DTE Energy Customer Service Issues

Archive 2

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about DTE Energy customer service, archive #2. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported May 13, 2020 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I am interested in converting my power lines to underground. Currently, I have two poles in my yard, one of which is old and has woodpecker holes. I am seeking guidance from a local DTE representative to explore my options. I am capable of running underground conduit from my house to the first pole and am curious if there is a possibility of receiving a discounted cost per foot due to eliminating the damaged pole. I reside in Dexter, MI [redacted] and look forward to your response. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-kukrupsk on Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2020 13:54
Half of the house is experiencing electrical issues. The master bedroom, second bedroom, and third bedroom are without power in the outlets and lights. In the first bedroom, ceiling lights work but outlets are out. The family room is functioning fine. In the kitchen, stove outlet is working, but the rest, including the fridge and microwave outlets, are not. The breakfast area and dining area have issues with the outlets, while the lights are fine. The living room has only one working outlet. The office has no issues with lights and outlets. It seems like there may be a problem with the main electrical line affecting multiple rooms in the house.
Reported by GetHuman-cmubigbo on Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2020 18:02
I recently purchased a house at [redacted] Maple Street in Central Lake, Michigan. The home is currently undergoing rehabilitation. Even though the property used to have gas service, it was disconnected by DTE after being abandoned. The new house design does not include gas service, so I contacted DTE to remove their meter bracket and gas line since it was in the way of planned construction work. Despite my objections, they informed me of a $[redacted] charge for the removal, which I refused to pay. I explicitly told them to leave it, but they removed it anyway. Notably, there is no active account with DTE for this property. Additionally, they erroneously billed me for my home in Brighton and included the unauthorized $[redacted] charge. I have documentation of my multiple attempts to communicate my stance to DTE, including emails and phone calls. Unfortunately, my recent tries to reach the demolition department were unsuccessful. I am informing them that I will not be paying the extra charge and hope they can remove it to avoid any disputes.
Reported by GetHuman-nivekgat on Montag, 13. Juli 2020 19:35
I recently received a shut-off notice from DTE regarding my gas and lights, effective August 20, [redacted]. My divorce from my husband, Delmar W., was finalized on August 3, [redacted]. Since March of this year, Delmar had been making electronic withdrawals for the gas and lights from his credit union account at Public Service. However, I believe he canceled this arrangement with DTE, leading to the shut-off notice I received today. Delmar no longer resides in our home due to spousal abuse and a restraining order. Therefore, I, Peggy W., need to establish a new account with DTE for the gas and lights and have the bills in my name as Delmar is responsible for the outstanding balance. In March, DTE informed that Delmar changed the billing address to a P.O. box instead of our home address, causing confusion with receiving bills. I am a senior enrolled in the program and seek assistance to rectify this promptly to avoid service disconnection. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman-peggwils on Sonntag, 9. August 2020 21:52
I recently contacted to have my electricity disconnected due to a family emergency, but I no longer need to be away as originally planned. Could I please have an extension until my disconnect date on 12/17/20 to pay the outstanding balance? I am aware of the past due amount and the older balance from a different address due to identity theft. I am committed to paying an additional $50 monthly to reduce the older balance. It is essential for me to have heat during this cold season, and I am unable to afford a large payment right now. The gas service is functioning at [redacted] 17th St, Ecorse, MI, but I urgently need assistance. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Reported by GetHuman5533602 on Dienstag, 8. Dezember 2020 15:28
The streetlight outside [redacted] Marshall Street has been out for a while. In the summer, it wasn't a big concern, but with snow and ice now, it's become dangerous walking from the car to the house. At 75 years old, living with two older ladies, safety is vital. I've tried calling about the issue, but it's confusing which button to press. Although changing the bulb seems simple, it's too high for us three little old ladies. Please send someone to fix it soon before any accidents happen. Thank you. Carmen Maley.
Reported by GetHuman5619719 on Dienstag, 5. Januar 2021 14:48
Several years ago, when the cable TV wires were installed on Edison poles, they were pulled too tight, causing concerns at my residence. Over time, the house lead has been extended twice on the front yard pole by Edison. Guide wires were added from the front pole to the back pole, leading to the back pole leaning towards the front one. This has dangerously dropped my neighbor's house lead close to my barn roof and caused wires to come in contact with a maple tree in my back yard. Despite my efforts to get tree companies to address the issue, they refuse, stating Edison should inspect the tree. Edison's tree service has visited multiple times but deemed the wires as secondary lines not warranting action. They insisted on me obtaining a contract from another tree service, but an email from them indicated only a quote was necessary. The tree service I contacted stated they couldn't proceed since the tree issue falls under Edison's jurisdiction. I have reported this problem to DTE numerous times in the past decade but to no avail. It is crucial for an Edison supervisor to assess the situation instead of relying solely on the tree service representatives.
Reported by GetHuman-stierjoh on Mittwoch, 15. September 2021 17:42
On October 3rd or 4th, there was a loud high-pitched noise, causing the microwave to stop working. Initially, only the refrigerator light was on, but then it was discovered the refrigerator and oven weren't working. However, the oven seems to be functioning now. After contacting Consumers Power, a technician visited last night regarding Order #[redacted]2 and identified the compressor in the refrigerator as the issue. To confirm if there was a power surge, reaching out to DTE was recommended, especially considering the smart meters at [redacted] Sugarbush Ct. Shelby Township in Thunder Bay Condos. To inform the homeowners, the source needs to be identified. Contact can be made at [redacted] (house) or [redacted] (cell). The account number provided is [redacted]81.
Reported by GetHuman6691163 on Samstag, 9. Oktober 2021 17:44
Non-Emergency Service Relocation Request: I am the Secretary of the Yerkes Manor Estates Subdivision Association in Novi. Our request is to relocate the DTE service hookup from Lot 32's front yard to one of the entry islands on Veranda Drive, near the street light on 8 Mile Rd. The purpose of this request is to continue powering flood lights for the subdivision sign and a GFI box for occasional landscaping and seasonal lighting needs. For further discussion, please reach out to me at [redacted]. Thank you. Steve Miles - Secretary
Reported by GetHuman6769177 on Dienstag, 2. November 2021 16:26
Hello, I am the owner of [redacted] Elizabeth Street, Middleton, MI [redacted]. I recently reached out to DTE and was informed of an issue preventing gas hookup at the property. The house was rented until July 17, [redacted], when the tenants, Brian Ejarque and Misty Dunn Ejarque, were evicted following the lifting of the Covid eviction ban. The property has been vacant since then. I can provide documentation, including a court order and process server details from the eviction. The residence requires heating to prevent the pipes from freezing. What steps can I take to have gas service restored at the property? Thank you, Terrance Minarik.
Reported by GetHuman-tjmsuper on Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2021 15:16
I recently received a notice about the removal of trees on my property at [redacted] Ringneck Way, Gregory, Michigan, [redacted], in Iosco Township, Livingston County. I strongly oppose this action. Unfortunately, the provided phone number, [redacted], is not working. I am reaching out to discuss this matter and would like to resolve it promptly. If I do not hear back, I will have to prevent access to my property for your workers and equipment. Thank you for your attention to this issue. Sincerely, S. Postill.
Reported by GetHuman-susanmpo on Freitag, 31. Dezember 2021 17:47
Dear DTE, I am seeking an explanation for the power outage on 4/20/22 in Port Sanilac, Michigan. This issue occurs frequently even without adverse weather conditions. While I've heard of improvements at our power station, the service doesn't reflect it, only higher bills. The installation of costly windmills seems unnecessary. I believe DTE should provide clearer communication regarding outages rather than redirecting calls abroad, leaving customers dissatisfied. I hope for a genuine response and transparency regarding these matters. Sincerely, Gail B. from Port Sanilac, MI.
Reported by GetHuman-familytw on Donnerstag, 21. April 2022 10:40
While I was out of the country, a new gas meter was installed on April 9th, and DTE workers ignited my furnace and water boiler. Initially, everything was working well. However, upon a friend's inspection, it was discovered that the gas had been completely shut off. DTE sent a worker to reignite the furnace and water boiler, revealing that the furnace's ignition was now faulty. I was unaware of this and had received no communication regarding the gas shut off at my residence, [redacted] Woodmont Ave Detroit MI [redacted]. I plan to take legal action upon my return at the end of the month, as I am puzzled about the timing and cause of the gas disconnection. Footage shows the initial installation and ignition by DTE workers on April 9th to prove the system was working then. Why was my gas shut off again without any notification?
Reported by GetHuman-estoxa on Sonntag, 1. Mai 2022 06:29
I recently had a tree trimming crew from DTE service at [redacted] W. Hildale, Detroit, MI [redacted] on July 1st. After their work, I noticed they left wood in my yard and trimmed the trees excessively, making them look like sticks. They should have been completely taken down. Furthermore, one limb was left hanging over the power line to my home. I understand DTE's interest in trimming, but leaving the trees bare is unacceptable. The crew failed to clean up after themselves as there was trash left in my yard. Additionally, the truck was driven on my lawn, damaging the grass. I have photos documenting these issues and would appreciate if DTE could address and correct them promptly.
Reported by GetHuman-derbassb on Samstag, 2. Juli 2022 18:24
In April [redacted], I requested the cancellation of the Energy Bridge & charge. After receiving an email from Shashi D., a DTE Insight Technical Support Agent, with return instructions and a mailing label, I promptly returned the Energy Bridge as requested. Despite assurances that the monthly charge would be cancelled, I have received two billing statements with the $2.11 charge for the Insight Bridge still present. I have contacted Shashi D. regarding this issue but have not received a response. I am once again seeking the cancellation of this charge, having followed all return instructions in April. I am hesitant to deduct the charge myself for fear of incurring a late fee. Can someone please assist in resolving this matter promptly? Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman7657316 on Freitag, 22. Juli 2022 19:02
We are being billed over $[redacted] by DTE every month. At one point, we fell behind, and all our benefits were taken away. In our household, we have a disabled senior and a toddler, and we used to be on a senior plan. Despite that, the cost for gas and electricity was still over $[redacted] monthly. We used our tax returns to catch up when we realized the bill had increased due to missed payments, accumulating interest, and without prior warning. After paying off the bill, which had exceeded $[redacted], we are still being charged over $[redacted] monthly. Is this the typical amount people pay? It seems unfair that basic necessities like air conditioning and electricity are becoming unaffordable. I would appreciate a thorough review of DTE's billing practices and possible overcharges. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman7693057 on Mittwoch, 3. August 2022 14:29
I would like to thank DTE for restoring the electrical service in our neighborhood. One of my neighbors, R.B. @ [redacted] Norton Rd., Howell, MI [redacted], experienced a tree damaging the power line in his yard. Despite the efforts made by Altec with preventive tree maintenance, there are still branches left on the ground that need to be cleared to fully release the power lines. In the past few days, Asplund trucks have been in the area, but they have not adequately addressed the tree branches that need to be chipped and removed. A team from Asplund arrived today but did not have the necessary equipment to finish the job left by Altec. Please send a tree service truck to clear all the branches from the ground and a DTE truck to clean up the debris left behind. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. R.B.'s phone number: [redacted] R.B.'s email address: [redacted] My phone number: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman7780555 on Samstag, 3. September 2022 22:10
I attempted to contact customer service regarding DTE's credit policy for our two recent extended power outages. The voice-menu indicated a 14-minute wait time, so I opted for a call back. When the call came through, I answered but was unexpectedly disconnected without a follow-up call. Turning to Get Human, the latest update was two days old. I noticed incorrect information posted: firstly, the call back service doesn't seem to be available, and secondly, speaking with the operator directed me to the emergency operator instead of public relations. When I asked to be transferred, I was informed it couldn't be done, and I was advised to call the [redacted] number again and follow the options. I explained that I had already tried that to no avail, and the operator was unable to assist further, leaving me to end the call.
Reported by GetHuman8267564 on Mittwoch, 29. März 2023 19:03
Following a power surge while we were away in Florida in mid-March, our house sustained damage to several appliances due to six breakers that were tripped. The repair of our geothermal system alone amounted to over $1,[redacted] for replacing modules and circuit boards. Moreover, a sizeable printer, dishwasher, telephone units, surge protection power strip, and electric car charger were among the items destroyed. The geothermal technician suggested that DTE inspect their meters for any possible damage, as he observed fluctuations in the incoming line while working on repairs. I am requesting DTE to assess the meters and electric service in our all-electric home for any damage or adjustments like changes in time of day settings. Additionally, I am seeking recommendations for whole-house surge protection equipment, excluding monthly services. I waited on hold with DTE customer service for more than 50 minutes today, and when I started to explain my concerns to the representative (possibly Tonya), the call suddenly went silent, followed by a dial tone. Dennie G. [redacted] Edgeland Drive, Lakeland, MI 48[redacted] Account: [redacted] Contact: Home Phone: [redacted] Mobile: [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-dgrabow on Freitag, 14. April 2023 18:19
Hi there, I trust you are doing well. Our Accounting team is presently updating vendor details, which includes W-9 forms. At this time, we do not possess a W-9 form from your company in our records. I kindly request you to complete the attached form and send it back to me at [redacted] to help us maintain accurate information. If you are not the appropriate contact for this request, could you kindly direct me to the correct person? Please feel free to reach out if you have any queries. Have a fantastic day!
Reported by GetHuman8448868 on Mittwoch, 21. Juni 2023 17:36

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