How Do I Check My Unemployment Benefits with the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development?

Check your unemployment benefit with the New Jersey DLWD online. Besides, you can contact New Jersey DLWD to check the status of your claim. Ensure you have your documentations in order and be ready to actively seek employment whether part-time or full-time. The state gives workers a maximum of $677 depending on your base period and average earnings before you lost your job.

Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Apr 28, 2020

How Do I Check My Unemployment Benefits with The New Jersey Department Of Labor And Workforce Development?

Unemployment benefits are for employees who have lost their jobs for reasons not their fault. In New Jersey, workers are eligible for employment benefits if they meet the minimum threshold of earnings in terms of wage hours or wages. They are also eligible if they lose their jobs, get fired, quit for a good cause or laid off for reasons other than misconduct.

Typically, applicants are required to be actively job searching for a suitable job. The New Jersey unemployment department has rules to determine eligibility and to calculation the duration of benefits, appealing benefits denials or calculating the benefit amounts.

Unemployment benefits are paid weekly which is 50% of your average weekly earnings for the set period of time, in most cases 26 weeks.

How Do I Check My Unemployment Benefits with New Jersey DLWD?

You can contact New Jersey DLWD to inquire about your eligibility or benefits. You can also go to the website and check your eligibility. For you to receive the benefits, you must meet those eligibility requirements. You file the unemployment benefits in the state you work in and the claim can be filed in person or you can do it online.

To know if your claim is approved, you can go to the website online or check your email for a confirmation notice. In case you filed a paper application, contact New Jersey DLWD. Ensure you have your claim number with you.

In New Jersey, it takes a few weeks to process the unemployment benefit. You receive your first check once the application is processed. Employees receive their benefits after every two weeks. Your email notification will let you know the moment the application is approved.

Remember, the department uses information from the employer and the one you give to make the determination whether you are eligible.

How Much Can I Get in Unemployment Benefits in New Jersey?

According to the recent stimulus package approved by the senate due to the corona virus pandemic, unemployment benefits have been increased. In New Jersey, you can get a maximum of $677.

However, the amount you earned is determined by your earnings in the base period. To earn the maximum amount, you must have worked for 20 weeks with gross wages totaling more than $8,400. The base week is one in which you earned at least $168.

In case your first 26 weeks' elapse and you are still unemployed, you can re-file or re-open your claim. However, the state expects you to meet all the eligibility requirements including monetary qualification which can be a challenge if you collected benefits for most of your previous year.

Can I Work Part-Time and Still Collect My Unemployment Benefits in New Jersey?

Yes. As a claimant you can be eligible to receive partial unemployment benefits if you have a part-time work because of lack of work. However, your weekly benefit amount is reduced for all earnings in excess of 20% of your full weekly benefit rate.

You can accept a job that pays the prevailing wage for the type of work and at least 80% of your previous base salary. This applies if you are collecting unemployment benefits. Therefore, it's not prudent to accept a job that pays less than your unemployment benefits.

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Adam has been tirelessly trying to help customers find the best tips and tricks to get through phone trees and writing many guides for prickly customer service problems. He's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Inside Edition and Bloomberg.
How Do I Check My Unemployment Benefits with the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development?

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New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development

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New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Check unemployment benefit with New Jersey DLWD
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