
Net-a-Porter.com Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Net-a-Porter.com's Phone Number?

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What is your privacy policy?

At Net-a-Porter.com, we prioritize the privacy and security of our valued customers. Our privacy policy ensures that any personal information...
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Promotional Codes

How do I use a promotional code?

To use a promotional code on our website, simply add items to your shopping bag and proceed to checkout. During the checkout process,...

Newsletter Signup

How can I sign up for the newsletter?

To sign up for the Net-a-Porter newsletter, simply visit our website and look for the option to subscribe to our newsletter. You can...

Order Tracking

Can I track my order?

Yes, you can easily track your order on Net-a-Porter.com. After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation email containing...

Payment Methods

What payment methods do you accept?

At Net-a-Porter.com, we accept a variety of payment methods for your convenience. You can make secure purchases using major credit...

International Shipping

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, we offer international shipping to over 170 countries worldwide. At Net-a-Porter.com, we understand that fashion knows no borders,...

Return Policy

What is your return policy?

Our return policy at Net-a-Porter.com is designed to provide our customers with a hassle-free shopping experience. We understand that...

Order Changes

Can I cancel or change my order?

Yes, customers have the option to cancel or make changes to their orders on Net-a-Porter.com. However, this can only be done before...

Gift Cards

Do you offer gift cards?

Yes, we offer gift cards at Net-a-Porter.com. Our gift cards are the perfect way to treat your loved ones to a world of luxury fashion...

Size Guide

What is your size guide?

Our size guide at Net-a-Porter.com is a comprehensive resource to assist you in finding the perfect fit. We understand that sizing...

Selling Items

Can I sell my items through Net-a-Porter?

Unfortunately, Net-a-Porter does not offer a platform for individuals to sell their own items. The website strictly operates as a retailer,...

Privacy Policy

What is your privacy policy?

At Net-a-Porter.com, we prioritize the privacy and security of our valued customers. Our privacy policy ensures that any personal information...

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