Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 748

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #748. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported August 7, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Urgent help needed! I am reaching out desperately for assistance regarding my deactivated account. I deactivated it for personal reasons and now I am unable to reactivate it. Unfortunately, during my attempts to regain access, I accidentally reset the password. I fear this may have caused an issue preventing me from logging in. I am more than willing to provide any necessary information to prove my ownership of the account. Despite trying to use the 'ask your friends to help' feature for identity verification, it was unsuccessful. I am truly anxious and in need of help to retrieve my account. I deeply appreciate your time and consideration. Please, do not overlook my plea for help. I am filled with worry but remain hopeful that my account can be recovered. Thank you for your assistance, and I apologize for any repetitiveness in my message.
Reported by GetHuman3383486 on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 8:49 AM
Hello Facebook Team, I am facing issues with my Facebook account not being enabled. Even after you fix it, when I try to log in, it shows my old number "[redacted]" during security check, and whether I select confirm or cancel, my account gets disabled. This has happened three times. I have updated my profile with my new number "[redacted]," yet the account still gets disabled. I would appreciate any assistance or suggestions from you. Thank you, Facebook Team नमस्ते Facebook टीम, मेरे Facebook खाते को इनेबल करने में मुश्किलें हो रही हैं। आप जब भी ठीक करते हैं, तब सुरक्षा चेक के दौरान मेरा पुराना नंबर "[redacted]" दिखाता है, और मैं जो भी confirm या cancel करता हूं, मेरे खाते को डिसेबल कर दिया जाता है। यह तीन बार हो चुका है। मैंने अपनी प्रोफाइल अपडेट करके नया नंबर "[redacted]" डाला है, फिर भी खाता डिसेबल हो जाता है। कृपया मुझे किसी भी मदद या सुझाव की सलाह दें। धन्यवाद, फेसबुक टीम
Reported by GetHuman-anilkran on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 9:11 AM
Hello, I'm Vincent Rhema from Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Recently, my account was disabled and marked as ineligible. A few weeks ago, I was requested to update my account due to an attempted breach, which I promptly did by changing my password. Last week, after clicking on Appvillage as recommended by my boss for the company page E-superior Nigeria Limited, my account got disabled. All the company information stored there was lost. I've been given a deadline to boost the page and add the MD's wife and department heads as admins or face termination. My church page is also affected. Please assist in restoring my account and removing any content that violates Facebook's community standards. Thank you for your help. awaiting your response. Facebook Name: Vincent Rhema Email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-esuperio on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 9:13 AM
I recently had Messenger installed on 2 devices. After removing it from one device, I encountered issues with some contacts not receiving my messages and not being visible online. Despite changing my account multiple times, the problem persists. I've now canceled the account and wish to create a new one. The email and phone numbers I use are still recognizable by Messenger, leading to the same issue. When receiving activation codes, the emails from Facebook mention a name I do not recognize in the subject line. I would appreciate some assistance in resolving this. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-mrnashas on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 10:01 AM
I haven't been able to access my Facebook account since June due to security issues. Despite numerous attempts, I can't seem to confirm my identity. I'd appreciate it if Facebook could stop their verification process and allow me to log in. My name is Jonathan Miller, and my cellphone number is [redacted], which has always been associated with my account. Could you please contact Facebook on my behalf to resolve this issue promptly? Thank you. Jonathan Miller.
Reported by GetHuman-peacesog on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 10:38 AM
Hello, I recently established a business named Gold Coast Weddings and set up a Facebook business page to promote my services. However, I discovered there is a dormant Facebook page under the same name, associated with a previous business that has been inactive for 7-8 years. Despite reaching out via phone, text, and messenger to inquire about deactivating the outdated page, I have not received a response. I hold the registered business name for Gold Coast Weddings in Queensland, Australia, unlike the previous owner. I am concerned about potential customer confusion caused by the presence of the old page. Any advice on how to proceed in this matter would be appreciated. Thank you, Kylie R. from Gold Coast Weddings in Queensland, Australia.
Reported by GetHuman-kyliestr on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 10:46 AM
Hello, My account was locked due to security reasons, possibly hacked. I haven't used it in a month as I was on holiday. I received an email from Facebook about the account lock, but the link with instructions has expired. I need to verify my identity on another device or by identifying friend's photos. I am unsure how to confirm my identity on a different device. Every time I try to log in on any of my devices, the same window appears asking me to confirm my identity on another device, and logins are not approved. I have not set up any code approval on my profile or provided a phone number. I do not recognize my friend's photos, as my account was created solely for gaming. I have hundreds of friends I do not know personally. I attempted to send a photo of my ID card to Facebook, but it seems this can only be done for disabled accounts, which mine is not. I am uncertain if I have a correct name on my profile, as I set it up as my second account a long time ago. I would appreciate assistance in unlocking my account. Thank you, Karolina
Reported by GetHuman-karlasw on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 11:00 AM
Hello, my name is Betty L. I am trying to regain access to my Facebook account, which I have not used in about 4-5 years. The profile picture is of me wearing a yellow shirt while seated on a chair. I am unable to reset the password as I no longer have access to the email address associated with the account since I lost my Yahoo email and the alternative email linked to it through Hotmail, which I lost when I left IBM. Unfortunately, my previous cellphone number, [redacted], is now assigned to someone else after ending my contract with Vodacom. My new contact number is [redacted] and my email address is [redacted] I would appreciate any assistance in resolving this issue. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman3383964 on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 11:54 AM
I have recently contacted you regarding the Chad Volpe Facebook page issue, but unfortunately, there seems to be no option for me to explain the situation. Salvatore Volpe appears to have created a malicious page about his brother, tarnishing his reputation with false comments that he refuses to remove. I urge Facebook to delete the account and also consider removing Salvatore Volpe's account, as he is posting disrespectful content about me. Blocking him has not stopped his continuous bullying posts, including derogatory remarks about his elderly aunts. Bullying should not be tolerated on Facebook, and action must be taken to prevent further harm. Salvatore Volpe displays signs of delusion and instability. I kindly request a phone call to discuss this matter further. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman3384081 on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 12:28 PM
Instagram disabled my account because of a video I posted earlier. I was deeply upset after sharing a video of a baby being abused and wanted to raise awareness to catch the abuser. Losing my Instagram account has been distressing as it means a lot to me. I hope to have it reinstated as it is a vital part of my life. I am feeling emotionally drained and worried about not having access to my account. I have put a lot of effort into building my Instagram presence and I am eager to continue. I apologize for the content I posted and assure you that it will not happen again. I kindly request for my account to be restored. Thank you, A.A.
Reported by GetHuman-abdulhaz on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 12:43 PM
Hello, I am in the process of establishing a new marketing agency and I have recently launched it. Currently, I only have access to one ad account which is dedicated to my own business. I have no intentions of advertising my agency on this account for several reasons. After reviewing the information provided, I understand that in order to gain access to up to 5 ad accounts, I will need to spend a certain amount from my existing account. This flexibility would allow me to approach multiple clients simultaneously rather than waiting to acquire new accounts one by one. Having multiple ad accounts would be beneficial, especially if I secure more than one client at a time. This would enable me to provide swift services without any delays or needing to ask clients to wait due to account limitations. I aim to establish credibility by offering prompt services to clients, avoiding any unprofessionalism or potential client loss. I have potential clients ready to engage with my agency, but I am unable to confirm anything until I resolve this access issue. It is crucial for me to demonstrate efficiency and deliver results promptly to clients without any setbacks or excuses. I hope for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Alan M.
Reported by GetHuman3384241 on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 1:03 PM
My account was hacked. I received a photo and clicked on it, leading to a virus download that sent strange messages to my friends. After resetting my password, I encountered an issue blocking a user named Rodney Elzie, prompting a phone number prompt. I need help investigating this incident on my Facebook account, which is active but sent unauthorized messages to my friends. I am David Valentin, previously known as maniac_from_way_back712[at]yahoo.com, now david.[redacted].valentin[at]gmail.com. Phone number: [redacted]. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Mr. David Valentin.
Reported by GetHuman3384370 on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 1:33 PM
I have been using my Facebook account with my email address [redacted] On July 28th, I received an email from Facebook stating that my account security was compromised with the subject "someone may have accessed your account." The email contained a link instructing me to secure my account by clicking on it. After clicking the link, my account was hacked, and I have been unable to access my FB account since then. I am sharing the content of the email I received from Facebook for reference: "Hi Alex, It looks like someone may have accessed your Facebook account. To secure your account, you'll need to answer a few questions and change your password the next time you go to Facebook. For your protection, no one can see you on Facebook until you secure your account. Thanks, The Facebook Security Team" I responded to this email. Please assist me accordingly. Regards, Jitendra K.
Reported by GetHuman-jittendr on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 2:04 PM
I am encountering difficulty with my Facebook account. While attempting to link my personal account to create a business page, I was abruptly logged out due to a potential unauthorized access issue. Now, my account is disabled, and I urgently need it reactivated to prevent losing all my data. I tried to recover my account by requesting a verification code through text, but I did not receive any. I realized my old phone number is linked, which I no longer remember. Additionally, I am unable to access my Yahoo email due to forgotten password. I tried to recover using my email addresses [redacted] and [redacted] There seems to be confusion with another Facebook account linked to [redacted], although that email is not familiar to me.
Reported by GetHuman-wna on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 3:43 PM
Hello, I have sent multiple emails and tried calling without success. I'm Rita Pittman with a landline at [redacted] and email [redacted] I lack a cell phone due to health issues. My old account was hacked by Charlyn Patnaude Suchoski in [redacted], with no consequences. After that, I was referred to Henry Forge by Charter to avoid further issues. I'm facing challenges creating a new account for gaming. I'm only interested in playing games, not engaging with others. I kindly request a code sent to my email to access Facebook, not my landline. Your assistance is much appreciated. Best regards, Rita Pittman
Reported by GetHuman3385022 on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 3:43 PM
My account was hacked. I received an email stating that my password was changed this morning at 6:01. When I tried to log in to Facebook, it wouldn't let me. I attempted to change the password, but it requested a login code sent via text message. I'm not receiving it as my phone number may have been changed in my account. I tried entering my cell phone number but did not receive the code. The email I provided is an alternate one. I am receiving password reset emails but not the login code. The reset messages are being sent to [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-toddsgrl on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 3:43 PM
While using my Facebook mobile app, a "session expired" message appeared, prompting me to log back in. After several attempts, I received a code to reset my password, but the emails from Facebook with the codes vanished from my inbox and trash. I realized my account was hacked as I couldn't log in anymore. The hacker changed the email associated with my account from Yahoo to Gmail, preventing me from accessing any recovery options. Even though my account is still visible with my Yahoo email, the listed email for verification is now different.
Reported by GetHuman-pankeysh on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 3:46 PM
I have been experiencing difficulty accessing my Facebook account. Every time I try to log in, the platform asks me to verify my identity by sending a photo, which I do comply with, but it still doesn't let me access my page. The account in question belongs to Damion Cantu. There are two accounts under my name, one with me wearing sunglasses and a blue shirt that I am trying to delete as it was used by someone else on my behalf. The other account was created recently, but I am unable to log in. Due to technical issues with my phone and Google account, I had to create multiple accounts before being able to create a new Facebook account yesterday. However, today I am facing the same verification issue once again despite deleting the other accounts. I am unsure why this is happening and would appreciate assistance in resolving this matter. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman3385400 on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 3:59 PM
Hello, I am Karl Lehiste on Facebook, and I used to manage a group called "VAPE OST/MÜÜK/VAHETUS" for buying, selling, and exchanging vaping items. The group has been active for 2-3 years without any issues until yesterday when a post got reported and Facebook decided to remove the group. I am disappointed as now I have to start from scratch with zero members. It's frustrating, especially since similar groups in Estonia are still active without any problems. I don't understand why my group was singled out for deletion when others are still operating smoothly. Here are some examples of similar groups in the country: - [redacted] - [redacted] - [redacted] - [redacted] - [redacted] I can't help but wonder what made my group different from theirs when we essentially offer the same services.
Reported by GetHuman-kertauk on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 4:04 PM
Hello! I am experiencing an issue where I am unable to change the name of my page, yinyoga.ky. I have transitioned from the Trading As name to using the parent company name, Balanced Life, which still embodies yoga, wellness, health, and beauty. While the logo icon remains the same, the name has been updated professionally to Balanced Life. The content on the page still primarily focuses on teaching yin yoga and meditation to the same clients. I attempted to appeal the decision, but the system indicated the issue was closed and I didn't have any eligible Pages. I would like the Page to be named Balanced Life, or if unavailable, Balanced Life - Smart Living, as Smart Living is my slogan. Additionally, I require assistance in editing the Page layout as I can't locate the option to edit sections as before. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-elmn on Wednesday, August 7, 2019 4:19 PM

Help me with my Facebook issue

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