Mercari Customer Service Issues

Archive 75

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Mercari customer service, archive #75. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported May 26, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I bought a Marc Jacobs crossbody bag on the Mercari app. After 3 months, the straps started coming apart. Unfortunately, I lost my phone when I made the purchase and can no longer access my old email at [redacted] I now use [redacted] and my new phone number is [redacted]. I live at [redacted] East 180th Street, Boston Road, Bronx, NY [redacted], Apartment 12J. I would be grateful for any assistance regarding my purchase and refund.
Reported by GetHuman8389626 on Jumaat, 26 Mei 2023 pukul 02.58
Hello, I need assistance with my refund. I canceled my order, but I have not received the refund from the seller, Wavellite, whose ID is #[redacted]57. I bought two bottles of Milbon Thick Mist #4. The seller did not ship the package, and I am requesting a refund of $43. I am disappointed with the seller's lack of professionalism. My Mercari ID is Beckam24, and my name is Eliza Hiromoto. I made the purchase using PayPal. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8412465 on Isnin, 5 Jun 2023 pukul 18.21
I am looking for assistance with my complaint. I feel like my concerns have not been acknowledged. I was asked to provide photos of everything, but I am still unsure why. I purchased a Demitasse cup from a seller who mistakenly listed it as a teacup. Proper communication was lacking in this transaction. Here is an example of a correct listing for a Vintage Demitasse set by Baum for $10 on Mercari: [redacted]. I am attaching a link for reference: [redacted]. The item I received is indeed a Demitasse cup, not a Teacup. On the left side of the photo is a teacup, and on the right is the Demitasse cup I received from Mercari. I am requesting a refund for this purchase.
Reported by GetHuman8419731 on Khamis, 8 Jun 2023 pukul 15.36
I created a Mercari account last year solely for buying, not selling. Recently, my account was unexpectedly limited due to unspecified suspicious activity after making a purchase. After updating my password, they requested my government ID for verification, which was never required previously. I am hesitant to provide sensitive information without clarity on the alleged fraudulent behavior. Unfortunately, live support is unavailable, and email responses feel automated. Researching online, I found others facing similar issues without resolution. This situation appears concerning, potentially a phishing scam or an internal problem with Mercari. I am uncomfortable sharing extensive personal details. I seek assistance in reverting my account to its original buying status without further inconvenience.
Reported by GetHuman-kfirefly on Jumaat, 9 Jun 2023 pukul 19.57
I have not received my entire order. While I ordered three items, only one item arrived. The customer service team requested a photo as proof, but I was unable to send one due to internet issues. Unfortunately, they closed my case without further consideration. Sending a photo of just one item out of three does not seem like sufficient proof of my situation. I am a frequent user of this platform with a good track record. It would be more reasonable for them to refund the missing items instead of expecting a photo. It is frustrating to deal with this situation as it feels unfair and allows sellers to take advantage of customers. I would appreciate it if they could refund the two missing items along with the shipping cost as soon as possible.
Reported by GetHuman8442437 on Ahad, 18 Jun 2023 pukul 22.55
I listed my LV purse with your platform and it got authenticated. After selling and shipping the purse, my account was closed. The buyer received it, posted feedback, and I also reviewed the buyer. The funds are in my account, but I can't access them or make purchases due to the closed account. I followed all the guidelines, so this situation is unfair. I urgently require access to my funds today. Despite numerous emails sent over several days, I have not received a response. Please reopen my account promptly.
Reported by GetHuman8444708 on Isnin, 19 Jun 2023 pukul 21.56
I have consistently used Google Chrome since day one. However, recently I encountered login issues with Mercari on the browser. Despite various attempts such as clearing cookies, history, and cache, resetting my password, disabling extensions, and ensuring that both the browser and extensions are up to date, I still cannot access the site. I have even disabled my VPN, which I usually need to turn off for Mercari to function. Oddly enough, Mercari works flawlessly on MS Edge and my Android phone but not on Google Chrome on my PC. Any assistance in resolving this matter would be highly valued. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-litezone on Khamis, 22 Jun 2023 pukul 23.27
I received a damaged copy of Doc Martin Episode 10 from Mercari. The DVD makes a continuous dragging sound when I try to play it. I have been trying to contact Mercari for four days now, and today I received an email stating that my order is complete, which it is not. I would like a refund of $14.00 and no additional cost for returning the item. Dealing with Mercari should not be this challenging, and they should improve their customer service. You can reach me at [redacted] or by phone at [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman-caharvey on Jumaat, 23 Jun 2023 pukul 17.46
I attempted to create a new account, filled in all necessary details, but upon clicking submit, it won't go through. I received a message to verify my email address. I double-checked it and it's correct. Does anyone know what the problem might be? Is there a way to check if I already have an account? I don't think I have an existing account on either my computer or cell phone.
Reported by GetHuman8469894 on Jumaat, 30 Jun 2023 pukul 13.29
I encountered issues resolving matters after providing insufficient information. I sold two Blu-ray DVDs consecutively to a buyer and combined the shipping. The buyer received the package, but I failed to receive payment for one DVD due to not attaching the label separately. Despite Macari's promise of automatic payment after three days, I did not receive the funds. Macari instructed me to have the buyer confirm receipt, but the buyer has been unresponsive. I have repeatedly sought assistance from Macari to no avail, receiving unsatisfactory responses. I am simply seeking the release of my funds.
Reported by GetHuman-rjnjoy on Sabtu, 1 Julai 2023 pukul 01.20
I am having trouble making a payment with my Direct Express debit card, which is my only card since I receive disability benefits from the government. Please advise. Additionally, I want to raise awareness that one of your sellers is promoting counterfeit Beats Pro earbuds, as I fell victim to this scam. Despite my efforts to communicate this issue, no resolution has been provided. I intend to report this matter, and I wanted to inform you beforehand. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8477083 on Isnin, 3 Julai 2023 pukul 19.35
Hello, I am having an issue with a delivery. Two packages from the same seller were marked as delivered on the 8th, but I did not receive them. The photo provided shows them on a porch that does not belong to me since my porch is under renovation and only has wooden stairs currently. I was advised to reach out after three days, so here I am. These packages were intended as a birthday gift for my friend tomorrow, and I am concerned as I now have nothing to present to her. I appreciate your assistance with this matter.
Reported by GetHuman8495616 on Selasa, 11 Julai 2023 pukul 19.17
I recently purchased a picture frame on Mercari but have been unsuccessful in contacting the seller. Despite downloading the Mercari app as instructed, I still cannot message them. It is frustrating that many sellers on Mercari do not provide the size information for the items they list, creating issues for buyers who need this detail. I am specifically looking to confirm the size of the picture frame I bought and what size picture it can hold. Navigating your site has been challenging, and reaching out to the seller has been impossible. My name is Kathryn Dubovsky, and my item ID is: m[redacted]2.
Reported by GetHuman8501530 on Jumaat, 14 Julai 2023 pukul 09.34
I received a package of Philosophy Amazing Grace Body Emulsion lotion that appears to be 75% watered down. I am currently trying to request a refund, but I am encountering difficulties when sending multiple pictures to Mercari. Despite already sending some images, Mercari has requested additional ones. I am making every effort to comply. This situation with the product feels like a scam, and I am looking to receive a refund. I appreciate your understanding and patience as I work through this issue. My experience with Mercari has been positive in the past, making it a happy and exciting platform for me to conduct business. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8506663 on Ahad, 16 Julai 2023 pukul 22.11
Order Number: m[redacted]5 I purchased the Balenciaga Paris L'Essence 2-Piece Gift Set from Joyline on 7/6/[redacted] for $[redacted] plus tax, totaling $[redacted].97 via Paypal. The delivery was prompt, and Joyline's service was excellent. However, upon opening the package, I discovered that the product was expired and did not resemble the fragrance I expected. Additionally, it had poor longevity. I contacted Joyline, who advised me to return it. I have returned the product, but I am yet to receive a refund as Joyline mentioned she couldn't process it and advised me to contact Mercari. I am hoping for a swift resolution. Thank you for your assistance. Regards, Paula S.
Reported by GetHuman8514119 on Khamis, 20 Julai 2023 pukul 00.42
I require the escalation team to review my account. It has been limited due to an activity I was unaware of. I bought a bag from a thrift store and posted it without realizing it might be considered fake. The bag was genuine, but I failed to verify it correctly. Marcari informed me they would restrict my account. I believe this action is unjust because I typically only post authentic items. Restricting my account and planning to delete it after ongoing transactions seems harsh. I wish to discuss this with the escalation team to address the situation as it feels unjust.
Reported by GetHuman-endiamic on Khamis, 10 Ogos 2023 pukul 23.28
Hello, I recently purchased a dress from one of your customers, but unfortunately, they sent me the wrong one. The seller has mentioned that they sent the correct dress that I initially wanted. However, I have purchased multiple dresses from your platform, and I am unsure which one was mistakenly sent to me. I have informed the seller that I am willing to pay $20 for the dress that I mistakenly received but I am uncertain if I have received it. I will also be paying for the dress that I have received today. Could someone assist me in resolving the payment for the incorrect dress that was sent to me? Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8560338 on Sabtu, 12 Ogos 2023 pukul 14.41
I purchased an iPhone SE [redacted] advertised as unlocked for $[redacted], but upon receiving it, I discovered it's actually network locked. When I reached out to the seller, they claimed they thought it was unlocked initially and now want $[redacted] to unlock it, which seems like a dishonest response. Macari instructed me to return the item, causing me additional expenses and time that I cannot spare. It is unfair that I am inconvenienced by this seller's scam, leaving me without a phone and $[redacted] out of pocket.
Reported by GetHuman8560478 on Sabtu, 12 Ogos 2023 pukul 16.22
I recently rated my purchase with a 3-star review on Mercari. The item I bought was a Bunn coffee maker listed as new in the box by the seller, Mina from Texas, USA. Upon receiving the item, I found it to be dirty with greasy white stains all over it. I had to clean it before testing if it worked properly and took pictures to document the condition as I unpacked it. Despite the cleanliness issue, I decided to keep the item but felt it deserved a 3-star rating. However, the seller reacted strongly to my review, calling me names like selfish, cheap, and a drama queen. They insisted I should be grateful for the complimentary box of coffee filters included. I tried to explain that while the coffee filters were appreciated, they did not make up for the fact that the item was not in the condition as described. It seemed like it had been poorly stored or kept in an unclean environment. I believe sellers should not resort to personal attacks when receiving less than perfect ratings. I am willing to provide photos of the item upon request.
Reported by GetHuman8563287 on Isnin, 14 Ogos 2023 pukul 13.57
I purchased a Sleepies Zippie from a seller named Kaylee Fair on Mercari. After a few days of waiting for shipping, I reached out to her several times. When she finally responded, she was hostile and threatened to report me for harassment simply for inquiring about the tracking information. I found her reaction unreasonable given the circumstances. I have already flagged her response on the Mercari app.
Reported by GetHuman8567901 on Rabu, 16 Ogos 2023 pukul 18.19

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