Instagram Customer Service Issues

Archive 393

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Instagram customer service, archive #393. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported August 29, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello, I need to report an issue with my Instagram account being hacked. The incident occurred on Friday, and I have been unsuccessful in reaching out to Instagram support. The affected account is nugreen__. This Instagram profile belongs to my company, and the breach is causing considerable distress as it has taken significant time and financial resources to build. The potential financial loss from this security breach is estimated to be around [redacted],[redacted] euros. I have spent a considerable amount of time verifying my identity using my credit card linked to the account. Instagram has access to all the necessary data to confirm my ownership. I have never shared my email or password with anyone. Kindly assist me promptly in resolving this urgent matter. Best regards, Victoria
Reported by GetHuman8584144 on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 7:17 AM
Hello, I am Ahmed Sattar, a graphic designer from Iraq. A few years ago, when I was nearing 10K followers on Instagram, my account was disabled without any explanation. I have repeatedly reached out to Instagram for assistance, but have received no response. I have always followed the community guidelines and I believe my account was unjustly deactivated. This account is crucial for my business and I have made several efforts to regain access to it without success. I am kindly requesting for your help in reviewing this situation and reactivating my account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8592166 on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 5:53 PM
Dear Instagram Support Team,I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out regarding my pending Instagram account verification request that has been in queue for the past three months. My username is Croissant_rouge_kram.I would like to start by expressing my appreciation for the Instagram platform, which enables me to connect with an audience that shares my interests and passions. Recognizing the significance of having a verified account to establish an authentic and secure presence, I submitted a verification request three months ago. However, I have yet to receive any response or confirmation regarding the status of my request.As you can understand, having a verified account is crucial to ensure the credibility of my profile and to reassure my followers about the authenticity of my presence on the platform. I have noticed that some other users have been verified more promptly, which leads me to believe there might have been an issue or misunderstanding with my request.I would greatly appreciate if you could review my account verification request and provide me with information about its current status. If any additional information or documents are required from my end, I am ready to provide them as soon as possibleWhile I understand that processing requests can take time, considering it has already been three months, I am becoming a bit concerned about the delay. I would sincerely appreciate if you could give attention to my request and provide me with an update at your earliest convenience. Thank you for taking the time to read my message, and I look forward to a positive response from your side. Should you require further information from my end, please do not hesitate to contact me at the email address associated with my account.The Tunisian Red Crescent is a humanitarian organization that plays a crucial role in providing assistance, support, and relief services to those in need across Tunisia. Founded in [redacted], it operates under the principles of neutrality, impartiality, and independence, and is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.”Best regards,İbrahim bennasrSecretary-General
Reported by GetHuman-crtclk on Thursday, August 31, 2023 11:57 AM
I fell victim to a hacker pretending to be my friend who requested help with a painting award. By clicking on a malicious link, I inadvertently granted the hacker access to reset my password, enabling them to change my phone number and email linked to the account and set up two-factor authentication, locking me out. Luckily, I managed to log them out, but they are now contacting me from a fake Instagram email address, urging me to send a certain link, though they have been inactive for more than 12 hours. I attempted facial recognition recovery without success and have reached out to Instagram support by emailing a picture of myself holding my passport to [redacted] Now, I am awaiting their response.
Reported by GetHuman-mvfiguei on Friday, September 1, 2023 6:53 AM
I am a content creator with over 44,[redacted] followers on my Instagram account, Definity Viral Reels. On Saturday, August 12, [redacted], at 3:42 PM (PDT), I received an email notification stating that my email had been changed. Subsequently, I saw a pop-up on Instagram indicating that my account password was altered and accessed from a different device. The hacker modified the email associated with my account from [redacted] to [redacted], changed my username from @definity_star_ to @definity_viral_reels, and updated the profile picture. Moreover, they linked another account, @miss_anjali_devi, to my email, which has prevented me from resetting my password. The hacker has implemented Two-Factor Authentication, causing a hindrance when I attempt to secure my account through the provided email. Even though I receive the security code on my email, I cannot proceed as an 8-digit authentication code is required, a code controlled by the hacker. As a dedicated content creator, I am seeking assistance in recovering my account. I have attached screenshots of my account, including the professional dashboard, comments, achievements, analytics, story viewers, previous profile picture, and chats to verify my ownership. I kindly request to receive the two-factor authentication codes on my email, [redacted], and eliminate any other unauthorized emails linked to my account. Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman8595853 on Saturday, September 2, 2023 3:28 AM
Hello, I have been notified repeatedly that my Instagram account was compromised since yesterday. I have changed my password five times since yesterday afternoon. The system believes I am breaching community guidelines by sharing my password with services to increase likes and followers. However, my recent activity is solely removing accounts I follow. I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-wenqing on Sunday, September 3, 2023 12:43 AM
Dear Sir/Madam, I have been receiving notifications on my Instagram account since yesterday stating that it has been compromised. It keeps prompting me to change my password, which I have done five times since yesterday afternoon. The system is flagging me for potentially violating community guidelines by sharing my password with third-party services for likes and followers. However, all I've been doing recently is unfollowing accounts. I would appreciate any assistance in resolving this issue. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-wenqing on Sunday, September 3, 2023 12:43 AM
I need assistance with my account, please. My username is @damor_mahesh_786. I am encountering issues with low followers and my posts not going viral. The account is running slowly, and despite my efforts, I am not gaining followers or achieving viral posts. I suspect there might be a bug or virus impacting my account's performance. I kindly request your help in addressing this matter. I would greatly appreciate it if you could enhance my follower count and improve the virality of my posts. Your support in boosting my account would be highly valued. Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-damormah on Sunday, September 3, 2023 1:15 PM
Hello, Recently, my phone was stolen, and I had access to two Instagram accounts on it. I was able to recover my first account, Coraline Pesesse, which has the username coralinepse. However, the second account, a poetry account created with my best friend (her username being maeragd), is inaccessible as I changed my phone number due to the theft. We also cannot remember the email address associated with the second account (username bleue_de_toi), which seems unfamiliar to us. We have no way to recover our poetry account, despite both being the owners. You can verify our ownership by checking the bio of the bleue_de_toi account where our usernames are mentioned. Please, can you assist us? We value this account greatly and are at a loss of what to do next.
Reported by GetHuman8598071 on Sunday, September 3, 2023 8:51 PM
Hello, my Instagram account has been hacked severely. The hacker changed all the emails and phone numbers associated with the account. Each time I manage to regain access, they promptly change the password, resulting in me being logged out. This issue is very frustrating as I keep receiving emails regarding the account. I have uploaded a video and my pictures have been verified, but the hacker gains control again. Can anyone advise me on what steps I can take to resolve this?
Reported by GetHuman8599605 on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 12:08 AM
Subject: Reporting Unauthorized Use of My Original Video on ins Platform Hello ins platform, I am reporting a user on the platform who has reposted my original video without permission to gain more traffic. Despite my request to remove it, they have not taken any action. I kindly ask the platform to monitor this issue, or I will need to involve legal assistance. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I am waiting for your response. Attached are details of the account in question and the content of the reposted video.
Reported by GetHuman8599713 on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 2:24 AM
Hello, I have been trying to reach you for one year, but I have never received any response. I have been unable to access my main account since I was young, as when I click on "Forgot password," it sends a code to my OLD phone number. I have changed my number since then. Please help me as I have important information on that account. Currently, I am using a new account, kxf_m13. I would like to recover my old account, matthias.Vns, and delete the account kxf_m13. Thank you for your assistance and have a good day.
Reported by GetHuman-mvinuesa on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 8:51 AM
I am reaching out for assistance in recovering access to my Instagram account linked to the email [redacted] and the username cis_chris. On December 27, [redacted], I tried to log in from my wife’s iPhone 12 Mini due to unavailability of my iPhone SE [redacted] and Macbook Pro. After resetting the password and validating it, I faced difficulty logging in from any device as a 6-digit login code from an authentication app was required. Despite entering the Google Authenticator codes or backup codes, I kept receiving an error to check the security code. It seems my account isn't associated with an authentication app as I used to receive verification via text, which is no longer an option. Efforts to verify my identity through a video were unsuccessful, and I have minimal tagged pictures on the account. Previous attempts using Facebook for connection also failed. Any guidance on reclaiming account access promptly would be greatly appreciated, especially as I need access to my messages urgently.
Reported by GetHuman8600100 on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 11:29 AM
Hello, I've been unable to access my Instagram account since Monday, September 4, [redacted]. The platform requested my phone number to verify my identity and send a code via SMS, but I haven't received any code. An email informed me that my account was restricted due to logins from unrecognized devices since last Thursday, leading to temporary deactivation. Attempting to connect from my usual device has not resolved the issue.
Reported by GetHuman8600184 on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 12:45 PM
Hello, I am in need of your assistance. I am being harassed by my ex-boyfriend, which has led me into depression with suicidal thoughts. He is trying to harm me by any means possible, and this weekend, something happened that is seriously affecting me. I cannot prove that this message is from him as it is from an anonymous account that has been deleted. The account name is "sniox2678." Please, can you track down this account using the IP address or any information about the person who created it? A complaint will be filed for harassment, violence, etc., but this is a matter of life or death as he is destroying my life, and I can't bear to live like this anymore. I am eagerly awaiting your response. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Lexane De Rul (@drl_lexane)
Reported by GetHuman8600300 on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 1:48 PM
Hello everyone, I would like to kindly request the removal of the following information from the internet: [redacted] This information is currently on your website, and I would appreciate it being taken down promptly. If I do not receive confirmation of removal within 24 hours, I may have to seek legal assistance to address this matter. Thank you, N. Ruehli
Reported by GetHuman-noahrue on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 5:25 PM
I set up an account for my new small business, and Instagram suspended it right away, assuming it was fake. I suspect this happened because I didn't provide a name in the designated field. During the appeal process, I'm now struggling to receive the SMS confirmation code required. Despite requesting the code multiple times, it fails to reach my phone. I've double-checked that my phone number is correct and able to receive messages.
Reported by GetHuman8600841 on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 5:38 PM
Hello GetHuman, I need assistance with my Instagram account as it has been hacked, with the email address changed. I cannot access my account and I am concerned about the hacker changing my password and other details. Despite attempting to recover my account through Instagram's help center, I have not been successful. Contacting Instagram's support team has also proven difficult. I am seeking your help in reaching out to Instagram's support team to facilitate the recovery of my account. Your assistance in escalating my case to a live agent would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your attention and support.
Reported by GetHuman8600917 on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 6:13 PM
Hello, I'm reaching out regarding an issue with my Pro Instagram account. I unintentionally got disconnected from my account. After forgetting my password, I clicked on "forgotten password" and entered my Arofnaca username. A message then informed me that an email would be sent to me at the address associated with my account to reset the password. Although the email address linked to my account is still in use, as I receive emails on it regularly, I never received the reset email. As a result, I am currently unable to access my account. What steps should I take to resolve this?
Reported by GetHuman-emmacanf on Wednesday, September 6, 2023 1:18 PM
On my business Instagram account, it's crucial for me to receive direct messages from others. About a month ago, my friend experienced an issue where she couldn't receive DMs from her followers, which I found out might be exclusive to private accounts - not business accounts like mine. Unfortunately, I am now facing the same problem. Direct messages are vital for maintaining communication with my customers, so it's frustrating when they can't contact me due to this glitch. It has been a month, and I diligently check every day. This issue is hindering the growth of my business, especially with a significant following. I am eager to resolve this technical problem to continue expanding my business.
Reported by GetHuman-lijuliam on Thursday, September 7, 2023 12:06 AM

Help me with my Instagram issue

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