2K Sports Email

Emailing 2K Sports Customer Support by GetHuman

For Customer Support
2K Sports does not have a customer service email address. In fact you can't call them either. But we have compiled helpful answers to common questions and step by step guides for how to resolve problems as well.

Customers recently wanted to email 2K Sports about the following:

My son build has been deleted his build . He made * payments of £** and another payment...
Why can’t I play park with my friends who have current gen *k when I have the next gen...
I need to talk to a person right now
My ** overall sharpshooter faclitatior was deleted and the file was corrupted and I cou...
My ** overall sharpshooter file was corrupted and I can’t get it back
My park win percentage does not show for my OWN WINS AND LOSSES, rather my win percenta...
*****play station PS Vita********kGameswwe*k*****PS Vita***
For some crazy reason my player got deleted today when I was currently a ** slashing pl...
Someone took my account and used my VC.
I can't get past the *st Royal Rumble in campaign mode can you guys send me a code so I...
I am trying to load in my myplayer and It keeps telling me that my player is corrupted...
I did not receive my ***k VC bonus on next gen, can i please get it, i also own the mam...

Help me with my issue

2K Sports Customer Service Email

The best way to get customer service help from 2K Sports is not email, but rather the information shown here. Also you can see here if our Skip the Wait on Hold feature is available when calling them or if they have live chat as a customer support option. Over the past 180 days, 4,692 GetHuman users who are 2K Sports customers have searched for an email address for 2K Sports customer support. And each time we have had to disappoint them and say that customer service is not available by email for them. But the good news is that we still have loads of information to help you resolve your 2K Sports issue! Unfortunately, 2K Sports also does not have a customer service phone number you can call. This is becoming more commonplace for companies that provide free, often virtual services like social media platforms, where the idea is that customers help each other in forums or a set of help pages. The reason why customers try to send emails to 2K Sports is to see if they can handle their customer service issue, which comes in a wide variety. An example issue would be In-App Purchases. Since you cannot email 2K Sports customer service, our best advice is to tell us what issue you are facing above so we can give you next steps for your specific problem. Beyond that, check out their next best contact information above and try that. Either way, we want you to get your problem addressed as quickly as possible. It's sometimes hard to find information about how best to contact companies like 2K Sports by email, so GetHuman gathers information like this from customers so we can share amongst ourselves.

Contacting 2K Sports

2K Sports does not provide customer service by email or by phone. There are 2 ways to reach 2K Sports across 2 communication modes: web, twitter. If you find any mistakes in this information, please let us know below. GetHuman tries to source the best 2K Sports customer service information from customers so we can share our best hints and tricks with each other. Telling us about any imperfections is useful and helps all of us. Click here to see all the ways we know to contact 2K Sports currently.

What's the connection between 2K Sports and GetHuman?

GetHuman is merely a web-based forum for consumers to share tips about contacting companies and solving customer care problems. GetHuman does not answer 2K Sports's emails, work as part of its customer service operations or have any other connection of any kind. We are here to help customers like you by simply making information that you share available to all customers. Please share any pages or information that you find useful here with your loved ones- that's what powers this endeavor!

2K Sports Contact Info

Email-based customer care with other companies

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