Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 1812

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #1812. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported September 18, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I have received multiple emails from Facebook on September 6, [redacted], to my personal email at [redacted], my original signup email [redacted], and one of my business page email addresses [redacted] The emails included password reset codes, notifications of password changes, and alerts about emails being removed and added to my account. After reporting the hack and verifying my identity with my ID, I received an email thanking me for confirming my identity with a link to regain access using an unlock code valid until September 21. When trying to use the link and unlock code, I encountered a message stating my account was permanently disabled. Subsequent appeal requests with photos of my ID using the mentioned email addresses were unsuccessful as Facebook reported none of the emails were on file. My Instagram accounts remain accessible, but I seek assistance from a human representative at Facebook for resolution without navigating automated systems.
Reported by GetHuman8624963 on понедельник, 18 сентября 2023 г., 17:35
My Facebook account was hijacked after a virus infected my computer. When I attempted to change my password and secure my account, I discovered that Facebook had already locked it. Following the steps to unlock it, I was asked to provide my credit card information, although I have never used my credit card with Facebook. I am hoping to be able to input my email address into Facebook so that I can recover my account.
Reported by GetHuman-ahmediot on понедельник, 18 сентября 2023 г., 18:00
I am having trouble with my disabled account and despite my efforts, it remains disabled. This account is crucial to me, so I am reaching out for assistance as I have faced many issues without help from Facebook. I kindly request a review of my account for reactivation, as it is essential for connecting with friends and social communities. Please see the details of my Facebook account below for your reference: My FB ID: [redacted] Thank you. K. Mahapatra.
Reported by GetHuman-pathikma on понедельник, 18 сентября 2023 г., 18:28
Dear Facebook Team, I believe that my Facebook account has been hacked. The email associated with my account, mario.dziamski@gmail, has been changed and is no longer recognizable in your system. I am unable to take any further actions, as my password has also been altered. Even the password reset process is ineffective since it is tied to the new email address. I would appreciate your assistance in regaining access to my account. Please reach out if you require additional information. Thank you for your help. Best regards, Mario Dziamski
Reported by GetHuman-mariodz on понедельник, 18 сентября 2023 г., 19:02
Hello team, I recently discovered that my account has been hacked. Unfortunately, this situation arose due to providing a verification code to my cousin. She asked for the code through Facebook to assist with a subscription issue on WhatsApp. Regrettably, this led to my account being compromised. The hacker has changed both my password and the associated email address. Additionally, they are now sending inappropriate messages to my female friends, causing significant harm to my reputation, especially since many of them are individuals from my past school, university, or work circles who are not connected to me through other platforms. Complicating matters further, I have used this account for 10-11 years, but I have forgotten the password to the linked email account and the alternative email. Furthermore, I no longer have access to the associated phone number, which is now useless as the hacker has altered all the account details. While I can provide proof of my identity, I am currently unable to regain control of my account.
Reported by GetHuman8625369 on вторник, 19 сентября 2023 г., 0:20
I am having trouble regaining access to my main account, so I had to create a new one under the name Derrick Schnelle. My original account had a profile picture of me in a small circle and had many friends, including Mildred Sayon and a couple of her family members, as well as some of my family members like my aunt Yvonne Schnelle and uncle Russell Schnelle. The new account I created a couple of days ago has no picture and only one friend, Mildred Sayon, who is my girlfriend. I have tried various methods to sign in but without success. The phone number for the new account is [redacted], and the email address associated with it is [redacted] I prefer the old account with a picture and am unsure if there are two separate email addresses involved. I no longer want the new account.
Reported by GetHuman8625548 on вторник, 19 сентября 2023 г., 4:18
Hello, I am reaching out to report that my account, Cyril Torres, has been compromised and subsequently disabled. Unfortunately, this is causing a significant issue since this account is utilized for professional purposes and I also serve as an administrator for multiple Pages under the names of Cyril Torres and Music Your Life. It appears that both my email address and phone number have been removed, hindering my ability to regain access even after following the links provided in the emails received. Due to my work commitments during the day, I was unable to address this promptly. I am willing to provide any necessary documentation, such as my ID and screen captures, to facilitate the recovery of my account. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Cyril Torres www.musicyourlife.net
Reported by GetHuman-cyrotorr on вторник, 19 сентября 2023 г., 9:45
Celebrate your special day! Delve into your updated Facebook settings. As you transition into adulthood, some of the protective measures for minors no longer restrict you. Noteworthy changes include the ability for anyone to message you. Moreover, you now have the option for a public search listing and can utilize the tag suggest feature. Remember, content shared as Public is visible to all, whether they are on Facebook or not. Familiarize yourself with making adjustments to these settings for a seamless experience.
Reported by GetHuman8625811 on вторник, 19 сентября 2023 г., 10:14
Hello, My name is Vincent Nwachukwu, and I use the Facebook account associated with [redacted] and the phone number [redacted]1. I discovered that my account was hacked on September 9, [redacted], as I received an email alert on that day notifying me of the unauthorized access. I attempted to verify my identity by uploading my ID card following the link provided. However, I was informed that the document was not clear. I have now attached a clearer copy of my ID card to this email. I kindly request assistance in securing my Facebook account and would appreciate any advice on the next steps to take. Thank you, Vincent Nwachukwu
Reported by GetHuman-venoxcit on вторник, 19 сентября 2023 г., 19:02
Over the weekend, someone hacked into my personal Facebook page, which is linked to my business account. They took away all my admin privileges and now control my business account. I reported the compromised account through the Facebook security center three days ago, but the case is no longer showing up for me. I need to regain admin control and remove this hacker from my business account.
Reported by GetHuman8626810 on вторник, 19 сентября 2023 г., 21:32
I have been hacked, and my account has been secured. Despite trying everything to log back in, I have not been successful. I have had my account for 15 years and have lost all my memories and access to my pages. I have tried two-step verification and other login methods, but even after entering my email and ID, it says there is no internet connection, which is not true. The hacker has changed my emails and passwords to one originating from Vietnam. I have reached out to various Facebook help contacts, but haven't been able to get through to anyone. This situation is affecting both my personal and business life. Kindly assist me in resolving this issue promptly.
Reported by GetHuman8627221 on среда, 20 сентября 2023 г., 8:09
Dear Facebook Team, I am unable to receive the security code needed from the Google Authentication app as I did not back up that information and it is now lost. Despite having Two-factor Authentication enabled on my Facebook account, I cannot log in to disable it. Thank you. Name: অচেনা পাখি Device: Samsung Galaxy M01CORE Facebook Email: [redacted] Password: killer@boss
Reported by GetHuman8627368 on среда, 20 сентября 2023 г., 10:48
My name is Ankur Soni, and my Gmail ID is [redacted], which is associated with this account. This account is personal to me, and I am a respected member of the Indian Community. I have always followed Facebook's guidelines and never intended to offend anyone. Unfortunately, my account got disabled due to misunderstandings, causing me to lose touch with my family and friends. I kindly ask for your assistance in reactivating my Facebook ID and account.
Reported by GetHuman-jasssoni on среда, 20 сентября 2023 г., 11:21
Subject: Appeal for Account Review Dear Facebook Team, I have been notified that my official Facebook account has been locked due to a violation of the community guidelines. However, I want to clarify that I have always adhered to the rules and regulations set forth by Facebook, and I have never engaged in any illegal, sexual, or inappropriate activities on my account. I am extremely concerned about my account being permanently locked, and I kindly request your assistance in resolving this matter at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your prompt attention to this issue. Sincerely, [redacted] [redacted] +[redacted]33
Reported by GetHuman8600052 on среда, 20 сентября 2023 г., 14:41
Subject: Facebook Account Appeal Review Requested Hello Facebook Team, My official Facebook account has been locked, and I believe I have not violated any of the community guidelines. I assure you that I have not engaged in any illegal, sexual, or inappropriate activities on my account. Despite this, my account remains permanently locked. I kindly request your assistance in resolving this issue promptly. Thank you, Rahmatullah
Reported by GetHuman8600052 on среда, 20 сентября 2023 г., 14:43
My Facebook account got hacked on September 19th, [redacted]. Please help me recover it, as someone changed all my login information. My name on Facebook is SUMIT KUMAR SINGH, and my date of birth is 06/08/[redacted]. I can provide my Aadhar card and other identity proofs to verify my ownership of the account. The hacked account is linked to my Free Fire account, where I have spent approximately 2 lakh rupees. The account has been locked since yesterday, but the hacker managed to access it using my credentials. Please assist me, dear Facebook team. The old password for my Facebook account was NIKHIL4949. Kindly help me resolve this issue, as it is causing me distress.
Reported by GetHuman-sumitssi on среда, 20 сентября 2023 г., 16:50
I've been using the same Facebook account since [redacted]. Unfortunately, last year someone changed the password and email associated with it after stealing my phone. This account holds so many precious memories for me, including pictures of my children, 20 years of marriage, and memories of my late mom. The account in question is under the name Ginny Turner Sweatt. I would greatly appreciate any assistance in recovering access to it. Please advise me on the steps I need to take. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-daleswea on среда, 20 сентября 2023 г., 19:15
Facebook Message Congratulations on turning 18! As an adult on Facebook, new features and settings apply to your account. You will now receive messages from anyone, have a public search listing, and use the tag suggest feature. It's important to consider that anything you post as "Public" can be viewed by anyone, even those outside of Facebook. Take some time to review and adjust these settings to maintain your privacy. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to explore more details on the platform. Enjoy exploring your new Facebook functionalities!
Reported by GetHuman8628596 on четверг, 21 сентября 2023 г., 4:07
Dear Facebook Team, I am writing to address an ongoing issue I am facing on your platform. As a frequent user, Facebook plays a vital role in my business activities. However, I have been encountering frequent restrictions that inhibit my ability to post in groups and utilize essential features. I am fully aware of and compliant with the community guidelines. Despite this, I continue to receive unwarranted 24-hour or even 6-day blocks without an option for review. This limitation hinders my professional responsibilities, and I am uncertain about how to prevent these disruptions. I would appreciate it if you could review my account and provide a solution to prevent these repetitive blocks. I value your assistance and urgently seek a resolution to this matter. Additionally, upon inspecting my account status, the imposed restrictions do not appear, leading me to believe it might be a technical glitch or an invisible restriction. I have diligently reported this issue through the help desk, but there has been no visible action. Attached are screenshots for your reference. I trust that you will address this concern promptly since the efficiency of my work is heavily reliant on Facebook. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and swift response. Kind regards, Daniela M.
Reported by GetHuman8628664 on четверг, 21 сентября 2023 г., 5:35
Hello Facebook team, I am encountering an issue with review requests on my personal Facebook account. I need assistance in resolving the problems with Facebook reviews, recovering my account, and addressing any community standard violations. I am looking for guidance on fixing the review request problem and accessing my disabled Facebook account without requiring an ID. Your support in recovering my disabled or suspended Facebook account would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help in advance.
Reported by GetHuman8627218 on четверг, 21 сентября 2023 г., 7:14

Help me with my Facebook issue

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