What do I do if there's an overcharge on my Redbox account?

In a nutshell: Redbox is a great company for movie rentals and video-on-demand. If you experience an overcharge on your account, follow these steps: go to the Redbox Home Page,

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
May 1, 2024


Redbox is an excellent company for those interested in video rentals, buying movies and video-on-demand streaming. However, there may be a time when you find you have an overcharge on your account. The company offers help to rectify the situation.

What You'll Need

Proof of overcharge (i.e. a screenshot)

Go to the Redbox Home Page

Visit the company's home page.

What do I do if there's an overcharge on my Redbox account? (Step 1)

Find the Help Section

Scroll down on the Redbox home page until you find the "Help" section.

What do I do if there's an overcharge on my Redbox account? (Step 2)

Open the Help Menu

Click on the downward-pointing arrow to the right of the help menu so it shows the two options underneath it: "Help Center" and "Contact Us."

What do I do if there's an overcharge on my Redbox account? (Step 3)

Click on "Help Center"

Click on "Help Center" underneath the "Help" menu.

Find Your Appropriate Topic

On the Redbox Help Center page, find "Duplicate Charges for a Transaction."

What do I do if there's an overcharge on my Redbox account? (Step 5)

Click to Transfer to the Correct Page

Click on "Duplicate Charges for a Transaction," which will open a page corresponding to this topic.

Read the Page

Read the "Duplicate Charges for a Transaction" page to determine if either of those options pertain to you.

What do I do if there's an overcharge on my Redbox account? (Step 7)

Click the Back Button

If the two options on the "Duplicate Charges for a Transaction" page don't apply to your situation, click the back button to return to the Redbox Help Center.

Find the "Select a Category" Section

On the Redbox Help Center page, find "Select a category."

Find the Dropdown Arrow

Click the downward-facing arrow to the right of "Select a category."

Find the Customer Care Contact Option

Once the menu expands, find the "Contact Customer Care" link and click on it.

What do I do if there's an overcharge on my Redbox account? (Step 11)

Read the Contact Customer Care Section

A section will pop up about contacting customer care. This will include an email address for how to reach Redbox.

Craft an Email

Write an email explaining the situation, including what you feel happened with the overcharge and how much the overcharge was.

Double Check the Email

Read over the email to ensure all details are accurate and the wording is perfect.

Send the Email

Once you've read your email draft to Redbox, send the email to customer care to initiate a resolution.


Redbox makes it easy to contact customer care if you feel you've been overcharged. Contact the company as soon as you notice the issue to try to resolve the problem sooner rather than later.

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Ask a followup or related question and we will try to provide an answer in seconds.
Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
What do I do if there's an overcharge on my Redbox account?

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Asked 5 years ago
Updated 3 months ago
Viewed 1,086,267 times
billing issues
Redbox phone number
Redbox refund
redbox overcharge
Overcharge on Account
Overcharge on Account
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