game, and I'm now worried it might happen again if someone disagrees with what I say. I've changed my behavior and only play with friends who monitor my chats to ensure I don't offend anyone. Despite being cautious not to curse or attack players, I still face toxic reactions. For instance, when I tried to discuss gameplay strategies, another player responded aggressively. I'm afraid their reports might lead to another ban, even though I strive to be constructive in my feedback. I steer clear of personal attacks or insults and focus solely on critiquing plays or decisions. Can you clarify the criteria you use to assess reports and help me understand how to prevent getting banned in the future?
Reported by GetHuman-leondoll on Sunday, May 19, 2019 7:47 PM
I was previously banned, and I understand why. I have improved my behavior and no longer flame or attack other players. In situations where a player is being toxic or intentionally feeding, I try to communicate with them through the in-game chat without being aggressive or toxic. However, these players often become hostile and attack me. I respond by explaining why their actions are detrimental without resorting to name-calling or flaming. Is this considered reportable behavior? If I address a player's negative behavior by saying things like "please focus on the game" or "stop typing and play," am I at risk of being reported and subsequently banned again, even though I am careful not to say anything beyond constructive criticism? I fear that the abuse of the reporting system by other players may lead to unwarranted consequences for me.
Reported by GetHuman-leondoll on Sunday, May 19, 2019 7:55 PM
Hello, I played World of Warcraft a while back during Warlords of Draenor but decided to take a break. I want to return to the game but am experiencing difficulties with my account. I used to play on my previous desktop where my information was saved, but I no longer have that computer. I've also changed locations and internet providers since I last played, so I believe my contact details on the account are outdated, making it challenging to use other recovery methods. The original account email may be [redacted], and the original phone number [redacted], which is a landline that cannot receive texts. I'm eager to dive back into Battle for Azeroth with my existing characters, so I'm hopeful to hear from you soon. Thank you and have a great day. - LC
Reported by GetHuman-conkerl on Monday, May 20, 2019 1:03 AM
Dear Blizzard, I have been a loyal player since the early days of vanilla WoW back in December of '04 and have been playing on and off ever since. While I enjoy all your games, World of Warcraft holds a special place for me. I'm interested in Beta access, understanding that it's a closed process and you receive countless requests. Given my active account during original vanilla, I believe I could be a valuable candidate. I have some experience on various private servers like Nostalrius, Kronos 2, Kronos 3, Elysium, and Lightbringer, eagerly anticipating the official Classic release. Despite the legal issues with private servers, they amplified my nostalgia and preparedness for the real Classic launch, although I'm not a streamer or a hype creator. I have extensive knowledge of game mechanics and design, gained through my experiences, and hope that you consider my account for Beta access. I appreciate the effort your team puts into recreating this beloved game. Looking forward to Classic! -Maloe Gaming
Reported by GetHuman-tsleath on Saturday, May 25, 2019 10:29 PM

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