Facebook Customer Service Issues

Archive 1810

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Facebook customer service, archive #1810. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported September 14, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I need assistance removing 2FA from my Facebook account to regain access to my data. Facebook has locked me out due to the 2FA issue. Following a phone upgrade, I lost access to Google Authenticator codes and Facebook offers no practical solutions for users in this situation, violating privacy rights. I cannot follow the usual 2FA steps as I no longer have access to the old codes or devices. Facebook's current system leaves me with no way to authenticate and access my account. The company's lack of alternative methods or support signifies illegal practices that prevent users from accessing their data. I require the 2FA to be disabled so that I can log in and retrieve my personal information.
Reported by GetHuman-mauzamba on Thursday, September 14, 2023 2:37 PM
Dear Facebook Team, I am a genuine user of this account. Unfortunately, your security system mistakenly disabled my personal Facebook account citing a violation of the community standards. I have provided all the necessary identification to support the reopening of my account. I kindly request you to review my appeal promptly and reinstate my Facebook account. Thank you, Ajay Kumar Account: ajaykumar Full Name: Ajay Kumar Gmail: [redacted] Mobile: +[redacted]15
Reported by GetHuman7136162 on Thursday, September 14, 2023 4:38 PM
I believe my Facebook account has been compromised, as I am unable to log in and keep getting prompted to create a new password using an old one. Unfortunately, I no longer have access to the email or phone number associated with the account. I have provided all the necessary details and hope for your assistance in resolving this issue promptly. Thank you for your help. Here is the link to my Facebook profile: [redacted] Additional profile details: - Date of birth: 17/05/[redacted] - Phone number: [redacted] - Account name: Dinesh Kumar - New account name: Alok Dey I have attached relevant proof for your reference. Please recover my account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8616298 on Thursday, September 14, 2023 4:44 PM
Dear Facebook Support Team, I am contacting you regarding an issue with my Facebook account. My name is Mohamed Amine Mbarek, and my account is under the name Mohamed Mrad, linked to the email [redacted] I am having trouble accessing my account as I am being asked to verify my identity. I have submitted my identification documents as requested but still cannot regain access. This is impacting both my personal and professional communication, and I urgently need to resolve this matter. I have completed the verification process and provided the necessary information. I am willing to provide any additional documentation needed to verify my identity. Your prompt assistance in helping me regain access to my account would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your attention and support in resolving this issue promptly. Sincerely, Mohamed
Reported by GetHuman-mbarekmo on Thursday, September 14, 2023 4:56 PM
I am trying to recover my Facebook account, but my mobile number, email, date of birth, and name have all been changed. Despite my attempts, I am unable to recover it even after submitting my government ID. I no longer have access to my old mobile number. I would appreciate any assistance in regaining access to my account. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8619559 on Thursday, September 14, 2023 5:17 PM
I accidentally uploaded a cricket game video on my personal Facebook account instead of the intended video. This mix-up occurred while I was trying to upload another video. I am aware of the importance of my account as it contains official and significant information. I sincerely apologize for the oversight and ensure it will not happen again. My Facebook account seems to have been compromised. Thank you, Facebook team.
Reported by GetHuman8620068 on Thursday, September 14, 2023 9:47 PM
I have submitted my information and am waiting for the review process. I anticipate hearing back within the next 48 hours. An email notification will be sent once my details have been assessed. I understand the security measures in place, and until then, my Facebook account will remain inaccessible. Please proceed with the review of my personal account promptly. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-dolosa on Thursday, September 14, 2023 9:49 PM
I need help recovering my friend's Facebook account due to login issues. He can't access his account because he forgot the password linked to his email. Also, he can't reset the Facebook password through email as he forgot the email password too. He's aware of the security measures and is ready to provide any necessary verification information to prove his identity.
Reported by GetHuman-amrpro on Thursday, September 14, 2023 11:03 PM
Hello, I am Giorgi Gogidze and on December 30, [redacted], my Facebook profile was hacked. The individual responsible for this is Albulena Uka, who breached my privacy due to jealousy. My previous phone number was +[redacted]5 and email [redacted] Albulena Uka's email is [redacted] and phone number +[redacted]8. She changed my login details, preventing me from accessing my account. I would appreciate your assistance in recovering my profile swiftly. Thank you for your attention. Regards, Giorgi Gogidze
Reported by GetHuman8620676 on Friday, September 15, 2023 10:07 AM
Our Facebook page, "The Mega Toy Auction," was suddenly unpublished without a warning or an explanation. We have been operating a live weekly toy presentation on our website, www.themegatoyauction.co.uk, where we showcase toys for sale. It is essential to mention that we adhere strictly to the guidelines by not using any unlicensed content, offensive language, hate speech, or images that violate Facebook's community standards. Unfortunately, just 5 minutes before a scheduled live presentation, we received a notification stating that our page was unpublished due to it going against community standards. This occurrence is detrimental to our business, which heavily relies on social media presence. We are urgently seeking assistance in resolving this issue to restore our page online. Your guidance and help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman8620788 on Friday, September 15, 2023 12:22 PM
Hello Facebook Team, I recently deactivated my Facebook account to take a break, but since there was no temporary deactivation option, I ended up deleting it. I intended to log back in after 29 days but forgot to do so, resulting in my account being permanently removed. Could you please assist me in recovering my account? Thank you. Phone: [redacted] Email: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8619140 on Friday, September 15, 2023 4:46 PM
Dear Sir/Madam, I have a lucrative business idea that has the potential to generate significant income. I lack the necessary funds to pursue it effectively. If you are interested in undertaking this venture in India, I would be willing to share this exceptional idea with you. This is not an ordinary concept; it has the capacity to become a global business. By reaching out to meta (Facebook), it could evolve into one of the largest and most profitable enterprises worldwide within a short span of 5 months. I urge you to consider this proposition. Regards, Raghvendra Kunwar Bharti from India
Reported by GetHuman8621265 on Friday, September 15, 2023 5:30 PM
Hello, my name is Ufayo Davis. I opened my first Facebook account around [redacted] or [redacted] and used it until [redacted]. Recently, when I tried to log in on my laptop, it was blocked, and despite my efforts to recover it, I have been unable to do so. I have been asked to provide my national identity card, which includes some other names not on the account, creating a mismatch. The phone number I initially used is no longer in use, and the email associated with the account ([redacted]) is also defunct. Some of the previous passwords I used include "president" and "Auchi Poly," and the account names include Ajomo Blessing White, Marian Johnson, and Jeff Musa. To confirm my identity further, I used an additional phone number ([redacted]5) and an email address ([redacted]), which I also use for another Facebook account. The username for the current one is Didi Ufayo, but I would prefer to regain access to my original account, Ufayo Davis.
Reported by GetHuman-ufayodav on Friday, September 15, 2023 10:33 PM
Hello Facebook team, I am a genuine user of this account, and your security system mistakenly disabled my personal Facebook account. You disabled my account due to a violation of Facebook community standards, but I have provided all the necessary identification to reopen my Facebook account. I hope you review my appeal promptly and reinstate my account. Name: Sandesh Gunjal Email: [redacted] Phone: [redacted] Country: India
Reported by GetHuman8622013 on Saturday, September 16, 2023 6:17 AM
Hello, my name is Obera Emmanuel Jr. from Nigeria. I have been an active user of my Facebook account for nearly 20 years. Today, when I attempted to log in as I do daily and enjoy, I received an error stating that my email was not found. I am concerned and unsure if my account has been compromised. I kindly request assistance in resolving this issue promptly. Thank you for your help. Account Details: Name: Obera Emmanuel Jr. Email: [redacted] Password: Motion
Reported by GetHuman8622079 on Saturday, September 16, 2023 8:04 AM
Hello, I am seeking assistance with my Facebook account under the name Faithy Tommy and linked to phone number [redacted]4. I am encountering several issues including: 1. Inability to access my account. 2. Unable to reset the password. 3. Difficulty in obtaining the recovery code. 4. When applying for recovery, the process seems to loop without sending the recovery code. 5. Despite repeated attempts, I have not received any assistance from the support team.
Reported by GetHuman8622461 on Saturday, September 16, 2023 3:49 PM
Dear Facebook Team, I am unable to access my Facebook account due to the loss of the security code from the Google Authentication app. Although I have my password, I need assistance with receiving the required security code. Two-factor Authentication is enabled on my account, but I cannot turn it off without this code. Your help in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, অচেনা পাখি Device Name: Samsung Galaxy M01core
Reported by GetHuman-stromtom on Saturday, September 16, 2023 4:38 PM
Hello, my account has been hacked. The data configuration and recovery information have been deleted, and new numbers and Gmail have been changed. The registered Facebook account email [redacted] has been hacked by an anonymous user. This is a major problem for me. The first number for recovery codes when I forget my password is [redacted]54 and [redacted]2. I need help as this account is linked to a website project for patients in Germany called "Deutschland Cannabis Medizin." I am the real administrator of the site and need assistance. I can provide my personal data via email. Please contact me at my new email address [redacted] for help as I cannot access my hacked accounts. Thank you. Greetings from Germany.
Reported by GetHuman-cmedizin on Saturday, September 16, 2023 5:14 PM
Hello Facebook Team, I sincerely apologize for the trouble regarding a copyrighted video uploaded on Facebook that has been reported. I seem to have lost access to various Facebook features including liking, commenting, sharing, uploading videos and photos, and chatting. I have been prompted to confirm my identity with a photo and reminded to complete the request for a review of my advertising access within 23 days before it's permanently restricted. Although I have been trying to submit with a photo, I keep encountering errors. Your assistance in resolving these Facebook policy issues promptly would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Best regards.
Reported by GetHuman8622572 on Saturday, September 16, 2023 5:17 PM
Hello Facebook Team, I want to sincerely apologize. I unknowingly uploaded a copyright video on Facebook, and as a result, I am being reported. Unfortunately, this has caused me to lose access to various Facebook features such as liking, commenting, sharing, uploading photos, and chatting. I need assistance in resolving this policy issue promptly. I received a message asking me to confirm my identity with a photo and also a notification regarding reviewing my advertising access request. I attempted to submit the required information with a photo, but I keep encountering errors. I appreciate your help in resolving this matter. Thank you, and I look forward to your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman8622572 on Saturday, September 16, 2023 5:19 PM

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