How Do I Check the Status of My Unemployment Claim with the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development?

If you have filed an unemployment claim with the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development, you can view the status of your claim. By viewing the status of your claim, you can see essential updates, such as potential questions regarding your application. To view your claim status, fill out a claim status form on the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development website with the personal information used to fill out the unemployment claim.

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Apr 28, 2020

If you have recently filed an unemployment claim with the New Jersey Department of Labor, you may be wondering about the status of your claim in the Department of Labor's system. By viewing the status of your unemployment claim, you can view when you should expect to start receiving your unemployment benefits. In this guide, you will learn how to fill out a claim status form online so that you can stay informed.

How to Fill out an Online Claim Status Form

The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development offers a convenient option to check on the status of your unemployment claim. To fill out the online claim status form:

  1. Visit the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development website.
  2. Once on the homepage, click the 'File or Access your Claim' on the main menu options.
  3. Once the drop-down menu opens, click 'Unemployment Insurance.'
  4. Once you have reached the Division of Unemployment Insurance page, click the 'Check Claim Status' option on the blue banner.
  5. Once on the claim status form, enter the personal information used when filing the unemployment claim.
  6. After filing all of your personal information, click 'Enter.'

Once you have clicked enter, you will be taken to a page that gives you updates on the status of your unemployment insurance. In most cases, if there were no issues, you will receive your first check within two to three weeks from being approved after filing. This time-frame may be affected if the New Jersey Department of Labor has questions regarding your unemployment claim files.

Resolving Potential Problems

If you have come across a problem receiving your unemployment insurance benefits, there may have been a delay or, in rare cases, a mistake with your claim. To quickly resolve this problem, contacting the New Jersey Department of Labor will be the best way.

Calling the New Jersey Department of Labor

New Jersey Department of Labor Phone Number

The quickest way to resolve your problem is by calling the New Jersey Department of Labor. You will quickly connect with a representative from the office who can help guide you through the issue you are facing with the unemployment claim. Before you make the call, gather essential identifying information that will help the representative find your application easier.

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
How Do I Check the Status of My Unemployment Claim with the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development?

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New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development

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Updated 4 years ago
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New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development
How to check my unemployment claim status with the New Jersey Department of Labor
Checking the status of my unemployment claim with the New Jersey Department of Labor
How do you check the status of your unemployment claim with the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development
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