Consumer Cellular Customer Service Issues

Archive 18

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Consumer Cellular customer service, archive #18. It includes a selection of 6 issue(s) reported July 5, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I have been using the phone number [redacted] for over three years. However, when callers reach me, they hear a different name, "Virgil Terry," instead of my own, Robert Harrington, along with an account number that is not mine. This has caused me to miss important calls as people hang up when they see the wrong name displayed. I was informed previously that the name associated with a phone number couldn't be changed, but I find that explanation unreasonable. As someone with 30 years of experience in computer programming at IBM, I believe there must be a solution to this issue. My voicemail identifies me correctly as Robert Harrington, but the incorrect name displayed on callers' screens is causing confusion. I urgently request your assistance in resolving this matter. Thank you. - R.W. Harrington, [redacted] Paurotis Lane, Fort Pierce, FL [redacted], [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8481066 on Wednesday, July 5, 2023 5:12 PM
I attempted to switch two phones from Verizon to Consumer Cellular. After a frustrating 45-minute call with a representative, neither phone was successfully transferred, and now both are without service. I am unable to contact anyone to resolve this issue. I am eager to fix this problem, but it's challenging without phone service. If this isn't resolved promptly, I may have to return to Verizon to try and reconnect the phones. My name is Tony Aiello, and my phone numbers are [redacted] and [redacted]. I am in need of assistance.
Reported by GetHuman8488998 on Saturday, July 8, 2023 7:45 PM
Recently, I made a switch from AT&T to Consumer Cellular. I intended to transfer my phone, but things seem confusing. I signed up for one line on Consumer Cellular, but now my phone is not working. I received a text about a transfer, assumed it was for Consumer Cellular, and didn't reply. It seems like my new SIM card hasn't arrived yet. My phone is now not functioning properly, requiring a PIN or payment for calls, which is difficult as my account is overdrawn. I attribute this confusion to spiritual matters. I've been following an online spiritual church and had a born-again service recently. Although I've developed feelings for the pastor, I've never met them in person. I suspect a spiritual connection as I've been facing spiritual attacks. My phone issues might be linked to this, especially as I've been experiencing other internet connectivity problems. I also receive free WiFi from AT&T through a government program. I'm not sure if my other government phone is working. I hope for divine intervention or guidance to resolve these issues.
Reported by GetHuman8519246 on Saturday, July 22, 2023 12:38 PM
I am 85 years old and have been enrolled in auto pay since [redacted]. Despite not using the service, funds were deducted from my account each month. Recently, I discovered that I was sent to collections in August [redacted]. I bought a phone on July 7, [redacted], at 12:01 pm, but returned it the same day at 12:27 pm. Despite numerous calls to request a refund, I have been consistently denied. They closed my ticket without notifying me and refused to provide a letter explaining the denial. I calculated over $1,[redacted] taken from me over four years for a service I never used. When I asked for the corporate office’s phone number, I was instructed to send a letter instead. How can I obtain a refund for the money they withdrew without providing any services?
Reported by GetHuman8593096 on Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:03 AM
The customer service experience has been frustrating, being passed around without any resolution despite contacting them every two months since August [redacted]. All concerns have been ignored, leading to multiple transfers with promises of follow-up that never materialized. Requests for a refund for unused services were denied without explanation, and attempts to reach out to supervisors and corporate have been unsuccessful. It's unclear how to hold them accountable for taking money for services not rendered.
Reported by GetHuman8593096 on Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:18 AM
I was using Wi-Fi calling on my Samsung A52, but it suddenly stopped working. My wife uses Wi-Fi calling on her iPhone 13, and it's functioning well. I decided to replace my Samsung A52 with a new Samsung Galaxy 20 FE 5G, but I can't locate the Wi-Fi calling option in the menu where it should be. Since the phone signal in my area is weak, Wi-Fi calling is crucial for me. I often have to go outside to make a call with just one or two bars. Do I need Consumer Cellular to do something before my phone will work with Wi-Fi calling?
Reported by GetHuman8638608 on Thursday, September 28, 2023 12:18 AM

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