Instagram Customer Service Issues

Archive 394

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Instagram customer service, archive #394. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported September 7, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Good day, On 5th July at 6:00 PM, my page was hacked - fashion_kids_shop_2020. The page was linked to a Facebook page under Tanya Novikova. I can verify the first step with my phone number [redacted], but I can't pass the second step as the scammers changed their phone number. On 5th July, I received an SMS stating that my page would be blocked by Instagram due to a complaint, and I had to follow a link to authorize. At 6:00 PM, there was a login from a Samsung device, and I couldn't access my page anymore. I usually access my page from my iPhone 14. This page was for trading, and I have photos of clients that were sent to me. Last night, I received an SMS on Telegram from the scammer admitting to hacking my page. Please help me restore my page.
Reported by GetHuman-tanameln on Thursday, September 7, 2023 4:47 PM
Hello, I've been noticing that some of my Instagram followers have mentioned they are unable to message me as the message button is not showing on my profile. Strangely, this issue only seems to affect some of them, as I still receive invitations on my Instagram posts. I have checked my settings, and invitations are enabled for both followers and non-followers. I am confused as to where the problem might be originating from. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-carlard on Friday, September 8, 2023 8:29 AM
Hello, I recently changed my phone number associated with my account on Unfortunately, I forgot my password and would like to reset it to continue using my account. However, the verification process for resetting the password is being sent to my old phone number (+43 [redacted]). I need to update my new phone number to proceed with resetting my password. To reset my password, I kindly request a link to be sent to the following email address: [redacted] Best regards, Evelyn Ruppert
Reported by GetHuman8610043 on Friday, September 8, 2023 1:15 PM
Hello, I am facing an issue with my Instagram account. The device I used to access Instagram is broken, and I cannot log in on a new device because I've forgotten my password. I've attempted to reset the password through the "forgot password?" page, but encountered errors for my account name and email address. While I did receive a reset link via phone, it did not work. Despite reaching out to Instagram's technical support multiple times, I have not received any assistance even after waiting for 48 hours. I would like to understand the reason behind the password reset issues and inquire if a password recovery link or temporary password could be provided for me to access my account and make necessary changes. Please feel free to contact me via email for any further details needed to resolve this matter. Thank you for any assistance you can offer.
Reported by GetHuman8610379 on Friday, September 8, 2023 4:54 PM
Hello, I wanted to bring to your attention that my account, @Farsha_telecom, was disabled this morning on Instagram due to a violation of the community guidelines. I have always ensured to follow these guidelines diligently. Just before the account was disabled, I noticed an influx of spam comments on my posts. Therefore, I am kindly requesting a prompt review and resolution of this matter as my income is dependent on Instagram.
Reported by GetHuman8611601 on Saturday, September 9, 2023 12:38 PM
Dear Sir/Madam, My Instagram account is disabled, and I cannot submit the appeal forms due to a system bug. Despite numerous attempts, the submission does not go through. I am seeking a fair review of my account. Kindly assist in reviewing it or forwarding it to the relevant department for evaluation. Your help is greatly appreciated. My account holds significant images, and I have diligently followed Instagram's Terms of Use without violating any rules knowingly. Should there be any oversight, it was inadvertent, and I am committed to rectifying any issues promptly. IG name: @bob._0001 @hero.bob103
Reported by GetHuman-leungchu on Saturday, September 9, 2023 1:46 PM
Hello Instagram, I am Lorena, and I am reaching out to let you know that my account, @lorenarc08, was hacked yesterday morning, and it seems to be involved in hacking other accounts as well. I am seeking your assistance in either recovering my account or permanently deleting it. Despite receiving numerous reports about @lorenarc08, it has not been taken down yet. I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman-lruicon on Saturday, September 9, 2023 2:07 PM
Bonjour, je vous contacte pour signaler un bug persistant sur mon compte Instagram professionnel depuis une semaine. Je ne peux pas y accéder en raison d'un problème de connexion, malgré mes essais sur différents réseaux en wifi. Je parviens à me connecter à mon compte personnel sans problème, mais j'ai urgemment besoin d'accéder à mon compte professionnel pour répondre à des messages et gérer mes rendez-vous afin de travailler. Merci pour votre aide. Bonne journée. Cordialement.
Reported by GetHuman-leocapou on Saturday, September 9, 2023 2:12 PM
Since the 6th of September, I have been experiencing difficulty posting Reels on my Instagram account @nimishonthreads. It has been nearly 4 days now, and I am still unable to share Reels and videos. Whenever I attempt to post a reel, I encounter the following error message: “Try Again Later We restrict certain activity to protect our community.” I have reached out to Instagram's help center, logged in and out of my account, changed my bio and profile picture, but unfortunately, the issue remains unresolved. I would greatly appreciate assistance in resolving this matter promptly.
Reported by GetHuman-nimishj on Sunday, September 10, 2023 11:32 AM
My Instagram account has been compromised by a hacker. They have altered all the account information, including the email, password, and mobile number, preventing me from recovering access as these are the necessary details for account verification. Unfortunately, Instagram's help center has been unhelpful as the available options assume the account details haven't changed, and the provided links are either ineffective or lead to circular paths. Instagram lacks a central customer support email or contact number, and customer reviews suggest they are unresponsive even if contact details are located.
Reported by GetHuman8614069 on Monday, September 11, 2023 9:21 AM
Здравствуйте, Вечером 10 сентября [redacted] года я обновила Instagram в Google Play. После обновления у меня перестали загружаться сторис других пользователей, а лента не обновляется. Я попробовала перезагрузить телефон множество раз, удалила и скачала приложение заново, сбросила кэш на устройстве и даже попробовала зайти в аккаунт с другого устройства. Я выполнила все возможные действия, но проблема остаётся. Чем могла быть вызвана проблема и как её можно решить?
Reported by GetHuman-jecsenba on Monday, September 11, 2023 4:58 PM
Hello, My account keeps getting blocked (unable to like, unsubscribe, subscribe, etc.) for no apparent reason. I have never used any like boosts, etc. I simply use the platform a lot, and it seems like Instagram blocks me at the slightest like I do or when I follow an account, which is the purpose of this social network. Could you please unblock my account because it has been blocked for a week now, when it had only been working again for 1 day. Also, because of these multiple blocks, my account is shadowbanned. As an artist, it is crucial for me to have visibility on your platform. Can you also address this issue, thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-lolasoar on Monday, September 11, 2023 8:11 PM
Recently, I discovered that my Instagram account was compromised by a hacker. Instagram imposed a 7-day restriction after detecting unauthorized access. Thinking the issue was resolved, I was surprised to receive an email alerting me to another unauthorized login on the 5th. Despite confirming it was not me, Instagram logged me out. While attempting to regain access, I encountered difficulties due to a possible old account being compromised or someone masquerading as me. I have exhausted all options but cannot regain entry. I am requesting assistance from Instagram to send account recovery details to my linked email address to resolve this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-yesitzma on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 12:45 PM
I am Kayann Miller, the owner of the Instagram account "face_clean_to_me_step." Unfortunately, my account has been hacked, and the email address associated with it has been changed to someone else's. I used to have the number 1[redacted] linked to my account, but I no longer have access to it. I am now using the number 1[redacted]. Please assist me in recovering my page, as I have had it for a long time and would like to regain access.
Reported by GetHuman-kayanncr on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 1:43 PM
Unfortunately, my Facebook and Instagram accounts have been suspended since June 17, [redacted]. My Instagram account has been under review since then, with a message stating "we are reviewing your information." I believe my account was blocked in error, as I have always adhered to the community standards of both platforms. I have carefully reviewed all the guidelines and do not believe I have violated any of them. I kindly request assistance in resolving this issue, as I have been a Facebook user since [redacted] and proudly represent Bahrain's national billiard team on these accounts. Facebook Account: Nahla Alsunni Instagram Account: DentistNM Dr. NA
Reported by GetHuman-nalsunn on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 7:51 PM
Hello, I was trying to simply update a comment (in the caption of a photo) for a friend (deleting the previous message), and I was immediately kicked out of Instagram (?!). I would be extremely grateful if you could help me get back into the community. My name is Fabrice Bolusset. My email address is [redacted] My username is "fabricebluered". Thank you very much.
Reported by GetHuman8617727 on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 1:10 PM
Dear Support Team, I am reaching out regarding the unexpected deletion of my Instagram account. The email I received cited a violation of community guidelines, which I believe is incorrect. I have always used my account authentically without impersonation, illegal activities, or selling anything. My posts mainly consist of personal photos, archived images, and some content related to my admiration for Taylor Swift. While I understand the confusion that could arise due to my posts about Taylor Swift, I want to clarify that I have never claimed to be her, promoted related products, or spread false information about her or anyone else. I have been using this account since [redacted] and losing access to it would mean losing cherished memories. I kindly request you to review this situation and consider reinstating my account. Please feel free to reach out if you require any additional information. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Best regards
Reported by GetHuman-benmoege on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 1:52 PM
Dear Sir/Madam, I am Mr. CZ, the father of Sonia CZ. Following the passing of my daughter on 08/23/[redacted], I kindly request the closure of her Instagram account under the username sonia_cay. I am prepared to provide all the necessary documents, including the death certificate of Sonia CZ, her identification card, and my identification card. I await your response and hope that you will take the necessary steps to close the Instagram account. Thank you very much. Sincerely, NCZ
Reported by GetHuman8617916 on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 3:07 PM
Hello (or good evening), After attempting to remove a comment from a photo for a friend, I received a sporadic message indicating I was sanctioned for breaking the rules. Now, a new intermittent message reads, "AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED - REFRESH THE PAGE." I try to click on it, but it disappears immediately. Could I have been hacked? If so, for what purpose? Please help me out of this situation! Fabricebluered
Reported by GetHuman8617727 on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 9:12 PM
Dear Instagram, I would like to address the disabling of my account @Bibliophile_fiction due to a supposed violation of community guidelines. After reviewing the terms of service multiple times, I am confident that no violations were made. I urge Instagram to rectify this error promptly. It is essential for Instagram to uphold the highest level of service and disabling accounts without cause only damages your company's reputation. Your immediate attention to recovering my account is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8618953 on Thursday, September 14, 2023 5:10 AM

Help me with my Instagram issue

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