Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 484

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #484. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported March 24, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello, I would like to request the reopening and reactivation of my personal Facebook account, which was disabled by mistake after being inactive for 8 years. I have submitted my ID card details to verify my identity and prove that I am the genuine account holder. I believe this information should be sufficient for you to restore access to my account. Please consider the importance of my business documents saved in this account and proceed with the reactivation. Thank you for your assistance. Full Name: S. Kharkwal Date of Birth: 1 November [redacted] Email: [redacted] Contact Number: [redacted] (Please verify this number for account reactivation and login purposes).
Reported by GetHuman2584201 on Sonntag, 24. März 2019 16:22
Hello, I would like to request the reopening and reactivation of my personal Facebook account. This account, which I have been using, was mistakenly disabled by your security system. I have submitted my identity proof to verify that I am the genuine owner of this account and not using anyone else's identity. I believe the provided information should suffice to reinstate my account. Kindly reactivate it as soon as possible, as this situation is impacting my business dealings. I appreciate your assistance in this matter. Thank you. Initials: S.K. Date of Birth: 1 November [redacted] Email: [redacted] Phone Number: [redacted] (please verify) Please reactivate my account.
Reported by GetHuman2584201 on Sonntag, 24. März 2019 16:29
I am experiencing difficulty accessing my gaming account linked to the following information: Mobile number: [redacted] Username: Abhi Hum Kinda Hai For a few days, I have been blocked by a security check process and unable to retrieve the necessary code. This has resulted in the loss of progress in all my games. Although I can receive regular OTPs from Facebook, the security check code OTP remains elusive. I believe this issue lies with Facebook and not my actions. Your prompt assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated as I depend on this account for my gaming progress. Thank you for your understanding and time in addressing this concern. Sincerely,
Reported by GetHuman-siddhima on Sonntag, 24. März 2019 16:40
Hello, I would like to request the reopening and reactivation of my personal Facebook account, which has been mistakenly disabled by your security system. I have submitted my ID card details to verify my identity as the real account owner. I believe this information should be sufficient for you to reopen my account. It would greatly help my business matters if you could save this ID and reactivate my account. I appreciate your assistance. Thank you. - S. K. Date of birth: 1 November [redacted] Email: [redacted] Contact number: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman2584201 on Sonntag, 24. März 2019 16:47
I had a HEMA Daga account on Facebook that was compromised due to a data breach last year. An individual created a fake account pretending to be me, and it's causing me trouble. Despite reporting the issue several times and the harm it has caused to my friends, Facebook has not taken appropriate action in the past year. I urge you to investigate this matter promptly and resolve it. The situation is distressing for me and damaging to my friends' reputation. If Facebook fails to address the fake "HEMA Daga" account, I will escalate this matter to the court, holding Facebook accountable. I request the permanent removal of the fake account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-heshscri on Sonntag, 24. März 2019 16:58
I am in distress due to a troubling situation. I urgently need help from an administrator to remove a post on Facebook that has caused me great distress. The information shared in the post is false, as the individual behind it has been sexually harassing me, exploiting the platform for attention. Despite filing a police report, they were unable to assist in removing the post. I've been directed to seek help from the platform, but my requests have gone unanswered. To make matters worse, the post contains my full name and my mother's full name, posing a threat to her chance of employment since she is currently unemployed. I possess evidence from the police report and messages from the offender to support my claim of sexual harassment. This situation has taken a toll on my mental health, and I am struggling to cope.
Reported by GetHuman-tengyuti on Sonntag, 24. März 2019 17:52
Hello Facebook Community, I am Shikhar Angirish and I first joined Facebook back in my school days, around [redacted]. Facebook's motto of "Bringing people together" resonates with me, and I appreciate the ethics and humanity within the core team. However, I am concerned about the misuse of Facebook in India, particularly with the upcoming general elections. Political parties, especially the BJP, are allegedly utilizing fake accounts on Facebook to incite hatred and propagate divisive beliefs such as communalism, xenophobia, and casteism. As a responsible citizen, I urge Facebook to address these issues. The spread of such harmful propaganda can lead to dire consequences, including increased hate crimes and societal turmoil. I trust in Facebook's leadership and hope that they will take action to prevent further harm in our diverse and populous country. It is essential to safeguard our communities from the impact of such negative influences. Thank you for considering this important matter.
Reported by GetHuman2585113 on Sonntag, 24. März 2019 19:51
I am concerned about the deletion of the "Anshul Saxena" page. Despite the reason given for its removal being related to nudity promotion, he actually advocated against such content. The page was known for positive actions like supporting during the "pulwama attack." It seems like a misunderstanding led to its removal due to mass reports. Anshul Saxena is a respected figure with a significant following, and it would be appreciated if the page could be reinstated after a thorough review. Although there was an initial email indicating the page's restoration, it has not yet reappeared. I trust that Facebook will address this issue promptly and bring back the page since it did not breach any community guidelines. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Reported by GetHuman2585168 on Sonntag, 24. März 2019 20:05
Hello, Earlier today, I attempted to access the Facebook app and encountered a sign-in page. Upon signing in, I received a message stating that someone may have accessed my account and prompted me to secure my information. After clicking continue, I was given two options to verify my identity. Option 1 was to receive a text with a code, while Option 2 was to verify on another device. I have tried both options multiple times, but have not received a code despite confirming the correct phone number. Even after changing my password, I am continuously asked to verify my account when logging in. I need assistance with this matter urgently. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-sashajet on Sonntag, 24. März 2019 20:16
I have bought $[redacted] worth of quilting fabric over the last 4 months from an online group named "Sell Your Pretties Quilting and Sewing," managed by Julie Coats from Reno, Nevada. After returning from babysitting in Hawaii, I discovered that my orders were never shipped. Julie mentioned her truck being stolen with the packages but later changed her story. She became unresponsive and only resurfaced after I involved PayPal. She claimed her truck was found, but I insisted on a refund. She then came up with excuses, but I saw her active in other groups. I informed PayPal, but they haven't resolved the issue yet. Julie's behavior has been suspicious, and I seek assistance to recover my money promptly. Thank you. - Elaine P.
Reported by GetHuman-elainelq on Sonntag, 24. März 2019 21:45
Here's what happened: I created a Facebook account with the phone number [redacted]6. After some time, I went to my profile and deleted this phone number which I used to create the account. Approximately a month later, when I tried to access my Facebook account, I couldn't get in. I've attempted to use the Facebook identity verification process, but it's not working due to me removing all my information from my profile. I've exhausted all my options, but I still can't access my account. I really need help as I can't bear to lose access to that account.
Reported by GetHuman-udoeyopp on Sonntag, 24. März 2019 22:20
My Facebook account, compromised by someone I met in a Facebook group, has been inaccessible since 21/3/[redacted]. The person prompted me to follow a link, which led to them asking for my login credentials. I realized it was a scam and changed my password. However, I haven't been able to log in since then. Facebook requested a photo and verification code to regain access, but the account seems to be still in use by someone else. I tried creating a new account, but faced the same security test request from 21/3/[redacted]. I urgently need assistance to recover my original account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-fridayor on Sonntag, 24. März 2019 23:39
I created a Facebook account recently. Yesterday, I logged in without any issues. Today, when I tried to join a new Facebook group, I received a message about "unusual activity" and was prompted to verify my account with a mobile phone number. Since I don't have a mobile phone, I couldn't proceed. I tried to find a solution on the Facebook website, but I couldn't bypass the phone number requirement. The emails provided by GetHuman.com were rejected, one of them wasn't even available, and the other one had a full inbox.
Reported by GetHuman2586187 on Montag, 25. März 2019 00:30
My son's Facebook account was closed due to violations of the Terms of Service. Unfortunately, his cellphone was stolen, and the thief accessed his Facebook and email accounts. His cell service is suspended as he gets a new phone, but he can't recall the passwords for his accounts. We submitted his ID to Facebook for verification. The account email is [redacted] We're trying to work with Microsoft to recover the email, which hasn't been used in many years, adding to the challenge. Please notify him after reviewing the submitted information and ID via my email, L. [redacted] You can see our connection on his account. Your help is much appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-ldeanla on Montag, 25. März 2019 00:47
We are a community group looking to create a new Facebook account for our organization. However, Facebook won't accept our official email address for the account creation. When we try to use our community group's Gmail account managed by our Club President, Facebook tells us we are setting up a business or community account, which is our intention. It suggests creating a personal page instead, which doesn't align with our organization's goals. How can we resolve this issue and successfully set up a community organization page? Thank you, JL, President - TRMS, Queensland, Australia.
Reported by GetHuman2586460 on Montag, 25. März 2019 02:03
Our community group is facing an issue while trying to set up a new account for our organization on Facebook. Unfortunately, the platform is not accepting our official email address for registration. When attempting to use our Gmail account managed by our Club President, it's flagging us for creating a business or community account, which is our intended purpose. It's frustrating as we're not able to move forward. Any guidance on resolving this matter and successfully creating a page for our community group would be greatly appreciated. Jim LawlerPresident of The Rockhampton Men's ShedQueensland, Australia.
Reported by GetHuman2586460 on Montag, 25. März 2019 02:18
I need help with my marketplace listings. I posted 7 items for sale and wanted to add more, but my posts are under review. I've posted similar items before without any issues. My listings include baby clothes, toys, a power wheel, a gaming PC, a car, a baby stroller, and baby shoes. I've reviewed the policies and believe I haven't violated any. I see many others selling similar items. Please assist me in understanding why my posts are being reviewed. I can't access the email associated with my Facebook, so kindly contact me at [redacted] If you require any account information, please let me know, and I'll provide it. I value the marketplace for selling my items and want to resolve this matter promptly. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-torihann on Montag, 25. März 2019 02:32
I accidentally changed some settings on Facebook Messenger while trying to check if a friend was online. After agreeing to something, I can no longer see the friend in my conversation list, and I can't access the phone or video icons to call or video chat with them. The icons that usually show if they are active are missing, and I'm unable to expand their chat page. I'm unsure of what I agreed to, but now I'm missing important features. I really need to fix this so I can regain access to my friend's Messenger page and our conversation. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Reported by GetHuman2586664 on Montag, 25. März 2019 03:12
My Facebook account (facebook.com/ayahkasih), which I have had for 9 years and 10 months, was disabled due to a post, but I am unsure about the details. I have reached out for clarification to avoid repeating the same error. Additionally, my Instagram account (@ayahkasih) has also disappeared. I want to highlight that I am not part of any religious groups, and my 4,[redacted] international friends come from diverse backgrounds in terms of beliefs, sexual orientations, and political views. I submitted an appeal form to the Help Center five days ago and was told I would receive a response via email, but I have not heard back yet. I use Facebook to store my memories and writings as a writer, poet, and author. I kindly request the reactivation of my account so I can retrieve my precious memories, including my daughter's birthdays and family gatherings, as well as my creative works such as poems and notes. I am willing to delete any posts that do not comply with Facebook's Community Standards. I have attached my ID card and confirmation from the General Election Committee (KPU) to verify my authenticity.
Reported by GetHuman-ikhwanul on Montag, 25. März 2019 04:07
The new algorithms designed to "promote interaction" have effectively silenced me within my cherished community that I have built over the years. Although I do not post frequently, each of my posts is well-thought-out and meaningful. Unfortunately, due to the algorithm's preference for frequent posters, none of my friends engage with my content. As a result, I feel lost in a platform where an external team decides what is deemed interesting. This situation limits my free speech on a platform that functions much like a public utility. Despite my frustration, I understand the likelihood of receiving a response is slim. I feel powerless in a community that holds significant value for me. It is disheartening to see sponsored posts overshadow meaningful content. It appears that user satisfaction is not a priority for the platform.
Reported by GetHuman-drak on Montag, 25. März 2019 06:16

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