AT&T Wireless BusinessDirect

Phone Number & Getting a Rep

AT&T Wireless BusinessDirect number

Toll-free·Calls BusinessDirect·See main phone number & contact info

How do I talk to a human at this AT&T Wireless number?

A:Choose an option, 1 step required.

Does this phone number work 24/7?

A:No. Hours for this phone number are Mon-Fri 8am-10pm EST. The least busy day is Thursday, and the most busy day is Monday. See below for more and to learn where this data comes from.

How long will I have to wait to speak to AT&T Wireless BusinessDirect?

A:The average hold time is 9 minutes. The longest hold times are on Tuesday, and the shortest are on Thursday.

All AT&T Wireless customer service contact information

This is the #3 most popular AT&T Wireless phone number out of 6. Click above to go back to the main customer service number and other contact information, including AT&T Wireless email addresses, twitter handles, and live chat options.

More AT&T Wireless Customer Phone Numbers

Customer Service

Main phone number · Toll-free · Mon-Fri 8am-10pm, Sat-Sun 7am-7pm EST · Press 0 then 0# then 0 · Are you calling about the number you are calling from? Yes or No.

Order New Service

Toll-free · 24 hours, 7 days · Press 1 to sign up for service, press 1 for customer service, please 3 for upgrading service ·

Customer Service

24 hours, 7 days · Only from a AT&T Wireless phone · From your cell phone say "Representative" or "Agent" ·

New Customer Concierge

Toll-free · Mon-Fri 4am-9pm, Sat 4am-4pm PST · This phone number is for setting up new service only. Talk immediately with a live person who can help you compare and choose packages. Super knowledgeable and friendly representatives ready to take your call, compliments of GetHuman. ·

International Customer Service

24 hours, 7 days · Calling this AT&T Wireless number should go right to a real human being · Are you calling about the number you are calling from? Yes or No.

How do I get through the phone menu to a real live person?

GetHuman researchers routinely call this AT&T Wireless phone number to document the phone system.
Here is our latest tip for weaving through the phone menu to get to a real person the fastest: Choose an option, 1 step required.

What are the hours and when should I call?

AT&T Wireless operates the call center for this 866-499-8008 phone number Mon-Fri 8am-10pm ET. The short answer is that you should call on a Thursday. This observation and the following section are based on analysis of a sample set of 12,034 calls made in the last 90 days using our free, web-based phone (see above).
An important note: busy times vs hold times vs best time to call
When we refer to busy or less busy times, we are talking about the volume of calls. The busiest times are when the most people are calling this AT&T Wireless phone number (least busy times have fewer people calling). This high call volume does not necessarily mean that you will have a long hold time when you call. Companies like AT&T Wireless staff their call centers differently based on the time of day and day of the week, so you may experience a shorter wait on hold at the busiest of times. When we refer to the best time to call, we are referring to the optimal combination of lower call volume and shorter wait times.

The least busy time to call

The least busy day to call AT&T Wireless is Thursday. The most busy day to call is Monday. Again, this is based on a sample of 12,034 calls made with our AI-powered, web-based phone in the last 90 days.

The shortest wait on hold

We measured the shortest hold times to be on Thursday. The longest wait in the queue on average occurs on Tuesday.

The best time to call

In summation, the best day to call AT&T Wireless is Thursday. In this case, it's a no-brainer. Thursday is not only the least busy day for calling this AT&T Wireless number, but it is also the day with the shortest hold times.

Why call this AT&T Wireless number?

Below is a sample of recent calls to AT&T Wireless, and their purpose. Are any of these similar to the reason you are trying to call?
: ""
- From a call lasting 1m 49s , Sep 2, 2024 8:47 PM

Calling this AT&T Wireless Customer Number

Jeff Whelpley is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Dec 18, 2023

My mother is moving in with my family because after her hip surgery, she's just not able to get around her home like she should. However, my husband and I both work during the day, so we need a way to keep in contact with her, and we don't have a landline. So, I called AT&T Wireless's 866-499-8008 phone number to talk about adding a line to our plan.

Now, I'm aware that AT&T offers a large range of services, including phone, cable, internet, and more. I figured I would be on hold for a while, so I waited until a Sunday afternoon when I had the time to sit on hold. However, I was pleasantly surprised. It only took me about two minutes to actually talk to someone and the automated system was very easy to use. I wouldn't think twice about calling AT&T in the future if I had any other issues.

I'll note, though, that this number doesn't actually work. When I called it, a voice recording said, "Thank you for calling AT&T about your wireless service. You have reached a number that is no longer in service. For assistance, please dial 1-800-331-0500. Or dial 611 from your wireless device." That was disappointing, but I called the number provided and was connected to AT&T, so it was only a few seconds of a detour.

The voice assistant answered and said, "Welcome to AT&T. Calls are recorded for quality. What’s the issue you are calling about?" I responded, "Add a line." Then, the voice assistant inquired, "Are you calling to add service to an existing AT&T account? Which would you like to do, add a line, upgrade a device, or something else?" I repeated what I needed, and it was able to use my number to look up my account.

It then asked if I wanted the information on adding a line texted or emailed to me. I wanted to talk to someone and not do it over the Internet, so I said, "Talk to someone." I didn't think that would work, but instantly the assistant recognized my need and responded, "Okay, let me get to someone who can help. One minute now while I handle your request." I had to wait about a minute and listen to a couple of privacy disclaimers. Then, the customer service rep picked up the phone and walked me through the process.

Jeff truly believes that all customers deserve good service. He’s been building tools, inventing phone tree hacks and helping customers since before his days at GetHuman. He's also a Google GDE and involved in the Angular community.

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