Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 254

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #254. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported October 18, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I recently discovered that my account has been hacked, and I only noticed the changes today due to my mom's inquiry about my profile. My name has been altered, there is a different description, and a new unfamiliar person has been added to my friends list. Additionally, it seems that the email associated with my account has been changed. Unfortunately, I do not have access to the original email I used to create the account, as it has been years since I last used it. I attempted to recover my account through the help center link but was prompted to enter my email, which I couldn't do. When I finally had the option to restore access, the profile picture displayed was incorrect, showing a blank image. Could you please assist in removing both the account associated with my original email and the one that has been hijacked?
Reported by GetHuman-deidarar on Thursday, October 18, 2018 11:30 PM
I am experiencing issues on Facebook. A girl messaged me cursing my life and everything I touch. I have screenshots because we have had previous problems. She has been sending nasty photos to my fiancée at 4:30 in the morning despite being asked to stop. I also asked her to stop, yet she continued. I shared the screenshots of our argument on Facebook to show the threats she made to me in private messages via voice message, which I have evidence of. I have multiple witnesses who saw this and took screenshots in case of any further incidents. However, I got banned when I shared what she said. I feel this decision is unfair as I did nothing wrong. After a review, they maintained the ban without providing an explanation. I believe I should be able to share what was said to me for safety reasons. It is frustrating being punished as the victim while she continues to cause trouble on the platform. I am considering seeking legal advice as this situation is unjust.
Reported by GetHuman1373269 on Friday, October 19, 2018 12:26 AM
About two months ago, I had an email address that was disabled. My account was temporarily disabled for safety reasons after changing my account photo twice. Now, my old account and the associated email address are disabled. I'm having trouble using the email address to join Facebook communities for my school due to errors mentioning the old disabled account. Could you kindly check if there is a way to enable the email account so I can use it to join my school's communities? The email address in question is [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-cboman on Friday, October 19, 2018 1:03 AM
Hello, I am a recent immigrant to Canada from Bangladesh. I purchased a new phone here and encountered an issue trying to log in to my Facebook account. The 2-factor verification required a code sent to my phone number, but I wasn't receiving any texts. After several attempts, I clicked on 'having trouble?' which led me to select a phone number to receive the verification code from, but all the options were from Bangladesh, which I can no longer access. There was no alternative to use an email address or contact trusted friends. I submitted my government-issued ID and multiple pictures of myself holding a handwritten code as per the helpline instructions, but I have not received a resolution. I am currently unable to open a new account.
Reported by GetHuman-shafiul on Friday, October 19, 2018 3:13 AM
I am currently unable to update my email or phone number on my Facebook account. Even though I have had this account since [redacted], I am experiencing difficulties in changing these details. The email associated with my Facebook seems to have an issue as I do not remember the password or suspect that it may have been changed. Additionally, the phone number linked to my account is outdated. Oddly, when I am logged in, I am unable to update my primary email. I need assistance in updating my primary email and phone number on Facebook to ensure I receive notifications and to address my concerns about unauthorized access to my account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman1373816 on Friday, October 19, 2018 3:17 AM
I need help recovering my profile. In March, during a challenging time after my daughter was born, a friend changed my Facebook password and linked a new gmail account ([redacted]) to it. Unfortunately, after my phone broke and I got a new one, I couldn't log in as the passwords my friend provided were incorrect. Since the friend who helped me had later betrayed my trust, I am unable to reach out to him. Despite my efforts, I couldn't recover my Gmail or access my Facebook with an old password. Facebook would not accept my ID due to the account still being active. I have important memories of my daughter from her birth until now on that account. I am willing to provide any necessary verification, including sending a selfie with a fork or spoon on my head. Please assist me in retrieving my account. The memories of my daughter mean everything to me.
Reported by GetHuman1373880 on Friday, October 19, 2018 3:37 AM
After a day spent setting up my business account on Facebook, I encountered an issue. I received a message prompting me to upload a clear, well-lit photo of myself to verify my account. Despite my attempts to upload various photos in jpeg and png formats as instructed, nothing happens when I click submit. This roadblock is preventing me from accessing my business account. I need assistance to resolve this matter and regain access to my account.
Reported by GetHuman1374047 on Friday, October 19, 2018 5:02 AM
Hello, I'm Jacob (JD) Helton. I've been using Facebook for years, but recently had to delete the app for exams. Now that exams are done, I reinstalled Facebook but forgot my password. I can't access the email linked to my account, "[redacted]". My current email is "[redacted]". I want to recover my account without starting from scratch. My phone number, "[redacted]", should help me, but it's not an available recovery option.
Reported by GetHuman-jdhphar on Friday, October 19, 2018 5:31 AM
My Facebook email is [redacted] Yesterday at 2:09 AM, someone tried to log in to my Facebook using Chrome 10, as I saw from a notification I received this morning. However, when I tried to log in this morning, my account was disabled, and my Facebook couldn't be found. When I tried to reset my password, it showed an unfamiliar email address to send the code to. It seems like my account has been hacked. I hope you can help me resolve this issue so I can regain access to my account, which I've been using since I was 12 years old. If you require any details about my Facebook account, I can provide them. I'm worried about the safety of my account, especially with the recent cases of people using hacked accounts to manipulate others. I really hope you can fix this problem quickly so my account isn't damaged by a hacker. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-jeryi on Friday, October 19, 2018 6:46 AM
This morning, when I attempted to log into my Facebook account, I discovered that my password had been changed, and my account was accessed from a Samsung J2 device. I selected "No, this is not me," but I am unable to proceed as the hacker has altered my password. Regrettably, I am unable to access my emails as they have also been compromised. I would greatly appreciate assistance. Providing a contact number for support would be more convenient for me. Currently, I am utilizing my sister's email address to initiate the account recovery process.
Reported by GetHuman1374420 on Friday, October 19, 2018 8:13 AM
I need help accessing my Facebook account that I created in [redacted]. The user ID is [redacted], and my registered mobile number is [redacted]. Unfortunately, someone hacked my account, changed the password, and the registered mobile number. When trying to reset the password, the OTP is going to a mobile number I don't recognize. I even changed my cover photo today, and now I can't access my account. Please assist me in resolving this issue urgently. Thank you, Amit Pandey
Reported by GetHuman1374688 on Friday, October 19, 2018 10:46 AM
Hello, I am experiencing an issue with my Instagram page. My name is N.P. Yesterday, my page "MONDO JUVENTUS" under the username "juventus_world" was disabled for not complying with Instagram's terms. I am unsure why my page was disabled as I have always been cautious about not posting anything suspicious or inappropriate. I make sure to credit the owners of the pictures I repost. This is the first time this has happened to me, and I am puzzled. Upon waking up, I discovered my page had been disabled without any prior warning or notification. I have reached out to Instagram support, but I have yet to receive a response. I would appreciate any assistance you can provide. Page Full Name: MONDO JUVENTUS Page Username: juventus_world Email: [redacted] Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman1374861 on Friday, October 19, 2018 12:07 PM
For the last week, we have been attempting to verify our business, Systems of the Future (Australia), as part of the final step in the Facebook app approval process. Despite submitting numerous official documents displaying our business' registered name and address, Facebook keeps rejecting the verification without providing further details. The standard rejection message states: App Review Step 2 - Additional Information Required to Complete Business Verification Our business could not be verified. Please submit more business documents by [redacted]-10-26 to assist us in successfully verifying your business. I am seeking clarification on the issues with our application and documents so we can finalize the verification process and begin using our app in a live setting. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-mdeady on Friday, October 19, 2018 12:26 PM
I frequently check for unfamiliar logins, and when I notice any, I log out of all sessions. After Facebook was hacked, I realized there were unknown logins, and when I logged out, my main account was disabled two weeks ago. Facebook now claims that my email and phone number are not linked to my account, even though I am currently using the device. I suspect I was hacked, and whoever did it may have caused my account to be disabled and could be changing passwords. I need assistance with these issues. I have observed strange behavior while browsing online, with pop-ups suggesting network disruptions. Although I can access my email, unauthorized activities linked to sex sites or the use of my name and email concern me. Despite changing my password multiple times, the problem persists. Concerning Facebook, I do not recall my main account password, and I cannot access my account. Please assist me.
Reported by GetHuman1342714 on Friday, October 19, 2018 1:57 PM
I recently got a new phone, and I am having trouble logging into my Facebook account. Even though I double-checked my password, it kept saying it was incorrect. I tried changing it, but still no luck. I received a code, entered it, and it still won't let me in. When trying to find my account using my email, name, or phone number, it says it's not linked to an account, even though I know it is. I received an email with a link to change my password, but when I click on it, it just takes me to my Facebook page. I'm unsure of what to do next. If anyone could offer assistance, I would greatly appreciate it.
Reported by GetHuman1375636 on Friday, October 19, 2018 2:37 PM
I am feeling very disappointed. I recently set up a Facebook profile for my husband to manage his medical practice account. However, I have been unable to reset the password as we are not receiving any emails, calls, or texts for the password reset. It's crucial as the business page associated with his account, "Island Rheumatology & Osteoporosis," is linked to it. We also want to boost our page and engage with our patients who are leaving reviews. The email addresses we could have used are [redacted] and [redacted] We have not received any code at [redacted]. Please help as I want to avoid creating a new account. I can be reached through my email for any assistance. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-pkakar on Friday, October 19, 2018 2:50 PM
I received multiple text messages last night from two men claiming that I won a Facebook promotion lottery. They insisted I pay a $[redacted] delivery fee to receive my winnings through Febex. The person, Mr. Mark, warned me not to disclose my status as the winner. They contacted me again around 10 am reiterating the need to pay the delivery fee before receiving the money. I am concerned. Thank you, Jeannie K Ellis.
Reported by GetHuman1376073 on Friday, October 19, 2018 3:58 PM
Hello! A while back, someone tried to access my account. To secure it, I changed my password around Thursday, June 28 or 29. Recently, my phone reset, erasing a lot of data. When I tried to log back into Facebook, I couldn't recall the password. I'm also unable to access the Yahoo email account I used which might have been created in [redacted]. Unfortunately, I haven't linked my current phone number to my Facebook. I have many memories and contacts on there, and I'm struggling to regain access. My Facebook email is [redacted] Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. The last password I can remember is possibly Mali321 or Mali123. I'm eager to hear back soon. I last recall my session expiring on September 29, between 1:00 am to 3:00 am. Thank you!
Reported by GetHuman-malihamu on Friday, October 19, 2018 4:08 PM
After receiving a message from Facebook informing me that my old phone number [redacted] has been verified for another account, I have been unable to log in. Despite resetting my password multiple times, when trying to log in, it states that it's the first time using this browser and attempts to send a verification code via SMS, which I never receive. Although I did find an email with a code a couple of times, it was not accepted when entered. I suspect my Messenger account might have been compromised, as a friend's message I opened was then sent to all my contacts instantly. I've tried to contact Facebook via the mobile app, attaching a photo of my state driver's license for verification as requested, but have not received any response. Please assist me in resolving this issue, as I cannot access my Facebook account or Messenger. Contact me at [redacted] or call [redacted]. Thank you. - Greg K.
Reported by GetHuman-kurtzgre on Friday, October 19, 2018 4:13 PM
I have repeatedly reported a fake profile on Facebook under the name "Anna Angel Bi" that is impersonating me as "Spanish Angel." This fake profile has been sending inappropriate content, including threats and explicit photos, leading to a risk to my safety. Despite multiple reports from myself and my friends, Facebook has not taken any action, claiming that the profile does not violate community standards. I am frustrated with the lack of response and professionalism from Facebook. I am considering legal action if this issue is not resolved promptly.
Reported by GetHuman-chanelce on Friday, October 19, 2018 4:42 PM

Help me with my Facebook issue

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